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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So what is the Benefit to merging these councils?????? Selling off more camps????? From what I hear and read about Michigan the level of professionals increased and not decreased???
  2. So why are their no service hours for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class either??????
  3. You have got to be kidding me...... Guess someone in Dallas has their head in the sand... Did anyone see the series whale wars?????? Do you understand how unpopular this will make the BSA?????? Most folks view whales as people not food......Really bad PR move on BSA's part. Just sayin..
  4. Now pack....why in the world would you like to do that????? Sworn off ground meat I have not processed myself...
  5. Sounds like a great kid..... I don't like scouts getting credit with in multiple organizations for the same hour..... Just seems wrong in my book..... There is no rule forbidding it...... 6 hours for star... 6 hours for life.... 12 hours over a couple of years....pretty easy in my book. we get that in about 6 months in our troop.......
  6. I wonder what National's vision for allowing Crews to hunt was????? What was the intent????? I don't think it was sitting on a Ridge or hill with a spotting scope blowing away Prairie dogs or Ground Hogs at 500 or 1000 yards.... It simply seem inappropriate to me, just think when one of the Crew members takes a video of the Crew blowing away some prairie dogs and then post it on You Tube....Gets picked up by a huffington or other news outlet and goes viral.... Irregardless of how you believe the City Dwellers don't understand killing animals for no other reason than you can. I think the vision was Duck hunting, or upland game hunting over a dog with shotguns.....Deer hunting with legal weapons, bow or firearm. There are lessons to be learned doing these, beyond just simply pulling the trigger.... I wonder how the BSA would feel about the Crews participating in organized competition....
  7. Peri....don't agree with it poisoning by chemical or lead.....
  8. End around Was the wrong choice of words..... I asked biodad to come with the scout on his visitation weekend...... Come to find out Bio dad has a new lady friend, with the history he will never come... Bio Mom was not at home when Dad and Son were camping with the Troop, pre divorce. Cough cough.......
  9. Oh this makes me giggle....... So NACAP are you officially authorized to speak as a Representative of the National Organization regarding Advancement issues?????? We all types of folks who claim things on this board...... Me I am just a one of the lowly volunteers you speak ill of, muddling thru a maze of BSA rules and policies....
  10. It is a parents choice......But most parents don't know it is an option till some one goes and gets one..... Generally what happens is one scout outgrows Blue shirt....Mom mention going and getting one we tell her to get the Tan one or we get one out of the uniform closet.....The boys out grow their uniforms in our parts during their first Webelos year so during that year they get replaced...... I encourage the parents not to transfer anything from the Blue shirt to the tan shirt..... Most of them use that Badge magic stuff and it really ruins the shirt.... The boys have a really great keep sake and clean shirt entering Boy Scouts. I replaced my sons June 1 after finishing Bears.....That Blue shirt is miserable at summer camp..... Especially standing at flag in the evening....poor boys simply roast. The microfiber shirt without a tshirt under it is the ticket......The shirt vents well.....Plus it washes well in the fire bucket and line dries quickly. Most camps I have attended just require a shirt for breakfast and dinner and not full uniform.
  11. Long range shooting are sniper fests.... I am a hunter, before kids I would harvest 7 deer a year and hunted upland game as the season permitted. Eat what I shot. Look up prairie dog shoots or ground hog shoots.....It is killing for killing sake.... Nothing I want my scouts to be involved with, even though my son would love to hunt.
  12. Depends on the camp as pointed out..... Some places require reservations a Year out..... Some a week. If you wanted to create a script for the new guys to follow try it and save the template for editing later. It will evolve for sure.
  13. I was initially opposed to it.... I went a visited a camp that was in the pilot and my PLC was very excited about it. It was an extra cost and the Scouts had to be 14. It is what they want and I am here to support it.
  14. Ok I will bite.... Why?????????
  15. Yep that was sort of what I was hoping for Q......Not a 2 minute flip thru..... congrats again.
  16. Atheism is not a Religious belief.... http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/ath/blathm_rel_religion.htm http://atheism.about.com/od/atheismquestions/a/whatisatheism.htm BTW I don't agree with BSA's ban on Gay or Lesbian Leaders.....I know some folks in the Gay/Lesbian lifestyle that are much better people than some of the Bible thumping Heterosexual folks I have met in scouting... Just sayin.....
  17. Just saw video of zimmerman in cuffs from the night of the shooting......For a guy who was afraid for his life and having his nose broken and head pounded into the sidewalk he looked amazingly well. Just sayin
  18. Speaks to prejudice for sure. Reminded me of they Susan Boyle video....
  19. ahhhhh, White Anglo Saxon Protestants what is so sickening about that????? My scouting reality and youth I serve don't fit that mold........Sorry Hit a nerve? Far as the BSA not allowing homosexuals really????? Without a witch hunt how do you know?????? Yes, mom I have a bit of a adversarial relationship with the folks a crossed the beltway..... Been told more then once to stay on my side.....But the money I need to run our program is on their side. for the record I never called suburbanites lazy.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. You should read the thread curious...... No I am not going to call my TG about it. No going their again. Thx for the suggestion
  21. Congrats Q, So how was your final meeting with your ticket councilor????? No ceremony or beads yet.....Just sayin.......
  22. No big deal in my book....... It should take an evening to fill out the new paperwork and chase down signatures.....
  23. So we have this eager scout who is having some issues advancing....... His main problem is his recently divorced parents. He has been a member for 6 months now and has yet to go on a campout or weekend event. Parental excuses are this is my weekend and I want to spend time with him or it is his dads weekend. Well come to find out he did nothing those weekends but stay home and play video games.....Sad.. So trying to do the end around with BioDad.....Called him and invited him to come on the campout, hoping to get scout to the event.... Any ideas?
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