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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Cub recruiting and the school turfs... I think ya hit it fred...... The troops with tons of gear have an advantage......
  2. j..... don't ever put your life on hold for anything.......Always forward..... Especially a job as a DE......
  3. Cheesy grits and bacon Cheesy mashed potatos and bacon Blt. In a tortila or other hearty bread or bagels Son swears by peanut butter bacon on a bagel I wonder sometimes..... Now that bacon is spendy....but its bacon..... I did shrimp and grits one time......canned small shrimp....cajun sausage.. very good Eagles list is solid Ramen of course. We have fatastic ethnic food section......oriental noodles in just about any sort of sauce you can imagine.....thai.......
  4. ahhhh Failing packs and the associated troops that they belong too. so short sighted are many BS leaders......The only way to secure long term security is a feeder pack and a strong relationship with it..... I think the shopping around is complete nonsense......
  5. I don't think it is the council....It is our DE.....who by the way is meeting our districts financial goals and recruitment goals. The rest of the district folks quit in protest is what I am hearing..... Had a district camporee a couple of weeks ago...they charged $15 a head youth and adult.....We did not participate because that would make it a $25 a person weekend....No patch, the units provided the activities and bought material to do it..... So where did that money go????? The campground was donated.....
  6. Freeze dried food, who could afford the stuff...... We get our grub at the local grocery......all of it. There are tons of resources for DIY backpacking meals.... Shelf stable bacon, packet chicken and tuna, noodle dishes on and on.... Heck there is a spicey noodle dish in the asian section I have been taking.....
  7. According to What has been posted and the linked documents..... If he signed up to be a BSA leader and went thru the background checks the Domestic violence is an immediate disqualifiers to be a leader. Immediate disqualifiers Category I Offenses When an applicant or member has a criminal record (felony or misdemeanor) that includes the following categories of criminal offenses, he or she will be disqualified from membership in the Boy Scouts of America regardless of any other factors: 1. Crimes involving sexual deviancy, sexual abuse, sodomy, sexual assault, rape, sexual misconduct, pornography, soliciting prostitution, or any other sex-related crime. 2. Any offense involving a child or a dependent adult. 3. Manufacture, distribution, or possession with intent to deliver drugs or illegal substances. 4. Crimes of violence against anyone, including aggravated or felony assault, battery, manslaughter, homicide, and any offense in which a weapon was used. So if you have proof that he truly has been convicted, an email with a link to the clerk of court where the conviction is on file with would be enough to have him removed. You could file a complaint with facebook......
  8. Ya know I am a big old wide body..... Not going to make excuses about it.... In a neighboring council on district holds a huge backpacking event every 3rd year.....two years ago my son and I participated...... Not having an understanding of the event we showed up late and got a late start..... But ya know pretty soon we were passing a lot of folks on the trail. Lets just say a lot of adults who were a lot younger than me and probably half my weight, tongue hanging out completely spent....they weren't even half way yet...... just because your thin or the correct weight is not an indicator of fitness. Generally it is.....but not always....
  9. All the previous posters missed an important point... Invited or asked by the troop or Chartered Organization........ Just because you want to join does not mean they HAVE to take you.... Have you been asked to join??? If not speak with the scoutmaster and Charter Org Rep about becoming a member....In the discussion include where your interest are... So a quik list 1. Invitation to join or ask to join 2. Take YP needs to be turned in with completed application in our council 3. Fill out application 4. Finish training 5. Have fun with Physical and all that stuff is putting the cart before the horse in my book......
  10. Been doing the online tour plan for years....With that said......I have not sampled the latest version yet.....I have a couple I need to file and have been holding off to try it.....I will offer feedback on the 10th. I hope that you can create a roster of adults their vehicles and insurance levels and the system remembers it.....I had a spreadsheet I used and moved numbers back and forth. I hope that it is linked to the myscouting so I don't have to put everyones training back in each time I file for one.....
  11. I can name about 6 or 8.......In their wake multiple Packs and Troops in shambles......Now a district in shambles...... I got my shiney ground hog so now I am gone... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  12. You will always have a couple of guys that raise a stink about not having a computer, never willl...... Then you run into having something that is up to date....reasonably compatible...... Troop committee only 3 of 7 have computers in our homes......Troop committee 2 do not..... We haven't even discussed distractions......So you have a committee meeting on skype....how long before someone is eating pizza, or watching the game or TV.... Happens all the time at work.....We skype all the time at work and I know find it difficult focus on that. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  13. I am dismayed......Our Pack is a victim of it's own success......I have watched helplessly as we become monochromatic....... Our finances and financial needs are changing too..... Had one of the new Moms fill out a campership application, she is on our facebook page...... where she regularly checks in from scouts karate lessons, soccer practice, expensive restaurants, showing off her new shoes, and manicured finger nails on and on and on....... Well the CC put it to the committee vote and said there was no financial need..... Yes the scout suffers because the parent is financially irresponsible..... I make sacrifices for scouting, for my son and others......she can make sacrifices for her son too.......Local council is charging $1400 for jambo......Son is going and I am nearly half way done paying for the program cost.
  14. I have yet to meet a Scouter seeking personal glory or recognition that hasn't done more harm than good.
  15. That is the problem.....You don't need to go to MOAB or Philmont to learn....... ya don't need a formal class.....Find a local SM or LNT Master Educator.....who has experience......Go on one of their Patrol backpacking trips as a guest or invite them to train your boy leaders...... Once my cub load is gone, It is my intention to offer my services and equipment to take other scouts into the backcountry. No it will not be from a district or council thing, No I will not charge a fee, One volunteer to another We were blessed with donations of backpacks, stoves and backpack tenting.....most of it second hand. but it is my intention to share the asset and make sure as many of locals share the experience as possible. Just one volunteer SM to another troop.....(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  16. didn't hitler enjoy throwing cake at the folks.
  17. It was like our councils Eagle association......We were a spigot for money....need a new kybo at camp I would get a post card. naw.... but ya need to go and read MV's early posts.....He/she is motivated by person recognition. a three row knot wearer and proud of it....... Uniform policeman...... MV you are misguided.......Instead of forming a Silver Beaver group......Ya need to form something that will directly impact the boys..... Or have the boys in scouting become an inconvenience ???? How about becoming active in a Friends of Camp and improve the camp
  18. I become SM in about 9 months...... While I am entertained by the district politics and often flabbergasted at the results I will not participate...... When I am no longer needed at the unit level I will retire. I have no aspirations other than serving MY boys.....Introducing them to a world that is bigger than the next welfare check, facebook and video game.
  19. Seattle....Generally the patrol boxes are too heavy for a new scout patrol to manage, yes they will accumulate garbage and dirty dishes, they are always missing something. Eagle.....now it makes sense why you need to register all of those scout trailers in Maine. In my state that would be over $500 in just trailer registrations a year, not including insurance for the contents and accident.... The $700 we would spend on trailers is more than our entire troops annual budget....... desert our scouting experience are just way to similar.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. Continental divide trail, Pacific coast trail, Benton Mackaye Trail, Red River gorge, Chellowee Trace.....Most states have some sort of backpacking trail system....Many of these trails don't have campsites or provide guaranteed potable water....The trails aren't manicured, no bridges over the creeks, you need to scramble over downed trees, most have no kybos, No trash drop off, and are not over utilized. No planned menu or food pickups.... But then again, it takes a knowledgeable, motivated leader to make it happen irregardless of what the PLC wants.....It is much easier to fork over typically $1000 with transportation. Like I said not doggin Philmont...I have been and enjoyed it..... Your provided food, your provided water, your provided activities.....People everywhere....It is a scout experience..... You want a real backpack trip MOAB......I have not been but the pictures I have seen are simply incredible. http://www.montanahighadventurebase.com/ TA what you said is true....there are rock trails and some pretty decent vertical changes....But rare is the group that climbs baldy with a full pack..... Eagle.....go and enjoy your adventure, takes lots of pics.....I still and would always feel that every scout should go and experience Philmont, more so than any jamboree. I have no idea your skills, experience or expectations.... It was not my intent to insult you.......
  21. Life long outdoors man...... I subscribe to Backpacking light, read the forums over there, Active on hammock hangers, on and on I doubt it. But every time I go out I learn something.......and I don't need to pay a thousand dollars to do it.
  22. yep for a mere $1500 I could attend......Airline, rentacar, program fee...
  23. No longer CM..... New leaders have begun the program changes..
  24. Philmont isn't like real backpacking..... Never had to step over a log there or deal with seriously eroded trails.......Trails are nearly as smooth as city park trails..... Not dogging it.....But is a heck of a lot different than any backpacking trail system I have ever walked. Eagle if your troop is an outdoor troop, you need different types of footwear...... Foot wear is like golf clubs. I have rubber knee high boots for council winter events, mud, I have Leather GTX winter boots, I have a mid weight GTX boot for weekends with rain in the forecast and a pair of mesh boots for mid summer no rain weekends......I have trail runners that I use in the city parks..... So I hope the boys who bought trail runners have walked a bunch of miles in them with a full packs, .... They do not provide enough support for me with a full pack.
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