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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. eagle has a story about district folks hooking up and it ending in divorce. Causing huge problems on the district level... There are stories about woodbadge staff and participants hooking up.....Destroying two marriages.... I imagine it could happen on the unit level..... I will say my wife looks fantastic in her venturing uniform..........
  2. no idea that the BSA had a new backpacking Uniform shirt?????? I am interested could you provide a link???
  3. Again my life is different most on this board.... I ride Ducati's I am a member of DesmoOhio a Ducati enthusiast group......The local group meets at the local Hooters regularly.....Son has been tagging along since his feet were able to touch the foot pegs. So he has been going since he was 6..... So what is so evil with hooters????? Beer and drinking????? The gals in the shorts and tight tops???? I am glad my that I am not all hung up and my son will grow up with the advantage of not having that intellectual burden. Now had he asked to go to the Platinum Fox.....that would have been no, you need to wait till your 21....
  4. Eagle.... As a 30 something dew drinking programer, you probably do have ADD...... But a 3-5 year old who does not have deadlines, a boss, financial stress, facebook or things we fill our lives with that are unimportant..... Instead boy drinks moms dew and eats an entire bag of m&m's on top of the apple juice or kool aid he has been drinking all day, the sugar ladened cereal he had for breakfast....... toss in the fact that the kids are not allowed to play outdoors and burn off the energy.....of course they are hyper and acting like a kid. In our instant fix society give that kid a pill.....it is easy no discussion, mom says that kid is hyper doc responds....no problem we can fix that....If this pill doesn't fix the problem call me and I will call in a script for a different one. I believe there are a small percentage that need the meds to function....but of the current folks on I believe maybe 1% SHOULD be on them..... Education for Eamon......I am a product of a rural public school system and my son an urban school. my son's education is better than mine.......He is doing things at his current grade level that I was doing as a junior and senior in high school. I was a victim of my teachers whims and interests..... I don't have a problem with teaching to the test.......At least most of the kids will at least have this base knowledge...... Free thinkers and problem solvers.....naw....most of the kids just need to be able to hold a job....
  5. depends on the type of troop Active in the outdoors the microfleece is hard to beat......Washes up good in a fire bucket, dries quickly at camp....It is cooler when no cotton shirt is worn under it. Had mine for nearly a year... I have a variety of shirts, the micro fleece is the one I usually grab....
  6. DS.....Again you use I..... When are you going to make the connection????? The boys do the merit badges on their own.....Not in a troop class room setting. You are out of line scheduling troop hikes of your choosing and planning. The boys pick and plan the hikes, just that simple. It is not your decision....It never was intended to be..... what you think is cool the boys will not..... My son did it, one of his hikes was to a Hooters for lunch......Not my choice but his.... I tagged along......
  7. Wow..... I am rolling on the floor laughing...... so why in the world would you join boy scouts if your going to tent with dad on campouts....... No 300 feet in that troop, webelos 3, Cub Scout Troop, man scouts and every other derogatory scout term you can thing of........... That is really weak..... anyone with a troop like that should be a shamed....thats right they probably aren't. So we are back to NO PARENTS on camp outs and the minimum two adults...... I may complain about no extra adults on outings or helping with the troop......I recant everything I said.....I would never trade my situation financial, or otherwise for anything in the above thread. I am going to thank both of my kids for being nothing but who they are...... Thank you for brightening my evening.
  8. You need to remember my world is much different than yours. I have one boy scout who has both parents in the same household....the rest are divorced or absentee. My scouts dads are bike gang members, in jail, uninvolved, drug dealers, or other wise too busy for their son's. I have spent more than a couple nights around the campfire or after a meeting dealing with the dreaded my dad hates me outburst......
  9. DS You want male role models yet you tag along????? In that situation who has the most influence, the male scouters or you as mom. Your presence defeats your desire.
  10. DS You really shared your tent with your son in BSing?????? Guess it depends on how ya raise your kids........ My son has never slept with me in cubs or BSing. He had a cub sized, marmot limelight 2, tent that he would invite another scout to share. As a wolf he and his friend set it up on their own and took it down.....I had to refold and roll it so it would fit in the bag more often than not, but what the heck they were trying......by bear year he/they could do it on their own successfully. Nor has my daughter........she has a 2 man MSR tent that she and a friend share....same deal she can set it up and tear it down no problem.....she is 11. She is tougher and has more nights camping and backpacking than most boy scouts...... They are completely independent and self sufficient.... You know, I wouldn't have it any other way....
  11. Ya know moose......I can't tell you the times here and in person I hear that one of the reasons boys are in Boy scouting is for positive male role models........ The group dynamic is different with a woman around.....just the way it is....
  12. Deaf....I think eamon nailed it.....I don't think it is twisted at all.. There is a responsibility of the Parent to equip their children with the ability to function in society....Part of that is video games, cell phones and facebook......My kids don't have cell phones or facebook accounts. They will but when they get a little older. It is my opinion that the human being needs struggle and conflict to be happy. Facebook provides that conflict and struggle as does texting and pictures. Is my son softer than I was as a youth....yes, he doesn't hunt or fish or trek the woods as I did, he is not as physically fit as I was at his age....But his world is different. The way he views the world is different, there was no fast food on every corner, and we shared a phone with 6 of our neighbors......Today every 8 year old has a cell phone and the kids diets are made up of drive thru food. Far as ADD or HDDD or what ever you want to call it....It is an excuse.....there were no ADD kids when I was in elementary school.....So in 40 years where did they come from?????? Lazy parents???? Most of my ADD boy are exactly that.....Single moms who did not discipline their kids when they were 2 and 3. They don't have any fear or respect of mom, they sure as heck aren't going to respect a teacher or scout leader. It is now become an industry of excuses for them..... 7 hours to take a 3.5 hour test......Lets try that in a work environment.....If I took 2 hours to do a 1 hour job I would be fired or the company I owned would be out of business. So this young lady, who is disabled, gets a job and can't be fired because of poor performance because she is disabled.....
  13. Either the boy went to the store and bought them or he didn't... Yes or no answer.....If he didn't, next camp out he goes and does it......just that simple. Far as not signing off on all of the subparts of 4 the discussion is irrelevant because if he misses one then he can't get first class....just that simple. Sign it this week or in a month.......
  14. No more Polish food for lunch.....that post was a mess....All those carbs and potatos, now the sugar crash.... Hawk...I am a huge believer in the Feeder Pack system....Scouting is all about community, The boys join as Tigers or wolves, progress thru the ranks become friends, the parents become friends and bond....... If the webelos den is blown apart and goes to a number of different troops I wonder about retention and satisfaction. I agree that all troops are not for everyone....an extremely active outdoor troop would not be a good fit for a young man who is a fluffy book worm type. or the DI type SM is not a good fit for the free thinking young man........ In rereading the OP she is the member of the feeder Pack for the troop.....so it probably is not a CO who does not like or want Female leaders camping..... I will say I don't like the OP saying giving them a shot?????? So are planning to join the troop your son does as a leader????? if not who cares How is the quality of the program???? camp every month? SPL active running the troop? Do they have camping gear???? Patrol boxes???? Do the boys look like they are engaged and having fun????? If your going to exclude this troop from your list of possibilities because they don't want a women at camp then I think your short changing the boys.....You need to look at the program thru their eyes not your own. Why is the situation awkward??? Just tell the parents that the troop does not allow women on camp outs......End of story...It isn't your problem.
  15. Solid advice.... I never advertised, it was strictly word of mouth, but I was never relying on it for my primary income. Started with the elderly neighbors directly around my house then their brothers and sisters, then their friends......... Went from my pickup, push mower, trimmer and gas can, to landscaping trailer, self propelled commercial mower, big weed trimmer, brush cutter, backpack blower......
  16. Again another post for the guardians of the Eagle.... I agree with the number of 13 year old eagles and their typical short comings. Maybe it is time for all first class scouts to be tested by the DE's over a first class skills weekend???????? Remove the Parents, remove the unit leaders, remove the district politics....... The boy, the task, the skill, the accomplishment the sign off.
  17. Don't know is a local troop policy that gals aren't allowed to camp with the webelos on the troop camp out??? Now I don't think that when the webelos are camping with the troop that both parents and siblings should tag along...... I would hope that the Troop leadership would welcome you irregardless of your gender as the webelos den leader and Parent... Summary Gals on the troop camp out OK, One Parent on camp out OK Siblings or entire families NO. It could possibly be a Chartered Organization rule, bout a year ago we had a gal on here raising cane about the troop not allowing female leaders. It turned out that the Church that chartered the troop did not want Female leaders....It is their right as owners of the organization.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. I think moose hit it on the head.....contact one of those ghost troops CO. Moose....I could see a Patrol of 16 year old scouts joining a troop and acting independently without significant adult intervention. A group of 10-11 years cannot do it...So Dad would end up acting as a Troop guide/SM for his sons patrol. Far as that goes.....why not just meet as a troop even though the council won't let you register as one yet????? The only thing you couldn't do is use council camps and register your advancement......I which case I would hold it and turn it in a couple of weeks after the boys and troop gets registered. So I have to ask....The area is Urban, but what kind of urban????? Rich or poor, mixed ethnicity????? Do they own cars or rely on public transportation????? Rent their homes or own them?????? Are these kids that have any, both or one parent at home and involved?
  19. This is how we get 13 year old eagles.....couple hours in the pool eagle required merit badge. OGE you know his point, why expend the extra effort????? To some it is simply hurdles to be jumped come and not the journey. Swimming merit badge check. Let me see, 70 miles of hiking at 2 miles an hour that is 35 hours vs 4 hours in pools. Yes hiking takes more effort than swimming but less than cycling.
  20. Moose the first point is there can't be two SM's in a troop which is where the situation would be....as an SM would you let a Scouter use your troop numbers and charter to run a separate troop????? The whole issue of Tour Plans..... uhhhhh nope. My comment about 300 feet was regarding his boys NON-existent camping experience. In no way I would I take a NSP and dump them 300 ft from the adults... The boys need training and it is irresponsible to suggest it.
  21. I don't care who you are that's funny... That is why it is broken apart and not a single sign off...... Did he do 4a....Yep sign it 4b....sign it 4c....sign it 4d...no then don't sign it.......just that simple. I am guessing the SM's point is that, 3 weeks to BOR, no campouts so he can't actually shop for the food. No point in signing off the other three points...
  22. "Plus, remember boy led? they choose which MB to earn, I took my troop on a 10 mile hike, 10 times around a mile paved track, I told them for the trips we wanted to take I needed to know who could make it and who could not, I was surprised who did make it." Talk about picking the out come of a question....... Why not put them in the swimming pool and force them to do the mile swim. I hike and backpack a lot and if you forced me to walk on asphalt for 10 miles around a track I wouldn't pick it either. I call your method for determining which to take flawed. Take those scouts to a trail with some interesting stuff and I bet every single one of them would have picked the hiking merit badge. We do a mix of urban and forest hikes.....they are very popular with the boys.
  23. BDT....what eagle says is fine and I agree with it... Because typically the fellow you describe as happy and follows the rules is the same fellow I would trust in the woods with me..... I would not take the fellow who won't carry his fair share of the food, shelter or water. Or doesn't know how to take care of himself.
  24. Something isn't right....Looking at the maps you should either be in Chattahoochee, Button Gwinnett, or South fulton district. All of the districts appear to be active and very full of units. Again no familiarity with roads and traffic, I would believe there would be a troop with in a 20 minute drive of your Pack. Who is this really about????? So I gotta ask....where did the boys go who previously aged out???? they just quit????? Why a new troop???? Moose....reading your post about being a single patrol within another troop sounds like a bad idea.....and a recipe for adult lead......and looking back at the OP other posts....He was discussing a NSP camping 300 feet from the adults, No training, No experience, No Youth leadership support. shakin my head.... This appears to be about the best interests of adults and not the scouts. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
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