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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. so is this related to the eagle who moved out of his parents house and in with the SM?????
  2. guessing it is an adult led troop and the red and green is like a cub scout blue and gold banquet.
  3. More hypothetical 2% information to offer advise. All scouts do not deserve an Eagle. This case we have no idea because of the lack of information. Kid could be a punk, mom and dad could be abusers we just don't know from the information provided.
  4. This is a really simple problem... So you cut a thin wedge which leaves you a lot of extra wood.....Glue it the top and extend it..... or I would take a aluminum strap and then put some tungsten cylinders on the end....... I would worry about getting the Center of Gravity too far back and not being able to keep the car on the track. This only works on a track that has a flat run out before the finish line if it is a perfect 30 degrees from start thru the finish line it would not make any difference. There is lots of ways to extend the car chassis......
  5. A pack is a personal choice..... I think a yucca pack for nostalgia sack is cool or even as an educational piece....I would not hike with one There are much better packs out their made my a number of manufactures.......If you are a boy scout leader, I encourage you to use this as a training moment......Whether your aware of it or not, the BSA and scout leaders have a terrible reputation in the outdoor community for training our scouts poorly or incorrectly in outdoor gear. If you have gotta have american made then ULA is a fantastic pack.....spendy made in utah. Mystery ranch is another that is made in MT.....Superior quality packs, but way to heavy for my tastes. I know dana design used to be made in the states, but since marmot purchased them I am not sure if they are made here or not. Granite gear makes some fantastic packs..... light weight very durable, again, probably not made here in the US. Osprey are sort of a standard....but they are heavy and more than what most folks need. I have a kelty storm cloud or something that is probably 15 year old or more I use for a day pack if I need one......Held up fantastic....I would like to upgrade to something lighter, just can't justify spending the money
  6. You could scrub the carbon off with dirt or just zip lock bag the whole thing. I have a ziploc inside drawsting bag to critter proof all my food and cook gear.
  7. It is council based decision.......Our council and scout shop will no longer take hand written advancement forms or forms printed from troopmaster or any other advancement program......It is required to be entered into scoutnet and that form is expected to be printed it is the only acceptable format. I will say errors to our troop and pack record have gone down....... Money saving on the council level at its finest.
  8. al depends where you are at..... We have fantastic coordination in our Pack and troop program. We met at the same time and location, he webelos to the opening the the troop and then leave to their room to do their program. The webelos also camp with the troop on a couple of occasions during the year. If you invited yourself to their pack meeting.....bad idea. They may already have a relationship with a troop. I would call and maybe offer the troops services at the Packs campout or Pack meetings.. Send the Pack Den chiefs...... Invite their webelos dens on a Webelos weekend......get with their leaders and see what sort of advancement activities they need.
  9. Yep, started first trip to gilwell with the SPL telling us that her and the CD have been working on the course for a year now....and that the Staff had "sacrificed multiple weekends to meet and plan the course for us, plus they had the course weekends." Then the staff started awarding each other Saturday night first weekend.... I don't understand the joke behind the golden toilet paper. I am tired and hungry and just would like some dinner please.
  10. Beavah....you are very correct......A scout who made an accusation to the DE or SE about me regarding a YPT violation would never be in my presence again or have any communication....... This would be for my and my scouts protection. And quoting passages and pages from documents make me believe you are merely grinding an ax....... So I did the Google search and it turned up one pedophile....... Why don't you post links to what you would like us to see. If it were my son, I would pick him up dust him off and find another troop that is more suited to his temperament...... Taser......I am probably a very sympathetic ear when it comes to issues with councils and districts....I take YPT very seriously.......You have given us zero information beyond the boys were victims and the SM was mean to them......seems pretty thin.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. so 2 minutes for a presentation.... let me see most folks did one or more presentation with a course of say 30 participants. that is an hour and a half worth of presentations. on top of a 75 minute dinner..............
  12. 20 minutes is all wow that is sad. Ours went significantly longer than that.....we used perfect n and every boy raced every lane twice. After that the sibs and adults raced.....then we had grudge matches..... those who were tired, bored left after the main feature finished......It went on for another two hours......... We had Mario kart races and brackets, wii projector......We built car stands......we made pinewood necker slides...... We had lunch....... It was a blast.
  13. Paint is routine and preventative maintenance.
  14. Oh the cross over ceremony..... http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=303038 http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=228629&p=1 Unlike dad, I don't think letting them cross the bridge is correct or fair to the other boys who have commited to being a boy scout.
  15. Sounds like fun Visited with the son a year or so ago....He thought it was really cool, wife and daughter passed... Mutters medical museum.......Medical oddities..... they currently have albert einsteins brain on display..... Ate Genos and Pats.....I like Jim's better........Guess you need to try them all and let us know what you think. Lukes is rated #1 never ate there http://www.urbanspoon.com/f/21/2012/Philadelphia/Cheesesteaks-Restaurants
  16. Then why didn't the DE say either We do not do the checks locally they are handled at the national level.......I am ok with that.... I have no idea....let me check on it and get back with you.......I am ok with that too. Instead smoke and mirrors
  17. Get I was handed by the DE....I want to know I check the local court info in the county's surrounding us....and in the past stuff has popped up.....nothing major......but stuff.
  18. I forgot to ask in my original post What is a disqualifying conviction????? or offense?????
  19. I think the biggy here is were "kicked out of their units" from the original poster..... Well let me see kicking a boy out of my unit....what would it take. Fighter, gets in fights at the drop of the hat, Thief...caught multiple times stealing Convicted murderer or rapist a car thief and burgler....ya probably.... Beyond than not sure. My point is it takes a lot to get kicked out of a unit.
  20. I think calico nailed it. I have never seen a boy rewarded or awarded for being a SPL or TG. So what makes woodbadge different????? I think it starts with the SPL and CD making sure the participants are all very aware of their sacrifices. Then they start thanking every single member of staff at every single troop gathering......
  21. So ya have a new leader fills out the application...... As a good leader you call the references who are friends and family.......Who exalt the leader is a great guy or gal bet their lives on it.......hmmmmmm Really So I called the DE and asked him, what is involved in the Background check, who does it???? Local police, State Police, Private agency???? Well he wouldn't tell me......So I have my doubts about it being done.........or it just might be a quick search of scout net to make sure they are not on the ban for life list. As a Troop or Pack Do you go beyond just calling the references??? What service do you use or do just check the local civil and criminal courts websites?????? The other question......Pro's does you council actually do the background check?????? How extensive is it????
  22. Just curious... Are the boys out of school for something?????? What does the troop charge for an outing like this???
  23. Not a cub thing our troop and pack both recieve them as motivation to participate. Laurel, how many do you need???? I have a few extras. pm me
  24. wow, $3 for per scout for rapelling........I went to our council site and the Rapelling tower is not listed as a rental option any more...... Yep sounds like your camps are much cheaper than ours.
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