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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Using a trailer to store your troop gear is not very smart.....I know lots of troops do it. We hear at least a couple of times a year of troop trailers getting stolen.....the gear often turns up in Indiana or Kentucky at flea markets...... Google Stolen troop trailer if you doubt what I say. My point is your wasting your troops money, registering an unneeded trailer. I don't know of any troop that has too much money....5 boys and you need a troop trailer?????....just don't get it. We have 16 and don't have one.....We camp in a 16 passenger van and a pickup truck. The Eagle comment was to the fellow who lives in maryland and then unethically registers his trailer in Maine to save his tax money......Roads aren't free. but instead of paying his fair usage for the roads he registers his trailer in maine.... The Eagle Scout Charge The Boy Scouts of the world constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in history, and you [ Scout's name ], have been counted worthy of this highest rank in its membership, all who know you rejoice in your achievement. Your position, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to Country, to your fellow Scouts, and to mankind in general. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations, you bring honor to yourself and to your brother Scouts. If you fail, you bring down the good name of all true and worthy Scouts. Your responsibility goes beyond your fellow Scouts -- to your Country and your God. America has many good things to give you and your children after you; but these good things depend on the qualities she instills in her citizens. You are prepared to help America in all that she needs most. She has a great past, and you are here to make her future greater. I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and your fellow men -- to finest living. We have too many who use their strength and their intellect to exploit others for selfish gains. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good. Build America on the solid foundations of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God. Whatever others may do, you will leave behind you a record of which every Scout may be proud So is he meeting the charge????????
  2. hmmmmm how many boys do you have in your troop again???? it was 5 or 7 right???? so why in the world do you need a troop trailer?????? you should be able to easily transport a weeks worth of camp gear and food in the bed of a pick up truck or van....... Or am I missing something????? Deaf you are program side, let the committee run the business end of the troop...... Eagle......so you live in Maryland and haul your trailer on the streets paid for by Maryland vehicle registrations??????? So your overloaded 10,000 trailer is tearing up roads that it should be paying for, or am I missing something???? Your greed does not make it right........
  3. Ya know fish, a few days in the woods with the boys will straighten things out...... Scouting gets caught up in the Eagle chase, Merit Badge universities, Troop trailers and all the other nonsense that really doesn't matter. Too many adults get caught up in the nonsense that scouting can become. I enjoy the banter around the campfire, the bickering about menus, complaints of sore feet, the smiles of the boys who didn't think they could do it.....The parents saying their son has changed and is more confident.... Like you I think it sets a bad example....
  4. Never had an issue with the Menu....Well, other than lots of repeats... We have had an issue with Scouts bring too much junk food.....Last trip the SPL shook the boys down before we left.....Problem \solved.
  5. DS and TT What you two are doing should be done by the boys???? Or am I missing something. The grubmaster makes the menu and collects the money, the trip planner recruits the drivers. Again, the boys should be doing this if they aren't all ready In rereading the thread, I will say that my troop camps and is active outdoors more than most that have responded hear. In about 8 hours I leave for another backpacking trip, with the older patrol. We camp 12 months a year and have day events 18 times a year....Just counted them up off the calendar. Now sprinkle in the crew and the Pack.....Glad I get to retire from the Program side of the Pack in a couple of months.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. Thx 5 year PM sent. Our uniform closet is empty that is why I had to buy a couple new....
  7. We have a lady for the mega troop and Pack crossed the Beltway is the UC for the unit in which she is a member...... the best part is she has been active in scouting for just a couple of years.... Of course they are untouchable.....bein wealthy and all.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. didn't some folks have an issue getting a hold of the folks that run Scoutmanage...... http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=341828
  9. Attendance is irrelevant.....i forget what the guide to advancement say.....the old way said active which meant not on suspension and fees are current
  10. 6 months or so ago someone posted about a cm whose son crossed into another troop. Old Cm became an asm with the troop and a uc for his old pack..........he proceeded to direct the webelos to his troop instead of the brother troop to the pack....... While it happens itis not a sound practice
  11. Scout tracks All of the requirements are completely spelled out for all ranks and belt loops and pins.
  12. Sure my tarnished statement was harsh....It was meant to be a wake up call. Brew, you shouldn't sign him up for anything, let him chose....he will flounder for a while then find his feet. give him a chance.
  13. TQM now there is an acronym I haven't heard since the early 90's.
  14. Sounds like you have a plan.... I am just a parent is just an excuse or crutch for avoiding the tough decisions or discussions. No more or less
  15. Wow that is weak..... I am off out of council solo or with the SM, I jump in the truck and off we go....We do the activity and return. Called personal responsibility... True stuff happens, but when the time comes I worry about personal injury and insurance problems and scouting is the time I quit.
  16. So your son's eagle is already tarnished??????? NICE Eagle required merit badge in 2 hours that is great. I simply don't have anything nice to say about the situation... doing the right thing can be painful.
  17. Fair enough........ I need to change my wording....If you want to enjoy being a boy scout as an Adult Joint the BPSA as a Rover. There is no upper age limit. http://bpsa-us.org/program/rovers/
  18. Our council has a big Jambo type blow out every 3 years like clock work. They are very expensive, $75 a head last year for a Saturday event. Setup friday night, Activities Saturday and tear down Sunday before noon. For your $75 you get the local swat team, Army, navy, marine recruiters, shotgun shoot for the BS's, Naturalist with wild critters from the Department of Natural resources, a mid way of peddlers hocking chinese junk, the BS collectors are their with their displays, a climbing wall, cub push mobile races and a band on saturday night......With food for the weekend the cost runs $90. Zero room for the boys to be active, no ghost in the grave yard, or capture the flag. Not a real good time for anyone.
  19. Well, Solutions....... Change venue of camporee Increase per camper fee to cover busses Drop event at remote location Have scouters drive personal vehicles with their scout in them Your fixated on busses,
  20. We average 30 or so a month so....It would take too much time.... Honestly, As easy as most of them are to earn it sets a poor precedent to have a big ceremony for something that isn't that important.
  21. Air force brat..... Spent my early life base to base....I barely remember Fitz in Denver... My current situation, we get boys started in scouting, their family situation improves and they move to the burbs....that is my biggest problem with retention......Well divorces or changes in custody.....
  22. Good catch scoutfish.....I would hope it would be the tenderfoot fitness requirements. If it is the Fitness Merit Badge.......Depends on how you want to get along...... Me, I am about whats doin right.....I would speak up and point out that we are to require no more or less than the requirement states.
  23. Ahhhh Incredibles.....Everyone one is special so nobody is
  24. Ahhh Rush 2112 very nice reference....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gfL1zhi9FY&feature=related There was a discussion about Woodbadge as a cult...... Not that I disagree with ya brother.......I don't get it either. To all those man scouts out there.......the Baden Powell Service Association Has Rovers which is man scouting.......
  25. Bad idea.....cause someone won't get invited and their will be hurt feelings and drama....... Invite the entire pack and don't promote it much and go......The usual suspects will go and have a good time and there will be no grounds for complaint since everyone was invited.
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