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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So eagle.....the pool of "truly" and "honestly" experience adults are getting smaller and smaller, the number of boys who were scouts that return or remain as Adults scouters is getting smaller and smaller.... The members of this board are an example, I am going to bet the average age is 50+...... If we do not have truly experienced adult leadership to pass the skills on to the youth leaders then where do we expect the training to come from??????
  2. eagle for forgot about the trophy for last place in the fire building contest......
  3. EDGE gets us in the head lines........ That Scouter in the mountains who got lost in less than an hour with a compass and map no less. Or that Scouter who got a boy killed hiking in a snow storm on the west coast.......
  4. My son owns a copy, the troop library has multiple copy's of at least three different printings.... I remember one specific moment in his advancement.....I think fire building for second class......He was complaining the book didn't have anything in it....... I gave him the field books out of my library I have 4 different editions.......
  5. Soooo, No field book, hmmmmmm. There is another nail in the coffin of traditional boy scout experience...... So where are the boys supposed to learn the skills????? Lets face it, most of the cube dwellers have no or limited outdoor experiences....... If IOLS fails to teach the subjects effectively, we end up with lost leaders and news headlines....... sitting here shaking my head.....
  6. gee, homeschoolers also doing the lone scout thing.......wow, big surprise. Big surprise that they also eagled with mom being all the merit badge councilors...... I still contend that National needs to step in and limit scouts to earning only three from the same councilor or limit three per councilor. Millennial parents or helicopter parents the leaders they become just can't help themselves.
  7. John.....when I heard the DE allowed it I was pissed....... It was absolutely ridiculous, the boy live less than 4 miles from 5 different troops. In a remote rural setting I get it, A boy with significant health issues I get it. Even in urban areas were there are no troops close or transportation to get there. But a spoil kid that won't camp.....Naw, the punk needs to scout up.
  8. Moose.....this family has a tradition of eagles on mom's side...her dad, brothers, his cousins are all eagles......He will not break tradition, her words. He has a receipt for summer camp.....that will be enough for most councilors....Plus he has a year of troop camp flyers....Now he didn't go on them and the one he did mom came and got him saturday morning after he hid in his tent the second it was put up.
  9. We have a lone scout that left our troop. If you remember the mom who was going to get her eagle and the boy hates the outdoors, went to resident camp and mom and dad came and picked him up and they stayed at a motel instead of at camp. DE called SM and asked what the deal was.....Mom is going to get her eagle.....He is now a lone scout....In a year he made star and will be an eagle at 15.......
  10. Oh my term does not end till June 1..... so I will be plenty busy till then. Woodbadge staff....ya gotta be invited and I ain't one of the the good old boys...... I am not a man scout either, I can go backpacking, canoeing and fishing on my own when ever I want, I don't need the excuse of being a boy scout or doing it for my boys. I will continue to staff the IOLS course and my LNT workshops with the local park systems...... When my SM friend decides he wants to step down, I will be there trying to fill some pretty big shoes.....
  11. Our scout shop will take your name and how many you need and call you when they come in........ I wouldn't worry about it....Just call and ask when they normally get their shipments...
  12. That is great car camping where you have coverage.......I was thinking backpacking or more remote areas with no cell coverage..... We camp in national and state forests with near zero coverage
  13. Thx.... I have really struggled getting volunteers....When we started going over next year succession plan and the hands started going up.....I sat back and watched it go...... I will eventually be SM, but I am in no rush.... I will be kinda nice having a bit of time to myself.
  14. Yep we are in the foothills and have limited visibility because of terrain and thick trees..... Boating I can clearly understand.
  15. Council views you as an unacceptable risk........ You are no longer welcome in scouting, the letter is clear and said to sever all ties...... My point was even if the Council said you were ok to return your CO can still exclude you.
  16. Something doesn't make any sense...... I doubt that the council would act on just a rumor In my opinion, your selfish needs are not worth the risk you pose to the boys whether the accusations are real or not..... You have lost your oldest, instead of worrying about scouting maybe you should focus on the other two.... Done with this conversation......(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  17. So Pack, which detector do you own?????? I looked them up and they range in cost from $30 to several thousand....... So your out with the Troop and it goes off, then what?????? your camping no buildings around????? Forget BSA crouch in the middle of a field on you sleeping pad in the rain by yourself......realistically what do you do????
  18. Brother, you have a heck of a start to 2012.....Hope it gets better and glad your son did well in the derby....
  19. Yep, get some help....... I understand perfectly why the CO, SM and CC don't want you at the meetings...... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. One of the proudest moments in my Adult scouting Career......Just returned from the Pack committee meeting. I was replaced as CM for next scout year and had all of the positions filled by volunteers who well volunteered.....All are trained for their positions all ready... Heck even got the tiger den leader for next year......... I suppose I am bragging, but from where the pack was 3 years ago to where we are now is unbelievable. four interested adults to now 18 adults at the meeting with 28 registered......6 boys to 64 active. I can see my exit as a direct contact leader in cub scouting... Smiling........It is great to see an organization out grow you.......a proud moment.
  21. Yep, had an adult get their membership revoked.......... Tied an out of control ADD scout to a picnic table. Had another Pack treasurer just get removed for theft............CO refused to press charges but her membership was revoked. District or Council cannot tell a CO or Troop who is allowed to attend meetings. My example is not allowing the FOS presenter at the COH and Pack meeting. Cannot force it...(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  22. Depends an what your doin and where your going......Car camping you will probably have cell coverage, I just turn up the alert volumes....I just use weather bug and accuweather on my smart phone. For backpacking or places with no cell coverage Sangean DT 400W Weather alert radio Weather resistant, No stupid hand crank, too heavy.....small.... A nice feature would be the to have a portable unit that will take county codes, SAME, Specific area message Encoding, is what it is called....so in the middle of the night if a tornado or flood happens it will wake you up.....
  23. Now our villian in the story has a criminal record and spent some time in juvie....... Not sure anyone called ya a liar.....We just said we didn't have enough info to say anything.
  24. guessing this is Mom check out this post from the op http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=339599 Seems her membership was revoked at some point for something..... The plot thickens. and another post mbscoutmom Forum Member Registered: 1/31/2005 Location: Texas Posts: 118 RE: Girls In Cub Scouts Posted: Friday, 3/3/2006: 11:57:38 AM I have 2 daughters and 3 sons.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  25. gerh..... I gotta laugh here, I just got the flyer for the district awards dinner...... First off. The Hall is donated. The Main course is donated. The Staff is volunteer. Bring a side and Desert Bring your own place setting They are charging $10 a head...... There will be 75 people or so there.....So where does that $750 end up????????
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