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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I would walk away. You are not dealing with scouters of integrity. I would first direct the boys to other troops. forging signatures on a medical form....bad mojo Car insurance we are a show me the policy......if you doubt it, I have learned to trust my intuition in such matters. Summer camp fees game?????? Be honest for pete sake...... DS....I struggle with folks on the district level.......The Troop leadership is stellar, a group I am proud to know and be associated with. All are Eagle scouts who grew up in this troop, The SM and I are the only outsiders and have been treated like brothers. All of the things you list are red flags to me......I would walk away. It just ain't worth it.
  2. NJ.....that was my point as well. Eamon.....it was a discussion. Again our DE is very money grubbing.....The discussion included threats to his job, all though not my idea, I don't disagree.. The COR rep was there and was livid as well.....
  3. Eagle your talking council.......I get the cost of camps......I get office staff.... I am talking district only......The discussion was about charging each unit a couple of hundred dollars each to basically be a member of the district......
  4. But camp maintenance is not a district worry or fee.....right???? "Supplies is another big expense. not only supplies for camps and activities, but FOS cards, recruitment fliers, banners, etc." I have never seen district supply recruiting flyers, banners and such.....I will admit to having seen FOS cards and a jem dandy of a FOS presentation DVD. I make my own recruiting flyers, buy my own paper, deliver them to schools ect...... Supplies for camps should all be paid for by the participation fees....... So exactly what is the DE doing traveling???? Ours doesn't do Boy talks, I see him at roundtable occasionally...
  5. I register my boys for camp online. I did my charter on line and turned it into the scout office. I do my training on line. No district training....we use neighboring districts. I don't have a unit commisioner. I am finished with roundtable for a while because the RTC didn't show we did intros and left no program. We don't have district camporees We don't have cub district functions. The only district function that occurs is roundtable, and Fundraising, FOS.
  6. Are they Obsolete??? what do they do that couldn't be completed more effiently at the council level?????
  7. The reason I ask is there is discussion of a unit fee paid to the district to be a member. I understand processing youth apps....But I am required to put my own advancement into scoutnet.....I do my own recruiting, I pay for my training, Other than the DE who does nothing for me I want to know what I am paying for??????
  8. The killer requirement for most den leaders is either attending x number of rountables or attending scout university.....
  9. John is that a district cost or a council cost. Our DE threw a figure out of $100 something per scout is the cost. I raised my hand and asked what is the actual dollar amount total..... The next question is how much profit did the council make on the popcorn sale...... Is the first total after we subtracted the popcorn revenue or before??????? Other than the DE's salary what on the district level is an expense???????
  10. Heard an interesting discussion...... and had a question. How much does it cost a district to have a Pack registered in it???? or Troop or Crew????? Where does that cost come from? DE???? Support staff????(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. Let them make rules......all of this is local decisions. When it becomes too much.....quit and join the BPSA. No idiocy there yet. Unlike most of you here my adult scouting career has been anything but roses.....from local created rules, money grubbing DE's, Districts and councils that don't hold up their end of the bargain. So rules made up in a committee will have little bearing on my program. So my boys want to backpack......i view aky stoves as an unreasonable risk for a 12 year old....we will use iso stove......no biggy. They ban backpacking I will offer it outside of scouting to the youth I serve. Scouting offers the frame work.....the program is yours.
  12. All these bans and rules are in place because someone did something stupid and then got a lawyer.....
  13. No one at National is listening too us..... RichardB cruises this board and occasionally posts....But is he listening.
  14. Ya know I will solider on and make my units program a success despite the roadblock thrown up by those higher on the food chain than me..... I am not going to dwell on what I can't change???
  15. Loan is a horrible idea.....just what we need...get our scouts comfortable with debt..... So what if he doesn't repay it???? You going to take him to small claims court to recover it???
  16. Ya know there are other more important things to get all wound up about. While making the stoves are fun and have a cool factor...an gas stove is faster and more efficient.... I get all wound up about program or the lack of.....I get wound up about people short cutting requirements......I get wound up about helicopter parents, scouters or youth leaders. Alcohol stove or not I am still going to make sure the boys get into the backcountry.
  17. moose the problem you describe about atheist is the same problem with gay scouters... If an Adult is gay or atheist and is silent about it how do you know???? If they have rainbow stickers all over their car and act the part then shame on them.....just as an atheist showing out about god in the oath or making a big deal about a scouts own. I am not gay, but I also don't have I love women on my truck, I believe in god but don't have the real men love jesus sticker either.....
  18. Thx for putting the outing in scouting... Please do me a favor and review trail etiquette with your group. I believe your group size is a bit to large.... I did from ammicola falls to neels last fall and hope to do that stretch this fall, probably do neels to fontanna. The section doesn't appear too difficult....but how fit are your scouts???? The thing to remember is to keep your milage kinda low and your pace slow for the first couple of days.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  19. Depends what part of the country your in I guess. I saw a group of adult scouters knocking back some adult beverages at a place called cluckers one weeknight, Our District staff go to the VFW after Roundtable, I am certain it isn't for the tea....Uniforms and all.... I struggle with parents bringing alcohol on Pack family campouts....The then Pack CC brought his girl friend a big cooler full of wine coolers and shared a tent......The first Pack campout I attended at the local scout camp was embarrassing. the clank of emptys going in the dumpster. How about all those cigar beer drinking poker nights that still go on at Troop campouts??? They still go on, if you doubt me ask around. You need to give me a little credit here deaf......Son, friend and I were not in uniform it was 90 degrees out..... If you going to judge me......I like bourbon, I treat myself to a nice cigar and a glass of bourbon occasional.... Not a big beer drinker. I enjoy the female form, I am a man that is the way I am wired....
  20. Here ya go http://scoutleaderknots.com/ lots of knots for lots of things. There is no knot for woodbadge.
  21. Yep kurt......that is generally what happens.....Met with a scout for hiking merit badge....He has his training hikes planned we go over his first aid....then they never come back......oh well. Horizon that sounds outstanding and I bet the boys buy into it..... I will not ban cellphones on trips....they are much more than just phones......Banning is obsolete, teaching responsible usage is the way to go......Not teaches that faster than a dead battery friday night when your gone for the entire weekend.
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