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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I was program director and never went to camp school......threw the whole thing together in 3 or 4 months..... I was under the guidance of the neighboring districts PD....Met with her once, she gave me a zerox copy of her manual...... that was it. the CD did not go to NCS either..... no big deal.... The council and district made several thousand dollars....
  2. remember that it could be your son having a bad day and another scout runs his mouth and your scout pops him....Want him to end up in the back of a squad car.... Boys will be boys........ I hate to see the Man getting involved, which may lead to child protective services, which may lead too..................................
  3. Soooo a little confused here So in the thread I spun this from Many would call the law for an older scout "popping" a younger scout in the chin. I disagree In a thread a year or so ago, A boy scout gets caught with weed on a camp out and most would not call the law.... Again I disagree with most So where is the line?????? In my mind the drug violation is more significant than two boys tussling..... thoughts????
  4. maybe your SE is more responsive than ours...... but in my opinion it will get put in file 13.... The SE simply won't care about unit issues and it is basically a unit issue. The SE's main job is fund raising, going out rubbing elbows with the local business owners/operators to secure next years funding. Basically raising his pay check for next year. Most make way more than $100k that is a lot of FOS donations......
  5. Guess I musta missed why the law was going to get called???? For one boy who is a story teller saying he got "popped" in the chin????? Guess I missed why the troop leadership is negligent???? Sounds like trainer lady is portraying her son as the victim.......I bet this is the last time he goes on an outing with out mom in tow.....A shame. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. Eagle, has anyone reached out to the other packs????? a phone call is sometime is all it takes......but ya know that. Cranky volunteer, needs to change roles to one with less new scout/parent exposure. Getting info out.....Has anyone tried an email newsletter or district google group or facebook page???? This works great for cub family's because most are young and very engaged with technology. Roundtable stinks......the same program over and over and over again.... Far as putting your fires out.....One volunteer being rude does not make an entire tiger den quit....If it does then the parents were simply looking for an excuse. If you want to try to placate everyone, then cranky lady should be moved to a different job or asked to resign.....DE or DC should apologize to the CM or at the Packs Pack meeting... I am guessing winning in this situation might be minimizing the collateral damage. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  7. Dealt with issues similar but it involved a church elders grandson.....fighting with other scouts......we ended up leaving the Pack over it......The DE did nothing after a fight that drew blood was reported.... That was the reason for my question....... I think that the Troop leadership should suspend him for a number of weeks and outings, he should be removed from his POR....
  8. Hey that CM sounds like my kinda guy.......so did the cranky lady have her beads on?????? Eagle..............Sorry for your issues.... While it is easy to recruit leaders from your home unit, I have found it to be bad practice. You will burn them out, the other Packs need to buy into the activities as well. Sounds like the district volunteer was having a bad day.....If she is like that all the time it might just be time for her to retire.
  9. Yep event 1 boy would have been sent home, ranger called in to evaluate damage and to hand bill to mom when scout was picked up. 17 needs to pay for repairs to the cabin..... The duct taping boys is dicey, I would hope the CC and SM would address it. Just because he is an Eagle doesn't mean a thing....... Curious here, Is he the son of someone important to the CO or the Pack or troop????
  10. Alas...... I am guessing you will be crossing the webelos 2 very soon??????? He does not have to cross with the other boys and can remain a webelos 2 and finish his AOL.... The second thing is if he does not have the AOL he must be 11 to join the troop.
  11. mom..... We had this debate a couple of years ago in our Pack.....It was the committee members who son's earned the AOL vs. the boys who did not. Not it was only 3 boys.......but it was the point.. I told them if they wanted to change what it was called and add it to the AOL presentation that is fine. We present our Arrows at the Cross over ceremony.....The boys who are not crossing over are called up and are part of that ceremony then return to their seats.....the boys who are joining the troop cross the bridge and are greeted by the troop.
  12. Be careful what you wish for, just ask Laureann about the vipers. Jealously guard the job, Don't think so. So how can you troop have it's own policy and procedure regarding advancement????? Isn't that adding to the requirements????? I think it is a slippery slope..... I think it is pretty dicey for family friends to sign off on each other sons advancement....
  13. Curious How long have you been the Advancement Chair?????
  14. Career Arrows are a local Pack sort of thing, so it is up to the Pack leadership to decide. No national standards or practices But the name Career Arrow, in my mind, means exactly that. He is leaving cubs and should be given the Career arrow irregardless of AOL completion if that is the Packs standard practice. just my opinion.... Remember this is no a required award, a local extra award.
  15. I understand most of the folks on this board are from wealthy monochromatic suburbs, after all scouting is a rich boys game. But I see the disappearance of the middle class as a huge issue. In our town the rich enclaves are tearing up roads and creating street scapes blocking access to their islands of wealth in the sea of working poor. Their police force guard the entrances and if you don't have a valid parking sticker on your windshield they will pull you over. Gated communities....... So are we in need of change????? Political, yes social, yes economic, yes Can I suggest one, no......
  16. Just curious Who actually signed off his requirements as being completed?????? Mom and Dad.....NO, Never, BAD IDEA. If you cannot understand him then find someone who does.......We have a young man with palsy he has an ipad with a text to speech converter.......He manages to do well. His knot tying is tough to watch but he can tie the required ones. He needs a flat table to do it and some help getting them tightened up, but he gets them right.
  17. Our local tv station has 5 minutes at 6 pm edition where people can do a video resume.....It is fantastic fun to watch..... When you got the tear drop tattoos, did ya think you might want a decent job some day. Or that bunch of roses on your chest between the gals..... Or you name on the front of your neck. or that gun on your neck.... Or that tackle box in your lip an nose. or when you talk clicking that stud in your tongue is going to sound great on the phone.
  18. Cooler than the standard shirt...dries faster. Seems to be just as durable....cleans up good in the fire bucket at camp with just a little hand soap. The vent is ok not sure how much it actually helps
  19. I agree that lone scout is no more or less ripe for abuse by the folks interested in skirting the system in a Troop. My example of the non-camping scout getting his Eagle as a lone scout is the best example of abuse of the program.......Eagle mills are the example of abuse in a Troop.
  20. I received the same email even though I am an active currently registered scouter.
  21. My woodbadge course all of the participants camped the second weekend together. We cooked separately, but camped as a big group. We did not do a patrol hike either.
  22. Calico from yout defense of homeschooling and lone scouting..... I am guessing this is how you scout experienced it?????? As moose pointed out with the state of transportation preww2 lone scout was probably the only option for those boys. Far as the citation of famous people......I would like to compare that list to famous men who were scouts and enjoyed traditional scouting........patrols and learned leadership actually leading other boys. Most lone scouts I have dealt with have paranoid parents, over protective, helicopter or lazy. I don't have a problem with a boy with a health issue or is very rural to take advantage of the program..... I do have a problem with a boy ion a suburban are doing so when there are a number of troop within a couple of miles.
  23. Oh Calico......I will never sit on an EBOR...... Lone Scout is a really sad and pathetic way to experience scouting......I doubt it follows the vision of BP, Seton or Beard. My sons biggest joy in scouting is being with his patrol.....
  24. So are we dinosaurs???? Are we out of touch in believing that the outdoor program and skills that go along with it are important???? Maybe we should just forget about the outdoors...... After all lock ins are much easier for the cube dwelling experts.
  25. I think my wife looks very nice in her crew uniform....grrrrrrrraaarrrrrrr..... Pants and all.
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