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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So moxie Whose buying and paying for all this???? Could someone provide me a link to the inexpensive surplus chicken feather bags?????
  2. Now honestly, Do anyone of you know a 14 year old boy or girl that would think this is a great idea and enjoy doing it????????? I don't Now, the youth I serve are not wealthy and are under educated so........ I think the reenactment crew, they would enjoy, they would also enjoy the being on the crew that services our scout camps.
  3. 5 year you and the SM missed an opportunity...... while it is true he could not officially join, he is still a member of the BSA and could be a guest of the the troop for the 3 months till school ended. Instead you lost a potentially great scout....of course we will never know.
  4. So dennis.... bye bye.....does the merely mean sent home or ejected from troop there were 5 boys throwing knives according one of the follow up posts by the OP. Do all 5 get sent home or ejected from troop????
  5. I am not sure about a 9 year old in boy scouting...... I would have him meet the troop and then let them decide..... Irregardless of his intelligence it is a maturity level and how he interacts with the rest of the boys that matter. That would mean it would be possible to have an 11 year old eagle scout.
  6. Is this the youths idea or an adult?????? If it is something that the youth buy into and are excited about then pursue it... Sounds like an adult idea.
  7. dreaded double post(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. Smiling for you my friend..... Sounds like you are leaving the Pack in good hands at least for the next 4 years or so.... Go take your IOLS courses and Scoutmaster courses and enjoy boy scouting......Much more fun than cub scouting in my opinion.
  9. Well fish..... It takes a man to see it, understand it and act on it...... I would probably speak with him and see if he was interested before I would say anything to anyone else. Maybe second fiddle is his thing???? Don't know till ya ask. Congrats.....
  10. Irsap....I am not going to blindly follow what many on here say.... Like you if a young man asked me about the big dipper, I am not going to say ask your SPL. It simply does not make sense to have a manager managing only two subordinates... I would rather have him happy and engaged in a patrol rather than on the side watching...... We are a young troop our eldest member just turned 14 and if our only first class scout. We have only two small patrols.... SPL does not make sense for our group.
  11. moose you already know the answer to the question....... We had never had a Unit Commisioner.....This guy shows up out of the blue and is wondering around the CO in a scout uniform.... Ponz...A person who had came in introduced himself and did what a unit commissioner is supposed to do....Evaluate the meeting space, count leaders, adults, evaluate the program and boys.....How about helping with the recharter or program before you belittle my boys. Over reacting.....No I am expected to stand up for my boys, by my parents and leaders.....
  12. Ticks in february......it is gonna be an ugly summer.
  13. Yes, I had scope drift......... Initially my post was merely replacing the parent organization from the BSA to the BPSA. Tough sell to all involved. But wait, a possible fit. The girls who are in an adhoc sort of den already not really earning advancement now have an organization to join with its own advancement.....
  14. OGE. What the Heck?????? I might be interested in running the program for the girls in our Pack..... I can see our DE getting his panties in a bunch about it. Could you see the girls showing up at a council event in their uniforms????? Oh the drama.
  15. He could not throw them out of the troop. But he could get their membership revoked. Then being a member of the CO's unit is irrelevant..
  16. How long do you think it would take for that to get to the DE???? Days or hours????? In our district the rumor mill is horrible. how is the DE going to react knowing one of his units is going to depart in mass???? Remove the leadership to prevent it. I am thinking that this might be a good program for the young ladies in our group??????? We could run it parallel to the Boys in the BSA program.
  17. So 20 months is the length of service for a volunteer.... Well my experience is much different than that. I can see reasons for it being shorter. Job changes Divorces Boys losing interest Sports Cost Impossible maze of sometimes contradictory rules, permits and plans Training Snubbed at roundtable Good old boys club Well, I am lucky I guess, I have a core group of volunteer parents and within the last year added 8 more active parents....My shortest time volunteer is 7 month the tiger leader.....The others will be a year in the next couple of months... Our troop are all long time volunteer and I am the shortest term with 7 years of adult scouting. the longest is 50 years..... So is retention of volunteers something that needs worked on???? Can it be fixed or is it just a personality problem.
  18. Now scoutfish you understand that those temps are survival temperatures, not comfort temps...... I know about the hot water bottle trick. These are urban kids that don't have a proper winter coat, hat and glove let alone wool pants.
  19. Good for you evil......... When ever something like this crops up I ask that question of myself.....Where did I fail or how could this improve. Somethings you can control or teach around others you can't, you solution seems reasonable enough.
  20. acco....your going to have to explain to me in a two patrol troop why the position is needed???? In ours the program patrol leader is acting as SPL at events that require that position.
  21. That is a good Question Bovine Why go scouting at all????
  22. yes I was super pissed at the guy...... I did tell him to never return..... We have another unit commissioner, Never met him....... Let me tell you about our mandatory FOS presentation.
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