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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. ya know seattle your on to something....... While woodbadge promotes stagnation and elitism....... A fraternity of Tiger Den Leaders would be fun..... It would make them club members right away.....
  2. So what????? It is what the boys want How long before we have a merit badge titled "Modern Communication" or "Digital Communication"? While traditional scouting skills are important and our bread and butter......the modern boy needs more.
  3. Own that is simply ridiculous....... that is why woodbadge gets way over blown......It is simply another training course. I finished my ticket and got my stuff signed off.....I still haven't received my beads in the mail......it has been 3 months now. I will be just like Seattle......20 years from ticket completion till beading.
  4. At 10 probably too late for this young man...... At 3 or 4 a swat on the bottom would have limited your problems now..... Mom and Dad are the problem....Not you.... So, I would have a private discussion with mom and dad regarding the issue. Then a discussion with the Family. Remember in two years this young man will be in the troop and pulling this stunt on troop outings and campouts.
  5. Well if they leave then the program will just have to change to meet what you and the new guys can provide then. Big refrigeration units can be replaced with coolers.....Projectors can be replaced with Easels and Markers. Patrol boxes can be borrowed. No big deal in my book. If the old guys want to play games......don't work around the problems or at least have a backup plan for all of the borrowed equipment...... Succeed despite their efforts. I understand what your going thru.......I put on a Day camp with nothing....I was recruited in march and begged or borrowed enough gear and supplies to put it on in June.
  6. Donations do not go home with the donor. They reside at the CO or storage place. Loan....Person brings it with them, Uses it and maintains it....then it returns home with them to be stored until it is needed again. I suggest the new guys buy there own gear and make the fight irrelevant......Once you do this a time or two the old guys will get the message. So what are we talking about here???? A couple of dutch ovens????? Patrol Box????? Dining flys?????
  7. So because their eagles then the get air conditioning at camp?????? Why not make it Eagle day camp and mom and dad can just drop them off at the gate every morning. That way they could go home keep up on face book and keep their Iphone charged......
  8. quad post for Q man....You still have 5 pages to go to catch fish. I tried french presses too..........way to messy cleaning up the grounds... Hammocks are the most comfortable way to sleep in the woods..... I bought a warbonnet blackbird and a couple of hammock gear quilts.....spend bout 6 nights a month in it...It was expensive but I spend 60 nights a year in it... It has bug netting built into it......Had to use it last night....can't believe mosquitoes are out already.
  9. Never heard of it........So I looked it up....... Not my thing....too old heal to slow....... These guys and gals are skilled, I wonder how this would work at a District camporee.....Line up a 100 boys and they try to balance on it?????? I bet a Troop did this, no mats or it was 5 feet in the air, Junior fell off broke his collar bone, button whole his clavical, or arm.....Now we have rules. The gear is cheap enough from 50 to 100 bucks for the ribbon and ratchet.
  10. I disagree with your assessment of the AHG not over taking the GSA in the future...... They are beginning to grow and expand exponentially......... We have three groups in town now at this point a year ago there was only one. Especially with the GSA planned parenthood debacle. Then I find this website.......... http://www.honestgirlscouts.com/discover_2011natlconv.html All I gotta say is wow.
  11. mom..... Morning caffeine fix......there are two option....they make coffee in tea bags....not bad. Starbuck has a think called Via......just add water and it is actually pretty decent..... The autodrip coleman stinks.....especially when it is only good for 3 cups when it clearly says 10 on the carafe...... Yep I have one.... who uses a 6 ounce mug when camping....and it does take forever to brew... Not a freeze dried guy either........
  12. When adults do step up to help out, do you let them shine or do you throw rocks at them? It is all about the personality of the Adult.......... Had a cub dad show up at a Pack camp out in a state park and hand out sling shots to all the boys.....So boy darts past with a sling shot in hand ready to shoot his den mate.....whoooooa stop right their......A few questions, I gather up the sling shots and hand them back to dad and explained the rules plus the fact we were in a state park. Little later dad gives jr and a couple of his buddys paintball guns....same deal.....get them back to dad and tell them to put them away....... At this point I ask dad what else do you have in the trunk....Well bb guns, 22's and a couple of handguns.......So I tell him to leave anything that shoots, goes bang or launches a projectile in the trunk, Just isn't allowed by boy scout and state park rules. Well just before dinner I hear thunk, thunk........Dad and Wolf scout are using a hatchet to cut wood......whoooa again..... of course he has a big line of boys ready to use the hatchet and ax..... Pull dad aside again and explain that the boys aren't supposed to use and ax until Boy scouts..... But if your going to do it with your son we need to set up an ax yard.....So I go to my truck to get the rope.....by the time I get back he is tearing down his tent and with out a word they leave never to be seen again......Spoke with his wife and she said that cub scouting wasn't tough enough for dad and there were too many rules. So were those rocks???? Despite the cub camping sheet with rules for the campout that specifically mentioned no firearms or projectile weapons, dad still brought them???????? Should Violator dad after the slingshot incident refrained from bringing out anymore guns???? he should have met me half way. twocubs.....suggested why does everything need to happen under the banner of Boy Scouting......My son's friends who just also happen to be members of his patrol have played lazer tag, paintballing, shooting guns other than 22 rifles, Movies that aren't G or PG rated. All this outside of scouting.... I also contend that what about the boys from single parent households that also have a number of younger siblings.......They are also primary care givers to these brothers and sisters.....They do not have a chance to be a boy except in scouting. Fish, as you have stated new parent comes with an idea that violates the G2SS is obvious......But I am thinking that the issue is more basic than that...... New Dad's first camping trip with the troop. New Dad is forced to camp with the adults and not with scout son......New Dad is forced to not help scout son pitch tent or cook dinner.....New Dad is forced to slow down and may view the outing as a waste of his time. Some folks do better than others with letting go........and that is what we are talking about.... Far as planning big trips and such, most of my people never ever leave about a 10 square mile area...They were born here, live two blocks from where they were brought home from the hospital, still attend the their high school sporting events...... So other than hey lets take the troop to myrtle beach or lets take them to the gun show.....We rarely have any suggestions from parents.......
  13. Our scout shop has a turnstile full of even flyers and roundtable there is a flyer table..... We do the "Guys what do you think of this?" then can the ones no one is interested in..... We let the boys determine if it is too expensive or come up with a way to finance it....
  14. Since your of age, then either I am SM or I walk would be my attitude. Lots of drama in the troop as described.
  15. Oh Knot discussions make me giggle. I regard Eamons post pretty highly....in one of them he said....If someone things enough of you to nominate you for a knot you should where it out of respect....... After reading that post and thinking about it for a while.....He was right. While I don't like the lime light and feel awkward when recognized in public I have a shirt with all the my Stuff on it.....
  16. Barry, Why a troop activity? Because some boys don't have the resources to do it any other way or time.
  17. Safety of the boys is first and foremost. If you have any doubts cancel
  18. Boyce why would you get knifed for that?????? I am of the opinion that i am along because i am required to the be
  19. MIB. are you 21????? If your not you cannot be SM officially. The situation sounds ugly i would stay away inless your ready for a hard fight
  20. Having the drivers stay especially if the event is multiple hours away only makes sense. So your Patrol activity is hiking......Do the adults go hiking with the boys or stay at camp? So your Patrol activity is rappelling....Do the adults participate with the boys or at a separate time.... While sleeping and cooking separate is fine....there is much more to a campout or outing than just that???? The troops I have seen with High adult numbers, the adults line up with the boys to do the activity.....So instead of patrol of 6 going up and down the climbing wall in under an hour, it is now 10 or 12 people and it takes 2 or 3 hours.....or completely dominate a facility or feature. Or the Backpacking trip with the patrol of 6 and two adults........Now becomes 10 or 12 which breeches back country etiquette and many land managers guide lines. As many are aware, I was surprised at the number of scout troops on the Appalachian trail.... I was also astonished by some of the manners and numbers I witnessed. One group appeared to be a 1:1 ratio if not a higher adult to youth ratio. With one Troop exceeding 30 members.
  21. So Barry, If your camped 100 yards from your scouts then why do you need 20 adults on a camp out???? So does your troop have a Man Scout Patrol????? Not hatin, just askin.
  22. One of our members seemed proud that his boys never considered camping at a ballpark for an outing. Are we doing them a disservice by not offering all of the available options???? I will admit to not enjoying camping at one of the major sporting venues, it is just too noisy for a decent nights sleep. But the guys enjoy going. So as an adult leader, do you offer fresh ideas during the troop planning conference??? If so, do you limit your new offerings to things you are interested in or eliminate things that are too expensive or you deem as unscout like?????? What do YOUR scouts want???? Do you really know???
  23. Since OGE thinks I am being unreasonable........ I have never had a problem with too many adults on a camp out or outing so I am not qualified to answer......In the troop we have 2 adults on troop outings, not by rule but by parental choice. The situation....... Tent camping at a scout camp 1 hours drive from the CO...Boys will be camping and cooking as patrols.... Attendance is 2 patrols with 6 members each, plus the spl. How many adults from your troop would attend? How many is too many??? Other considerations??? At what point does adult participation in outings interfere with the program??? Can we all agree that the simple presence of an adult alters the boys behavior?
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