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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Never saw him arrive, we started dinner, I was workin the tables chatting with families and hear a voice from the stage. a surgical strike, didn't introduce himself so he could not be told no.....I walked the tables and told the parents it was optional and they were under no obligation to give..... He handed out his own flyers and pens....no idea if he got a dime.... At least this year the DE didn't have the guts to call me and tell me I need to make up the difference between their goal and our actual amount.....
  2. I get it NJ...... I don't care how the families camp together....We have a couple of live in situations, I am not going to die on that sword......Generally our cubs like to tent together if at all possible..... Last pack campout the girls 6 girls tented together.....they were way to close to me.....they talked all night.....I would just get to sleep and they would wake me up...... So given half a chance the kids want to tent together, at least that is my experience..
  3. how quaint.....a can opener. I carry a tiny single blade swiss army knife, It is blue..... I need nothing more to be comfortable in my trek.
  4. Well not sure whats up the the bulk of the district committee resigned tonight..... Cub and Boy scout roundtable commissioners, training, advancement, activities and camping chair resigned tonight effective immediately..... makes ya wonder whats up?????? Emails are a flyin....Just the roundtable commissioners, advancement and training chair actually resigned for personal reasons....(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. We do Christmas gear wish lists.............that way the parents, grand parents and friends can equip the scout. Day hikes, lots of them.....Make sure the boys like to walk before your first trip.... The next thing we did was cook lunches on day hikes. We buddy cook, not as a patrol...Smaller pots, smaller stoves..... Boots boots boots......Before you leave always check their foot wear and send the boy home in converse or keds.... No traction or protection. Q....is dead on as usual... What is there fitness level???? Has your troop day hiked before???? what was the distance???? how was the experience?? Is this the boys Idea???? Now as romantic as Backpacking sounds it is a heck of a lot of work and the initial trip with take a huge amount of prep. The linked article is good and a great place to start......
  6. we are back to a question that I posed a couple of weeks ago... Is it worth saving?????? Not trying to offend you just don't sound that experienced... So where is the poison in the troop???? Something is driving the boys away????? You need to put your finger on it...... Far as your 4 new crossovers, Are you doing them a favor by keeping them in a DEAD troop????? There is no shame in walking away..... My son's first scout troop was a family thing, it was run my a grandfather who was SM, CM, CC and COR......His grandson was hell on wheels......beating the crap out of the other boys.....Well he bloodied a kid up so I reported it to the CM, CC and the DE....I asked for his mother to be present at all further meetings......Well it didn't happen and he knew I spoke to his grandfather about what happened.....Well he now fought several times a night......punching holes in the dry wall breaking furniture...... We quit and moved to another Pack... My sanity, and safety were at stake.....Plus it was very apparent that nothing was going to come of the reports to the DE.......... So how much are you willing to pay for trying to turn the unit around?????? Eamon has a point Ego......(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  7. Thank you Oak I will be forwarding that to the district chair and DE.....
  8. the tour permit used to require you enter insurance coverage and DL info on it.... I have not partook of the new tour plan yet
  9. There is no comebacks........ Do the right thing just that simple.... Put your foot down on the rules you can enforce and make it stick.....they will either love you for it or fire you...... smoking in front of the boys snatch that cigarette and put it out.... forged signature med form gets tore up......... Last minute stuff don't sweat it let it fall thru the cracks.... No reservations or food on campouts no problem.....Not my problem tough love......just that simple... I think your foolish for wasting your effort....you are an outsider and sounds like a figure head......You have been shown your opinions don't mean anything.... So who renewed the trailer tags?????? did he have authority to do so???? Who is the treasurer????
  10. FOS presenter showed up uninvited to the B&G....After being told know...
  11. My son and I had the exact conversation.... Dad I lost my book.... Well did ya look for it??? Yep.... Where did ya look???? Where do you last remember having it??? Well guess your going to need to buy yourself another...... Dad but what about all the stuff in it...... Guess you need to talk to SM about it...... I took him to the scout shop where he bought a new book then it took him a month to man up and tell the SM he lost his book and ask to have the new one updated....... But he did it... He found his book, it was in his daypack that he took to jlow training the boys attended.
  12. NJ...when you register cub siblings for events they are called Participants as well. it lists Leader, Parent, Scout and Participant
  13. Yes, It is his journey not yours... Since HE lost HIS book....HE should go the HIS SM and get the book brought back up to date. I hope your not signing off his requirements.......Did he come to you and ask for help or did you go to him and offer, suggest or otherwise motivate him??? I have seen it recommended on this forum for a Cub leader to take a year off to deprogram.....I think it is a good idea
  14. SP....your just to funny. Naw this is fishes thread... Just go into the woodbadge leader training second and browse it....or use the search function for woodbadge.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. My experience generally on the trail.....I did not hike during Thru hiker season, so these were not those folks, but general folks who like the outdoors... Most people hiking the trail do not like to see a group of scouts, period. WE have a huge PR problem......Blame it on a couple of bad troops or elitist attitudes on the part of the other hikers. Boys will be boys for cryin out loud they will play and be loud. My experiences were generally positive with scouts on the trail.....But group size and shelter utilization where the two biggest issues. So one of my recommendations is do not camp at or use the shelters.... The second is keep your group size to 10 or less. But your not going to take these and do what you want......so this is just me preaching to empty pews
  16. cough cough, sputter, Anyone Anyone?????? MUST RESIST MUST RESIST.......
  17. No is not an option..... Journey to Exellence.....I had lots of help filling that out. FOS......Is also mandatory...
  18. Fish.....I don't know of any teenage brother or sister that would voluntarily share a tent....... Now some cub events make you register sibs as participants as well....... Just sayin.....
  19. fish ya pushin my buttons boy...... I been behavin myself regarding woodbadge.......
  20. Robbin, The finest scouter I know wears no knots...... I know he possesses a chest full....Lifetime scouter....It is about the boys he says...... Some of the biggest jerks in scouting I have met have 4 or more rows of knots. I call them peacocks as they strut around.....Look at me.....Look at me.... Knots on a shirt, while impressive to some are a poor judge of whats inside. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  21. If the donation bucket on the table netted $500 how much did the spaghetti dinner gross. So how does the fellow get along with the group......Chemistry is important. Since your going to be spending weekends with him....do you like him.... Other than him being a complete horses @55 I would sign him up.....Get him trained, completely trained for his position. ASM With any luck he might just be your replacement.
  22. I have been told I need to step up and help..... Ya know my plate is full....Crew, Pack and troop, rare is a free weekend...... Besides the richy boys a crossed the belt way have 29 assistant scout masters, a committee of 18 and more money than midas......Shouldn't they be doing the program....
  23. So north star council hosts woodbadge three times a year....that is crazy.....
  24. I have a really dumb question.... why register them as scout parents instead of just dropping them off the charter????????? Give up that easy..... What else is going on??? I am going to bet the problems are systemic. How are the troops finances???? have you seen the bank statements???? With the amount of money you said your troop raised at the spaghetti dinner pinching penny's they way their are worries me. They are filling out camperships for boys yet paying $500 to letter the troop trailer and then registering the trailer out of state.... Something just ain't right.
  25. I am not going to tell a family they can't share a tent....... Guess your gonna have to learn some flexibility.
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