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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I enjoy the spirited discussion revolving around the Personal survival kit....... But do our scouts need another kit?????? First aid kit, fire building kit, personal survival kits. So when we go car camping why do we need a personal survival kit????? and when I go backpacking, well my survival kit is on my back. supporting arguments against a separate survival kits The boys in missouri, i believe, that were cut off while backpacking by a flood then "rescued" by helicopter. No special survival kit, just the gear on their back. The boys in North Carolina that got separated from their troop while backpacking. No special survival kit...Set up the gear in their packs and ate the food they carried. Car camping you should never ever need one. On an established trail system common in most of the united states you should not need one. Your are within a couple of hours to a days walk of a highway. So are we doing our boys a disservice by making them believe they should carry all this excess gear?????? And spend all this extra money????
  2. I don't think it is a retest..... it is called application phase.
  3. I don't think the complaint is Bob Basement Scout Master Troop 123 The complaint is Bob Basement Scout Master Troop 123 Executive Scout District Committee Scout District Advancement committee Order of the Arrow Chairman Woodbadge ne 123-13 Staff Silly camp summer 1991 Crew Adviser crew 123 Staff spring NYLT Day Camp director President anywhere city kiwanis Lions club member Rotarian Secretary Anywhere city Business Association Trustee Anywhere United Methodist Church Yep seen them just like that. A signature in line with whom you are communicating on behalf of is okay dokay with me.
  4. cami....Nice thought..... But next years evaluation..bad marks...lower or no raise. Promotion, better qualified but yet passed over because file says not a team player...... So cami.....you understand your donation to the Boy Scouts of America also supports Learning for life which allow gays, lesbians, and Atheist to enjoy a scout like program. This is not the reason for my refusing to support LFL. My reason is the membership numbers games..... Guess I will just find something to support on the list........
  5. Beavah I have not worn the SM boots yet, but that question goes two ways....... If the SM knows the boys then he should also know that they have the skills as signed off. Maybe it is our troop dynamic, but I can honestly say I know a little bit about most of the boys....But in no way do I fully know the boys. I understand an eagle mill doing it, because they are rule book thumpers......It is easy for the advancement chair to go to the file cabinet if a question a rises..... busybodyparent says "Little jimmy failed on scouts spirit" AC goes to file cabinet and produces the document and responses. "he did not, right here is his form and it is filled in correctly" A parting thought......Why bother to quiz them.....A scout masters conference is not a pass or fail, you just need to have one. Or am I missing something???
  6. scout master conferences are not about retesting......If you believe that is the case then you need some training. Scout masters conferences for rank advancement is about getting to know the scout, see what he is getting out of scouting, what he likes, dislikes, his goals, aspirations..... Once his book is signed retesting is irrelevant it is basically one and done. I googled the form.....what that is sad.......this is what one of them had on it Have you attached your completed "Scout Spirit" summary? YES NO Yes there is a scout spirit summary sheet........Sad sad sad....
  7. Yes they use their entire scout linage and there is even a couple that use every activity they are involved in....... Of course these are the same folks that take 5 minutes to introduce themselves during roundtable introductions........
  8. Well, we are required to make a united way donation at work this year.....Yes I said required..... On the list is the Local Council........I don't see anything else on the list I wish to support....Lets just leave it at that..... Now if I check that box.......Does it go to Learning for Life or the traditional program?????? If it goes to LFL I will donate to Lesbian Cat Owners Education fund or something stupid like that.
  9. A lot depends on troop dynamic/culture....Relax scoutfish this is the second part of your journey.....less physical work, but just as hard as the first. observe.....hang with the other ASM's.....Don't know if your sons choice of troops is adult lead or scout lead..... There is always something to do in a boy lead troop......during the summer when the boys were doing program, we cleaned out our shed.....all of the 10 year old ketsup, salt and pepper blocks.....we had a lot of gear that had never been inventoried, When asked we helped with instruction, trip planning or transportation. I think the response is Any old thing
  10. Engineer.......Doesn't matter how much ya train folks.... Bad folks will be bad folks. half an hour of online training aint gonna change that. I think the FAIL is the boys being one on one with an adult..... So did we Fail with the boys and their youth protection training. Or did we Fail with the Parents and their understanding of youth protection... As a leader I understand that never being one on one with a boy is for my safety as well as his.
  11. Beavah.... funny you should mention that......When the SM said he was going to retire in 6 months and the COR asked me if I was interested in being SM that is exactly what I did... we were sitting around the campfire and the SM just broke it to the boys that he was stepping down in a couple of months......I followed up with asking if they had any thoughts about me becoming SM... They said yes, I asked the patrol leaders later if they had any thoughts.......
  12. Kudu So, before a fellow gets thrown into the breeches as it were..... Recommend some reading please. I see so many books listed what is the SM's must reads??????
  13. Maybe I don't understand the content of the files..... But aren't they just list of names that for one reason or another cannot be members of the BSA??????? The fix for it would be to go to every state and add all of the people convicted of domestic violence, rape, drug distribution, prostitution and assault...... After that let the lawyers figure it out(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  14. Makes me laugh...... Irregardless I would keep the young man with his friends.
  15. I just couldn't imagine saying anything to a church trustee except thank you. I wonder if CC asked the SM if she could meet in the building????
  16. So explain to me why the Girl scouts have cornered the market on fundraising selling candy and cookies????
  17. As long as the BSA exists this will never go away... So the entire law suit is based that the SE told her not to call the law??????? Unless she has it in writting somewhere or maybe an audio recording I don't know how she could win....
  18. Since the date was moved from the original date kind of at the last moment.... I think it should be allowed. There will be belly aching either way you decide.....
  19. So could the boy scouts come out with a popcorn flavored candy bar and sell it???????? I will say that we sold more gross $$$ than my daughters girl scout troop. Plus our profit margins are higher........
  20. 5 year.....we have very different perspectives. First your application reads the same as mine and the link I posted.....There are two contradictory statements one on line and scout handbook and the second on the application. Sad your SM will not let a young man come to about 10 meetings and 3 outings before joining the troop. Just curious, what activities would the scout be to young to participate in?????? I would let him be a guest, continue with his friends, den mates into the Patrol and scouting experience. Instead he was met with rule book thumping, inflexible, insensitive adult leaders...... Uncomfortable, I call it a sad excuse.
  21. Horizon....if memory serves me....His pre-first class POR's don't count..... I believe it reads http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/star.aspx While a First Class Scout, serve actively for four months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility (or carry out a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the troop):
  22. Merit badge org has bit me in the butt a few times....It is not an official BSA site MeritBadge.org is an online, open-content collaborative encyclopedia developed by volunteers and is not affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) It is a great thing, but I would not base a decision on it's content.
  23. So how long before we have a home schooled 8 year old eagle???? Brings us back to the argument for a minimum age for eagle
  24. From the Website http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/joining.aspx Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old. Taken from an pdf of the application at http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-406a.pdf Boy Scout Troop/Varsity Team Boy Scout Troop Your son can be a Scout if he has completed the fifth grade and is at least 10 years old or is age 11 or has earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but has not reached age 18. 1. Complete the application (sign your name, indicating approval). 2. Give the completed application and fees to the Scoutmaster. 3. Secure a copy of the Boy Scout Handbook and complete the joining requirements as listed. Makes ya wonder which is correct(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
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