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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. everybody complains about the plastic pump....The mandatory repair kits......yep....they are different. I have the whisperlite and the XGK.....used both winter camping because isobutane didn't function well in the cold....I like stoves, yes I am a stove junky, I still have my peak 1 with pots I carried at philmont as a youth.....pretty cool... Son fires up his pocket rocket and shakes his head at those kerosene stoves.....flaming and sputtering......
  2. I would invite the Old SM out for a cup of coffee and talk to him. Be honest with him, no one can fault you for that. Let him know your concern and take on whats going on.... Ask him to take a month or two off from scouting....... 30 years is a HUGE tenure, while it should be respected, He should also allow you to make it your troop and not his.......
  3. Hiking the AT saw more than one person with a stove that leaked fuel all over their pack. While canister is more expensive, I think the safety and convience is the big bonus. The only performance knock on canister stoves is gone with a new stove...sato makes it....It has a pressure regulator built into it that prevents/slows the separation of the gases so you don't end up with a cold burning stove at the end of your canister.... I bought one and it performs perfectly down to 18 degrees and in the past with my pocket rockets it would burn cold at the end of the canister.
  4. It happened at summer camp nearly a year ago now.....Scouts said it a couple of times, SM and ASM over heard and did not intervene, took a complaint to the CD to get an apology. Ya, still mad about it.... At this years camp meeting he went over ethnic intimidation and said if it happens again this year the scout and/or troop will be sent home if it repeats....I hope this was not because of the incident with our troop, because while hurtful it wasn't that serious. Our scout camp requires shirts for access to the dining hall....The CD is not flexible in this regard...so the boys who signed up for camp had to have shirts.....Besides, there is nothing like seeing their face light up when they put the shirt on for the first time.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. Yep our blue and gold you can have pulled pork, egg rolls, fried rice and bean and cheese enchiladas right a long side the big tray of mac and cheese and some sort of curry rice concotion that really messed with my system.....I smelled like curry for two days.... wouldn't have it any other way....
  6. wolf that is what we call a walking taco.
  7. I missed Eagle92 comment. I am surprised to say the least....... Thx OGE..... Ya know what I did with my tax return????? I bought 4 cub and boys scout shirts and patches.....I paid for 3 day camp registrations and 2 webelos camp registration....... Why, because our DE and camping committee said NO. So what did you do with yours?????? As I have been told by scouts and scouters at a scouting event "Your scouts will be serving my scouts meals when they become adults" (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. Someone recommended having the bank statements Sent to the CC or other leader anyone other than the treasurer.
  9. I forgot to mention, I am also the SM for a now forming Baden-Powell Service Association Group.....This is going to be a program for our female siblings and those who cannot profess a belief in god or are openly gay......
  10. I serve Urban youth, mostly from poor, single parent and grandparent households...Nice mix of races and cultures.....The Blue and gold is aways a surprise..... Pack, CM&WDL Transitioning out end of may, I will become the CC in May I am still the guy who gets them to day and resident camp. Troop, ASM Transitioning to SM May, Current SM is having health issues and have been proxy for the last 6 months or so Crew, Advisor, Male.....The second iteration of the group restarted, this President is very motivated and her officers seem engaged and active, Now to get them trained...... they have a couple of activities under their belt and it is less than a month old.
  11. Spagetti, Walking tacos, hot dogs on a stick, Burgers, foil packs don't work well with a large group..... I don't like the burger ones, but we have made some with fish onions and peppers that were outstanding.
  12. Oh I am a unit guy.....Don't get me started on Da District guys. Not getting into a contest about who is trained more.....your list is similar to mine, except i have venturing...
  13. Short.....that is why I question Deafs training, for that much training he fails to understand the program and goals.
  14. Partials are the responsibility of the scout..... So I am a cyber bully cause I ask questions?????? Nope, we have all kinds asking questions here from parents and kids trying to work the system, to 40 year olds trying to get their eagle. Ya need to know who your talking to in order to frame an appropriate answer..... You are certainly trained..... So your an adult who stepped into save a troop....hats off to you. and you were primarily involved on the district level, now having to step back to the unit level. I get it now.
  15. Most of our program is within an hour of our CO so fuel cost have not changed anything yet. Of course that is subject to change...... Now that we are exporting Gas to South America and soon china or india, fuel prices will probably never go down.....
  16. Be wary of unofficial sites... They may not be up to date or have inaccurate requirements.
  17. BLW Why don't you start the boys with the Sports and Academic program????? That is something the they can get their head around and it is really enjoyable for them. I think your wasting your effort on EP with a tiger den.....the boys don't Care....they would rather play dodge ball or kick ball or heck, look at bugs under logs....
  18. In reading all of your posts.....Your going to continue the one man show..... with 5 boys you don't need an SPL or PLC you need more scouts......
  19. In your little tiny troop of 5 boys, why in the world do you need a merit badge councilor. I believe your wasting your energy..... I think you have more important things to worry about....such as finding a feeder pack, recruiting new Boy Scouts, More adult leadership....... You appear misguided to me....have you taken training???? IOLS SM and ASM courses????? so is your son a star or life scout??????
  20. Dude you need to seriously relax about the merit badges......... Shaking my head
  21. Lots of I's in you post my friend. Your SPL is elected by the scouts.....YOU set up nothing. Just as the PL's.....They are elected by their patrol...... You don't set up the PLC, the scouts do and you don't even have to attend. Not sure about the age of your troop but I would get them to NYLT training or even attend a couple of events with another bigger troop so the boys can see how it operates.... Lots of Eagles???? I could careless about Eagles, It is one aspect of the program, if you have a decent program they will advance naturally..... Some boys are motivated by bobbles and patches. Laughing here......If you want to go camping, go camping for cryin outloud, You don't need scouting to go camping.....
  22. Just went thru our entire council by districts and we had zero chartered to Parents of....we had 4 chartered to Concern Citizens.....a bunch to PTO and PTA's......
  23. Well Z you now have the edge, You can act on it to benefit your Pack, troop or crew. Or you can see if it comes to pass in your council.... If the word comes from your council and everybody is looking, when the music stops a bunch of organizations are going to be left without a seat..... The Orange county Council page link says it is a national thing....... "Hence, BSA National Council sought to eliminate Parents of as charter organizations and replace them with faith based and community service organizations. After 2 years of advocating the change, BSA set December 31, 2012" So Z if you are a parent of org........I would start looking tonight.....Same for you horizon and 5 cubs.
  24. Zscout your in a panic.....relax....... Remember National does trial things in various councils to see how they work..... Remember 3 years ago every adult scouter had to be fully trained for their position in my council....... didn't happen....
  25. ya know fish....... A little research answered the question.....He should receive the Patch. here is teh quote from national... http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/joining.aspx 7. Understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath or Promise, Law, motto, and slogan, and the Outdoor Code. Helps to actually read requirement.....Yep I am guilty as charged.
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