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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Ya know in three weeks it isn't my problem or risk any more......
  2. Nope not complimenting the DE..... He should have manned up and told them to stop immediately... Our sister pack was losing Cubs to mega rich pack...rich pack was shooting bb's and arrows.....they started shooting and retention improved......Fact no idea....that is what they said. I don't agree with our packs Decision to buy and shoot bb guns on our own.......It just isn't right...I am on record as being opposed.. We set up a legit range...just like the one in the cub shooting sports guide book.....We have a LEO who runs the range and was the biggest most vocal supporter. He has attended the council rangemaster training. Run it by the book, beyond the fact we aren't supposed to be doing it......
  3. This is exactly why no popcorn goes to the parents with out being paid in full first.
  4. Packs still do the upside down bobcat ceremony.....the webelos flaming necker ceremony. Packs own and shoot bb guns and archery.....the take canoe trips as packs.....heck one pack even went white water rafting.... Violate two deep leadership on a regular basis...... A little cake or pie in the face is small potatos.... The only thing I can do is follow what I believe is best for my scouts and evaluate the risk for myself. A story.....we now own and shoot bb guns on our own.....It was a committee decision.. all the neighboring packs were doing it and theDE was aware. We were forced to do
  5. So he wasn't rejected at all but probably fired from his position for not doing what the CO wanted....
  6. Well I guess we know which side you support in the argument...... Thanks for your thoughtful and considerate reply.
  7. Well DE fired the training chair because she wasn't meeting her financial goals for the district????????????
  8. As always we get a sliver of information..... Recharter....if they were added to the charter our council also requires an application be submited if you don't the charter is rejected. So a youth was rejected by the BSA....Never heard of that but OK. Sounds like the entire Troop leadership needs retrained
  9. Wow.... Respect for you leaders????? Kinda hard to listen to the guy when you just smashed a cake in his face. enough said.
  10. shakin head..... generators, tv's....why bother going????? Of course this is the same troop that has access to airplanes to go to summer camp...... So Blake....do you guys buddy cook or patrol cook???
  11. Where would you put all of the names of your past eagles at????? Where would you put all of your troops sponsor logos???? Where would you haul your gator???? Trailers are an annoyance to me....There is a couple of troops in our council that have big tandem axle trailers with sponsorship decals all over it? then the one that has Troop 123 where eagles soar.....they have a year and all the boys that reach eagle on it....there has to be 10-15 a year....... It is one of the reasons the BSA has a bad reputation for camping way too heavy.......and the crux of my question about backpack as the norm not the exception. Luxury
  12. Current situation...... Two patrols 18 registered..... typical outing 10-14. which means 5-7 per roughly..... Two patrol boxes, two dining flys, two propane tanks ect....... Two adults. I would love to eliminate the dining flys, patrol boxes and all that extra stuff and treat every outing like a backpacking trip.....
  13. Immediate disqualifiers Category I Offenses When an applicant or member has a criminal record (felony or misdemeanor) that includes the following categories of criminal offenses, he or she will be disqualified from membership in the Boy Scouts of America regardless of any other factors: 1. Crimes involving sexual deviancy, sexual abuse, sodomy, sexual assault, rape, sexual misconduct, pornography, soliciting prostitution, or any other sex-related crime. 2. Any offense involving a child or a dependent adult. 3. Manufacture, distribution, or possession with intent to deliver drugs or illegal substances. 4. Crimes of violence against anyone, including aggravated or felony assault, battery, manslaughter, homicide, and any offense in which a weapon was used. On the application NOTICE TO APPLICANT REGARDING BACKGROUND CHECK In order to safeguard the youth in our program, the Boy Scouts of America will procure consumer reports on you in connection with your application to serve as a volunteer, and the Boy Scouts of America may procure additional consumer reports at any time during your service as a volunteer in order to evaluate your continued suitability for volunteer service. The Boy Scouts of America has contracted with LexisNexis, a consumer reporting agency, to provide the consumer reports. LexisNexis may be contacted by mail at LexisNexis, 1000 Alderman Drive, Alpharetta, GA 30005 or by telephone at 800-845-6004. The consumer reports may contain information bearing on your character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. The types of information that may be obtained include but are not limited to Social Security number verification, sex offender registry checks, criminal records checks, inmate records searches, and court records checks. The information contained in these consumer reports may be obtained by LexisNexis from public record sources. The consumer reports will not include credit record checks or motor vehicle record checks. Also see these links http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=342833 http://pushies.com/documents/28-105_PMSML.pdf http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-501.pdf
  14. short mentioned minimalist camping......As primary gear hauler....this has a huge appeal to me. the biggest hurdle I see is cooking.... when we backpack we buddy cook. the boys pair up and share a stove and a 1 liter pot. Patrol cooking there are patrol boxes, dining flys coleman 2 burner stoves...on and on..... an entire trailer of gear.... I really appeals to me....less is often more...... Thoughts?????? Feedback????? short please interject your experiences. Menus, pro's cons...How is the patrol impacted by the change.....strengthen or weaken the patrol????
  15. May I suggest using tube socks or Pant legs.....get the pants at the salvation army....
  16. Pack welcome to the dark side of non believers......
  17. Ohio The district chairman resigned as well. Got the full story.......Ugly, it will never get better.....It is a cancer(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. Chris relax. I understand your trying to help him.... Enjoy your practice sessions with him. Praise him when appropriate, but also plant the seed he many not win. If your going to make and or take sand bags....Make sure you take enough for all the lanes and provide them to the camp...... It would be very unscout like to show up with a sand bag for your son and then take it with you.
  19. So Barry how does one feed the district????? My troop provides zero leadership to the district.....I was asked to be membership chair a couple of years ago but my scouting plate is too full and I asked on this forum what was involved and it was way more than I have time for.... http://www.scouter.com/Forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=266648&p=1 I think where we are at is that the district has run so poorly for so long the troops are just used to doing their own thing.....
  20. kybo Keep Your Bowels Open Had no idea it was a coffee brand at one point (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  21. spit my coffee all over my bench............thx TT amazingly enough Most boys will not use a cat hole for BM.......they will hold it all weekend and use porcelain when we hit the road. Most boys won't use a kybo either......
  22. DS my situation was similar....But the old boys in the troop, the guys that eagled in the 40's and 50's are on board with us. they want to see the troop survive and thrive.....Keep their training up to date..... To be very honest if it weren't for old age getting them, I doubt I would have a position in the troop......
  23. My point... the OP said this would be their first camping experience with the troop..... Have these boys ever set up a tent before???? cooked for themselves before???? packed their own gear before??? managed water???? So these boys have never camped with the troop before????? Do any of the boys get homesick, afraid of the dark issues???? Backpacking is a really bad idea for just crossed over scouts.... Sounds like a train wreck.
  24. T2 why not make it a high adventure trip....Only older guys.... You guys need to quit serving the meal before the appetizers....... Every scout does not need to do everything the first year he joins.....There is nothing wrong with making them wait, give them something to aspire or dream about... Beside Backpacking should never ever happen at a troop level...
  25. Ya know I don't care........ I haven't said anything here that I haven't said at roundtable or committee meetings... Why are their no district cub events? Why No camporees? Why is it the only time I see you, DE, you want money or applications? Why is there no program tonight, roundtable,? Since when did FOS become mandatory??? Since when did quality unit/JTE become mandatory???? (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
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