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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. hicountry I don't believe it is a council initiative.. I believe it is National driving the training. It is more than IOLS. The Letter I received was fully trained for their position. Which varies position to position..... http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/Adults/Training/Trained%20Leader.aspx Ours was last year and we lost some long time scouters because they refused to take the training......We had to submit training documents to support that all of our leadership was fully trained for their positions......Had a fellow who refused to do it and was removed because they would not take it with him on it.
  2. OGE.....I am still a cub leader. I understand that even with my tenure I am still a relative nobo to the adult scouting world.
  3. Beavah brings up a great point.... We are in the middle of all direct contact leaders need to be fully trained for their position so from nationals site. Boy Scout Leaders Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training is for all Scoutmasters and their assistants. Scoutmasters and assistants must also complete Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills to be considered trained. With that said, what prevents a committee member over 21 from taking the troop or patrol out????? With that said IOLS is required for all SM and ASM to be on the charter for that position. Now another caveat, Our local council no longer requires a tour plan unless the outing is high adventure or out of council......So take the patrol to the local state park for a camp out no tour plan needed, as a result no training is needed.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  4. Prestige......vanity, ego, lust, power It is hard for long time scouters to go to roundtable and have an energetic stay at home mom den leader come to round table and tell them the way it is going to be at the Boy Scout Camporee next month....... OR A District wide email comes out and Stay at home cub mom spell and gramar corrects it and replys to all. Why does it matter?????? Egos. It is my opinion that MOST cub leaders have not earned the right to attend things like the Jamboree. We had 100 adults apply for 20 positions. It simply isn't right or proper to over look Boy Scout leaders who have 4 or 5 years of Boy Scout experience for a Cub Leader that has 1 or 2 with cub scouts......The roles are/should be different. Far as WB21 goes..... There is NO training in the world that will replace real chewing the dirt experience. Wolf mom with 2 years experience and taking WB21c does not trump, SM with 10 years exp and old course WB. Seattle I think prestige is the wrong word, Maybe respect, experience, knowledge might be better.
  5. Second Class. The American Heritage girls is only open to Christian girls...Which is an issue form me......
  6. Q what Nike says in not true...... It depends on your council or service unit...... My daughter could only cabin camp it was her councils policy. It was a girls only event period. Just as whether Male leaders are permitted or not.
  7. Nice narrow vision Nancy....... Webelos are webelos..... Our Webelos den no longer recites the Cub promise or law. They recite the boy scout oath and law. The recite both with great pride and zeal.....The Bears can't wait to be webelos and the webelos can't wait to be boy scouts........ This is as it should be. Don't stifle their enthusiasm. I am guessing you don't let them do their Patrol yell everytime they are mentioned at the Meeting?????? Our Pack meetings are LOUD and tons of fun, every den growls, or roars when mentioned......the webelos do their Patrol yell.....
  8. Instead of focusing on the boys doing the right thing and actually being prepared, we focus on the leaders taking the cell phones. Good job boys........ This is similar to the boys that got separated backpacking in North carolina....they stopped setup their tent, ate dinner, slept, packed up in the morning and were hiking out when they were found.
  9. Second Class, there are all kinds of scouting experiences......Mine are compact cars and local campouts......We have troops on this forums that have access to airplanes and fly to summer camp..... So a membership to NESA is small potatos....
  10. Adam your confusing AOL requirements with Boy Scout joining requirements. He can join the Troop at age 11 irregardless of the AOL. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/joining.aspx Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.
  11. Even for our little bity bank account all of the committee members initial the bank statement saying that we saw it and verified the balances at every committee meeting.
  12. What does the Boy want???? So is the AOL worth losing a year in the Eagle chase because that is exactly what your doing. A lot of young men don't run up against the 18 year old cut off. This young man might be a scout who needs all the time he can get...... I am a firm believer in getting them out of cub scouting ASAP. Single year webelos program.
  13. The DE's job stinks......No doubt about it. Not sure why anyone would ever want to do it.......
  14. Far enough........ We are a small troop, our biggest expense out of the year is summer resident camp......We don't have a big pot of money to replace gear and we don't have a bunch of money from benefactors. We only have a couple of grand just before we pay for summer camp.....Never to the tune of $70,000.
  15. It is all a lie........ So our FOS presenter came in and said that our responsibility was $150 per boy......So I asked how that was calculated.....He said they took the total number of boys and divided it by the expenses. So my follow up question was "Does that include income from the popcorn sale?" Response was NO. That ended his pitch at our Blue and Gold..... So instead of manipulating the facts he should have said our expenses are X million Dollars, we had income from Popcorn of X million dollars and each scout has a responsibility of $30 after popcorn. I don't have a problem with that...... If you raise too big a stink you will just simply be kicked out.......And god forbid you question a professional, it will get you kicked out.
  16. Well how about the Baden Powell Service Association.......Coed, very similar to cubs. Run the girls as a den meeting at the same time and place as the Pack...... My daughter finds the GS less than fullfilling.
  17. So you had an epiphany.... What ya gonna do about it????? I work on the unit level......
  18. Embezzling $73,000 all I got to say is holy crap batman. Not only the fact that the money was stolen......But how many troops have that much cash laying around?????/ Right now our Troop savings account is $186 and Checking is $390. I am blown away by a troop that has that kind of bread, greenbacks, payola, or change layin around.... So how does one a mass that kind of money?????? or why???????
  19. I do mission work with operation smile. It is related to my profession and current job. My employer supports my participation. But I have to buy my own plane ticket and use vacation for the mission. Same deal for the DE's in my book.
  20. ahhh the fellow who has a supporting comment is thoughtful.....
  21. Let me see Summer time off of work.....1 week Cub Scout day camp, 1 week webelos resident camp, 1 week troop resident camp, and 1 week troop backpacking. 3 weekends IOLS trainer Rest of the 10 months of the year 2 weekends a month, 3 nights a week. Popcorn season 4 friday, saturday Sunday weekends. 4 nights a week dealing with money, inventory....countless trips back to the warehouse or joey scouts house. I enjoy the boys, I have watched many of them grow from 1st grade thru now middle school. I enjoy the share experiences and success's and laugh at the failures....... Council and district does not care about you or your boys.......So stop whining about it. Run you unit level programs and succeed with out them.
  22. Again it is something learned... Just curious, at that same life to eagle seminar did you look around the back of the room and see how many adults were playing with their phones???????
  23. the problem I have with a pack trainer running training independently is consistency.... My biggest beef with BSA training is the complete lack of consistency.......My woodbadge course suffered because of poor trainers and failure to follow the syllabus as provided by national..... I have witnessed "Trainers" repeating heresay and myth like it was a rule or standard practice. I believe the BSA online training is fantastic, it removes all of the BS that a trainer might add. Everyone gets the same training, No myth.... No here say So for me......Pack trainer should be nothing more than record keeper and facilitator. Just like the job description
  24. Well nutrition is a huge issue with our scouts....... The scouts who eat a cheese doodles for breakfast go bonk after a maybe 5 or 6 miles of hiking......I carry protein bars and sports blocks to get them moving again.....It is a losing battle, they are only good for another half an hour or so before they crash again. I have dealt with it too often and that is one of the reasons I am ticked about it. Do they learn nope......back at camp out come the chips and soda, then they skip dinner because they are full...... So poor nutrition impacts the entire group.... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
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