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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Guess that is what she gets for trusting another volunteer..... so my question is did she drop it or go to her source and correct his bad information????? So how did she do being corrected?????
  2. how about 1 saying it is Obama's fault the light went out 2 saying that woodbadge is at fault and stinks......The Patrol could have changed the bulb better before 2000
  3. Just checked the website we have 13 registered sex offenders within 1/2 a mile of the church...
  4. Buy it dont buy it this is my reality. We have 17 sexual offenders with in 1mile of the Co according to the City website
  5. How can this possibly degrade into a cub scout vs boy scout leader thing????? Simply stupid if ya ask me..... Simply put she didnt do the research before her presentation. Dont candy coat it......italics
  6. What you have is leaders that know it all.... You would have thought that she would have at least reviewed the information. Makes you wonder how she runs her Pack as CC????
  7. Beavah.....In my local most of the fellows who have not been married and are in their thirties, forties and fifties are ex cons...... With all of new sexual offender laws, a large number of these fellows end up in our neighborhoods, most of the suburbs have laws that say a sex offender cannot live with in 1000 feet of a Park or school. So what did they do make sure the grassy center strip on their main roads were designated parks......Guess what that means they can't live anywhere in the burb. Difference in urban vs suburban setting I suppose...... .
  8. Time for the Troop to stand up to the Dad and Scout with bad behavior...... Time for the Troop committee to support their SM and lay it on the line with the scout and dad.......Get with the program or your welcome to enjoy scouting else where.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  9. I stopped competing when they started injecting the Brisket with fab-B and I was at Owensboro and the winning Brisket had needle tracks all thru it.....I tasted it and it tasted like roast beef not brisket.......Then it got so expensive......The guys started cooking $200 briskets, and doing multiples...... I never won, I came in third in chicken twice.
  10. Beavah I know a number of scouters who are widowers or divorcee's......I am not speaking of them.
  11. 60,000 guess I am an old timer for sure.....
  12. So I am guessing that the National leadership of the AHG is reading this thread very carefully. While I don't agree with the lesbian/feminist GSA leanings.......I also don't agree with the the AHG's far right swing..... AHG lady was touting being permitted to attend BSA camps and attend BSA training.........Sorry to burst your bubble.. It is about money, they want your money.. Soon we will see a AHG week like we see LDS, Cub and Webleos weeks to fill up our empty camps.
  13. Bio Mom is not an option....Leaving it at that.
  14. I still want to know how merging all these councils into one Mega council and then hiring more DE's Saves money..... I am not one of these volunteers that will just blindly follow or Believe what a pro says....Nor do I believe they have my scouts best interest in mind.
  15. I will be real honest..... I don't care for Older Never been married adult males being involved with my scouts. something just isn't right... then havin the crew over at his home.......Now if I was gonna do the gear or food prep thing as some eluded too, I would do it at the CO and not my home. It brings many questions to my mind "Danger Will Robinson, Danger"
  16. If you want to be invited back I would do as the promoter asks....... There is too much urban legend when it comes to flag etiquette.
  17. Support them...... That is a heck yes......their request is reasonable, they manned up and had the courage to ask, sounds like they have a plan and program..... I see absolutely no grounds to deny their request.
  18. CITO are you a national employee????? the few post recently have been about stuff for sale at the scout shop website????????
  19. such is the story of car camping....... Ya know I eat pretty good at home.....I even cooked competition BBQ, Barking Spider BBQ, before it was a fad.....I have a 84 lang smoker and cook whole hog for events for pay....I am even a certifed KCBS judge, got certified under Mike Lake. my cert # is in the 1,000's now they are issuing badge # in the 12,000 range.......My reason for cooking BBQ was you couldn't get decent Q in my area. If I was BBQ at camp I will pull some out of the freezer and reheat it.....Cause any one who cooks real BBQ know......the guy who cooks it can't really taste till the next day........ So explain to my why I want to spend my weekend camping cooking???????? I see these guys doing these big over blown meals and just don't get it. Now I like makin mountain man breakfast in the dutch oven.....Occasionally some whole chickens in a box oven for kicks......
  20. We log all of our service hours irregardless of rank..... So getting the hours is the least of our advancement issues...
  21. I was thinking about that too.....why in the world would he have them stay at his house in town.....I know that when I go on an outing I definitely want to get a decent night sleep the night before....... Yep think this needs reported to the SE as a significant YP violation.
  22. Our crew is a female crew and takes 3 adult females with them...... Our crew is going very shortly be coed.....We will then need two men and two adult women minimum.
  23. Wheres the cost savings????? More DE's more cost????? More driving More More More...... What cost is saved????? Please enlighten me. Went to the above website it is complete Bull Pucky. One of the benefits listed is the ability to attend more different camps.....how is that a change we can attend them now...... It flat doesn't make sense.... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  24. There is none..... Far as school assignments for recruiting is simply a gentleman agreement... We had a couple of neighboring Packs battle for survival when a couple of schools consolidated.
  25. Le....the other thing to consider is being a good neighbor..... One of our scout camps has a neighbor that has a gun range on it.....They shoot many things over there, many that would be illegal for most citizens....My point is we go to camp and it sounds like world war 3. Those folks shoot solid from bout 10 am till dark.... I would not shoot for hours or even back to back weekends...... Once you build a range other folks will use it when your not around, unless it is very close to an occupied home. So what about insurance and Instructor status???? How heavily insured is the land owner or the guy putting up the tree stands???? Stuff happens.
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