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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. The Christian only thing bothers me as well.....Poor fit for the BSA Fine organization for the WASP folks in the Burbs.
  2. This is gonna be like Learning for Life...... Is it real or imagined....
  3. Just don't worry bout the idiots at district....... I attend round table and ask enough questions to get more questions asked........Like So that Trap shooting event that Raised $20k where did that money go.....The community fund for FOS......Really where did that money go????? He is to the point I can see the Oh crap look on his face when I raise my hand. Actually it is great sport. Last month, the question was....So your charging the boys $20 each for the spring Camporee, what do they get for that money or what is it paying for???? Next thing ya know the cost was $10. Some really big questions were being asked about the finances of the event......$20 they got a patch, the camp was free, we hosted a station a piece, no awards for highest score...... Provide the best program possible despite the idiots......
  4. Scoutfish.....I would have another ASM or the SPL test and sign your sons book...... Will prevent loose talk and hard feelings.
  5. Have a neighboring troop that the adults do this....... I disagree.....Man scouts not boy scouts.....
  6. With people in the street believing half truths and that it was a race motivated attack... Irregardless of guilt or innocent zimmerman will pay for this.....Maybe with his life.
  7. Eagle Ya remember that Unit commissioner that tried to do a uniform inspection on my boys a couple of years ago....... Besides we get compliments all the time on them and it would be a great fundraiser......... They look much cooler than the white plastic ones..... The best part no recall for lead....the little duffer starts chewing on this is gonna get maple splinters.....
  8. I don't understand your question... Is it related to the time of the year??? Is it related to cold weather??? Is it related to long term camping on your own????
  9. There is a lot of things we do wrong that affects the following generations.... How much do you use antibotics??? Do you go to the doctor for every little sniffle or ache? Do you pay for health insurance? How much laundry detergent do you use? Do you line dry your clothing when possible? How many Tv's and computers in your home??? Are they all on at the same time??? Paper, plastic or reusable? Reusable water bottles or single from the grocery store?? How much fertilizer and weedkiller on your yard???? How big is your House? How far do you commute to work? What kind of car or truck do you drive? is it the best choice for your life style How much driving not work related do you do??? On and on Then we get into the financial burden we are currently heaping on our kids? Are you saving for retirement??? All of this impacts our children and every single generation to come....... The best quote related to this is something along the lines of the Planet is on loan to us from our Children. Had three go for ice cream last night.....One out sick.....boys are doin good.
  10. That first article is fantastic.... Take your parent to work day................. That is priceless. Or calling the Current generation of kids "The Trophy Generation".
  11. Kinda what I thought http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gb_Rn0Lb5s07TIXaDIDtF6vsiVog?docId=fdc24692537e4c00a4dfbaf3f9d9e35 who knows what words were exchanged........I wonder if the break ins around the community have dropped..... The young man is not the angel as protrayed by the family
  12. No news here folks keep moving on..... Look at the Republican clowns......He will get reelected..... the front runner who man job was to disassemble companies and sell them off.......Worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Or the second choice, too easily unhinged for the top job.
  13. Seattle....No envy involved...... I am curious as to the reason...... I seek out and provide a program despite the district and council.....Not with their assistance. While I would love to change districts so our horrible DE and his lackies don't get credit for our growing program........ We partake at different districts and councils programs to provide the best we can for our boys.
  14. We don't use the plastic immediate recognition pocket bobble.....We made our out of wood biscuits...One of the dad's runs them thru a cnc machine during lunch.....he can do it in a couple of days....we have a supply for 5 or 6 years......
  15. I forever fixed the problem.....One of my first campout I waded up $1 bills and tossed them around the campsite......The first one was found and then it was on......Cleanest campsite ever. The SPL tells the new scouts about it.......
  16. I am getting old...... I will say the way the gals dress in high school now.....I was from the Izod sweater era...Now the girls are wearing thongs, have tramp stamps and micro mini skirts and hooker heels.......Now I understand and appreicate all gals don't dress this way..... And the way some of them talk......wow. What about our young men....All Tattoo'd up, wife beater tshirt, crooked ball hats, pants hanging down below their butts, tennis shoes with no laces?????????? The way they treat the girls is horrible...They don't work.....No car, No drivers license and they could care less. I think that our youth have started to give up hope...... No longer are the majority going to do better than their parents.....Single or Absentee parents these kids have never had a stable home........How many of your scouts mom or dad are still actively dating and carving out time for themselves.....often at the expense of their kids..... Had one dad fail to pick up his scout because he lost on the pool table and wouldn't come till he won it back........ Lost another scout because single dad couldn't tear himself away from the playstation long enough to drop him off. Had one mom who was still dressed in her club cloths from the night before picking up her scout after a camp out Sunday at 3pm......she reeked of sex and booze............ So how are these kids supposed to be with the horrible examples their parents set?????? Today is report card day, I expect 4 cubs to show me their report cards, if all is good after the meeting we will go to the ice cream shop to celebrate..... I hope to break the cycle with these guys....Honestly I don't think they have a chance.
  17. Our council stinks.....Our district is even lower than that.... I look at all of the neighboring councils websites.....I have been at it a number of years and have my favorite cub events nailed and starting too look at the BS events to present to the PLC. Why is it a challenge??? I like doing it Thursday evenings....my only home night of the week.....I have the council website activity pages booked marked.... Takes 10 minutes tops.
  18. Those old jack shirts are like a patch vest for adults. I know the uniform guide says only one patch in the middle of the back. Peacock....Ya know the Latin american general types. So eamon....no
  19. I know a few young men who simply can't make a judgement call. I think it is a parenting issue in their case. They were raised with no consequences for their actions.
  20. So we are at the point where Trayon had zimmerman on his back pounding the stuffing out of him. Never heard that report.... Wonder why the media neglected to report it if it is true. I could see him getting blown away for it...... Ya know I am more comfortable after dark in the quikie mart parking lot than I am at a FOS presentation.....The first the potential for being robbed is present but not certain. The second I will be robbed for sure and made to feel guilty if I don't give. But hey I get to keep the pen.....
  21. Dohhhhh For the record this isn't me under another sign in.
  22. We have a number of hispanic and black scouts......It was there turn to clear the table and sweep..... The waiters from one of the other tables mentioned it was vocational training for them.....They needed more practice and should come and clear and sweep their area as well. It kinda spread and got loud....Lots of laughing involved.... The ASM supervising the other boys did or said nothing it took the CD to force an apology....Lots of glaring from that table the rest of the week. the night they served watermelon was ugly too. Lots of staring and whispers followed by laughing.... Mr. B their laughing at us, I know and I am sorry.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  23. It is Sad than a old scouter still wears a 30 year old Jambo patch above the right pocket.... Peacock syndrome
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