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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. You all are prejudice by the simple definition......BP your wrong it is racist..... If a group of teen age black or hispanic boy were walking down fishes neighborhood, I bet the phones would be ringing in every house and everyone would be out keeping an eye on things LE would probably be called as well........Make that a group of white teens...No one would give them a second look..... http://www.examiner.com/unsolved-cases-in-national/george-zimmerman-s-911-call-transcribed George should be judged by his peers. If a single comment can make it a hate crime....it is possible it was...... Just as folks of color get hassled in white enclaves by law enforcement. After dark if we cross the expressway into the rich folks area there is two or three LEO cruisers sitting there....those on foot are asked their business, in a ratty looking car they will pull you over and run warrants checks...... Reading what is written here makes me sad..... So what would happen if a family of color moved in next door to you???? how about a second???? Would you invite them over for burgers and dogs?????? or put your house up for sale?????? What about some of the crazy traditions???? roasting pigs in a box, how about the smells, traditions, noise and music???? Are you ready for it???? Many raise their own chickens and duck for food? ready for that??? Many of the homes are multi generational with as many as 10 cars in the alley, driveway and street out front, Many of the Grandparents and even parents don't speak english.. Your at scout camp, there is a mixed ethnicity troop sitting next table over, you scouts are making marginally acceptable comments directed toward the ethnically diverse troop.....What do you do? Before you start I am going to call you a liar because you will do nothing.........Two years in a row it has happened..... To be honest it bothers me more than the boys...... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  2. Nope It is the current generation of parents...... Remember these are the same parents that insist on participation trophys for everything. The parents are more worried about the awards on the shirt than the qualities with in the boys. at work we are struggling with the Millennial generation. There is nothing worse than a 25 year old that expects recognition for simply doing their job. You guys are fairly new as adult scouters......An event doesn't go by when a parent or scout asks what does he get for doing this????
  3. what your doing is excessive....... Picking up their camp fee and saying thank you at a court of honor is enough.
  4. the GSS already have accepted that crazy boy and him mom in denver.
  5. So what does their birthday have to do with receiving the AOL??????? There is plenty of time to complete it correctly.....June 1 is a long way off yet.
  6. How about the cub leader who was an Eagle and has the program all figured out???? Had a Cub leader do that.....the looks that went around the room were kinda funny. Or The freshy beaded scouter with the taupe necker walking around wanting congratulated on completing their ticket......
  7. hmmmmm The scouter pecking order.... mine is an offered hand. If they do not introduce themselves......the first question is who are you???? and where are you from???? I have learned that symbols around the neck and on the shirt mean little regarding the quality of those that wear them. I like wearing a nice adornment free shirt to roundtable I believe it makes me more approachable to the new folks.....
  8. So is the issue in the OP the spl calling the scouts guys or the SM chastising him and saying that not all the boys are eagle material??????? I think the second is more significant.
  9. moose you have been in how long and never heard the announcement song??? this isn't the version that we sing locally.....But what happens is the second anyone says announcements the song starts....... The CD and SM and then the TG's took great joy in saying announcements every chance they got..... the second chorus for us is have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag Go this way and that this way and that way this way and that Go this way and that this way and that way this way and that have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag
  10. FILLER FILLER Don't waste my time with filler. I would rather have 5 minutes with my patrol trying to figure out our skit or planning. Start with out the stragglers.....Next time they will be on time...... Don't make the Troop wait while once patrol who can't plan ahead stops for potty breaks........... You want a motivational tool......Have the entire Troop sing Here we sit like birds at the top of their lungs while the Last patrol enters the field. Bet it won't happen again
  11. Again we don't know the full story. For the average scout in our troop I would say it is out of line. While I would love to see each and everyone of them make eagle, I doubt it will happen......But I would not stomp on their dream. But honestly for those who have been around scouting.....As a leader you can see who is driven enough to complete the journey......Occasionally there is a surprise
  12. Dont get to caught up in the screwing around at gilwell.......we wasted far to much time qith the staff jokes and general stupidity. We wasted hours standing at gilwell while the staff sang the announcement song over and over again......and over and over ......
  13. Scouter your information is faulty regarding the Philmont training center... The $1500 fee for jambo includes transportation and everything..... The training center program fees are around $500 for 5 days, then transportation, Air into Denver for me would be $600, car for a week from the other thread $500.....Food and fuel another $100.......So Not cheaper or better in anyway.
  14. Don't like velcro.....had an adult leader stop me mid sentence where he peeled off his POR patch and dug in his shirt pocket and put on the POR related to what we were talking about and with great ceremony put it on his shirt. The finish was he asked me if it was straight before we continues our conversation...... Ever since I have hated the idea of velcro...... I would go with ASM on one shirt and not worry one bit...... The boys don't care about jobs or positions one bit. They care that Mr. Scoutfish is fun to play kickball with or is driving to the campout.
  15. So Rooster....how about some muslims or jews, any of those in your group???? How about ethnic diversity?? How many members of color do you have???
  16. mom you see the value....but is it scout sons free choice?????? As a parent......Is it easier to drop scout son off sunday and pick him up saturday with all badges earned or haul him back and forth to meet with merit badge councilors????? My parents cannot afford two resident camps per year, so given the choice is a 15 year old going to chose this or an outdoor camp??? I think my comparison between a microwaved meal and this are very fair. You don't go to a 5 star restaurant and get microwaved food nor do we turn out quality eagles by jamming merit badges together in a boot camp, just to get them out of the way. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  17. Ours was completed last week. Should be finished before it gets too nice out and you have problems with leaders attending the meeting. We have no district cub events and the other district that has events has their schedule already posted.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. howarthe.......the question your asking??????? I gots to know Famous movie line Have you been trained for your position??????? Most if not all of these sorts of question are covered during the training. to answer your question our Pack holds special outings during the summer and no official Pack meetings. fishing derby, evening hikes, creeking with the naturalist, howl hikes, owl hikes, water derby, stomp rockets. ect...
  19. scout fish......Nobody cares what patch is on your arm........ I would switch them to ASM and not think a thing about it... I have 4 uniforms and each has a different position patch on it.... I throw on which ever is clean or handy when leaving the house.....
  20. The first question should always be... Is it worth saving? The second should be WHY?
  21. Well now the air conditioning thing makes sense. I don't like merit badge boot camps, which is exactly what this is..... momof2cubs......this is a rich boys short cut to eagle. It is also a lazy parents way out.....Take drop them off Sunday afternoon and then pick them up Saturday afternoon....bang 6 eagle required merit badges..... It is Thrifty time wise.....very efficient.....But in the same way you don't make a great meal in a microwave, I believe we don't make great Eagles this way either. It is the journey that imparts what is most treasured in an Eagle. A 13 or 14 year old Eagle views his Eagle much differently than a 17 year old Eagle... This is my experience. The 14 year old will talk about his Eagle.... The 17 year old will talk about his camping trips, Philmont, canoeing or funny stuff that has happened. So mom......take your foot off the accelerator of son's scouting career and let them grow into a man during their scouting career. 14 and done eagles have not been scouts long enough to really make a lasting impact in their lives.
  22. Don't have any first hand knowledge. about their rhetoric. Your situation was probably different with the GSA....I was just a random guy calling the office wanting to start a troop. You had a daughter and were already involved with a troop.
  23. I have a problem with AHG The must be a citizen is one and must be christian is and other...... I was told that as a man I could not start a GS Troop for my daughter and her friend. other mom not interested and I am basically a single parent because of work schedules. The GSA can and does exclude members.....Your too young, to old, wrong school, neighborhood or the wrong cultural or ethnic background.......
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