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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. 14 at a camporee......can ya blame them.....Neighboring districts put on 3 camporees a year by the age of 13 they have been to 10.....to be honest they don't vary the program at all. Same location year after year, same activities year after year...... Big surprise they don't want to attend... Who makes out the calendar????
  2. Overworked verses putting in a bunch of non productive hours?????
  3. posting in a hurry......I allow girls should have been.....IT which is refering to the Baden Powel service association.
  4. Thats the thing Q it isn't completely different......I just allows girls
  5. We do an invite kinda thing....there are boys that just aren't ready to camp as 1st year webelos...all the 2nd year webelos go. every group is different so you can't make a one size fits all rule.
  6. Demonstrate first aid using duct tape.... Blisters, hot spots, nail repair...
  7. We run a sibling den..and are still playing with the BPSA as a alternative for recognition for the girls.... Just need to find a leader for the BPSA den.....The old BSA guys absolutely hate it....but I have approval, CO and Committees, if I can find a leader.......The program is much more difficult for the age level and the lady who runs the sibling den says it is too difficult for her. might be something the crew gals might like?????
  8. Yes there is..... SM, CM and WDL egos and attitudes...... The single biggest turn around for our Pack and Troop was the all hands mentality....The SM, CM, CC, COR CA all go to the cub recruiting nights....This fall we hope to have the crew gals help out too.... The webelos join the troop and crew for opening....... Till ya remove the internal barriers it will never change...... We did it about 3 years ago now and have nearly 100% cross over into the troop and the troops retention rate has gone to high 90's.
  9. Ahhh the great guardian debate.... What exactly is a guardian? Mom's live in boy friend? the Neighbor man??? Uncles, aunts older brothers or sisters????
  10. Guess I am surprised that more groups don't function like ours.......
  11. Let me see.... The Pack committee for the most part is the same as the troop committee who is for the most part the same as the Crew committee. While in the BSA organizational chart they are three seperate units...to parents and kids it is one organic unit. There are no boundaries, or walls to speak of....the troop and crew help the pack as requested...... All three units meet at the same time and place... Like I said in the other thread....our parents are surprised by having to fill out another when the boys transition to the troop.
  12. Well that is pretty stupid on the troops part..... You need to evaluate your boys....Some guys will like to go to the merit badge deal others not so much...... For the record....I would have offered it if the troop was going but not push it.... The kid that dropped out will probably not be back.
  13. PLC council of one???? I don't think you need a SPL even with two patrols. We have two patrols and if we are at an event that requires an SPL the Program patrols patrol leader is the man. My understanding is the PL and SPL are elected and the rest of the positions are appointed by the PL and the SPL appoints his staff. Congrats on getting enough boys to get the Troop chartered.
  14. remember those camperships I never heard back about...... Well the camp sign up deadline came and went so I paid for the boys who filled out the campership forms because I never heard anything and when I asked the DE he said they probably were denied...... They were approved we just were never notified....now I am dealing with trying to get my money back......I will probably never see it. Wonder if the local TV station would take up my case. Scout council double dipping on camping fees for Poor African American youth. Thank god I am nearly done with Cub scouting.
  15. I get burned out fairly regularly...... Loud mouth parents, unappreciative boys and parents, boys who leave for sports, council and district antics, quibbling leaders, lack of resources.... Just beat down....Current fight is over summer camp money..... tired to my bones, completely exhausted....Even margarita night with the wife didn't fix it..... Families going backpacking this weekend hopefully that will recharge the batterys some more..
  16. Taken from the guide to advancement from this link http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf Active Participation The purpose of Star, Life, and Eagle Scout requirements calling for Scouts to be active for a period of months involves impact. Since we prepare young people to go forth, and essentially, make a positive difference in our American society, we judge that a member is active when his level of activity in Scouting, whether high or minimal, has had a sufficiently positive influence toward this end. Use the following three sequential tests to determine whether the requirement has been met. The first and second are required, along with either the third or its alternative. 1. The Scout is registered. The youth is registered in his unit for at least the time period indicated in the requirement, and he has indicated in some way, through word or action, that he considers himself a member. If a boy was supposed to have been registered, but for whatever reason was not, discuss with the local council registrar the possibility of back-registering him. 2. The Scout is in good standing. A Scout is considered in good standing with his unit as long as he has not been dismissed for disciplinary reasons. He must also be in good standing with the local council and the Boy Scouts of America. (In the rare case he is not, communications will have been delivered.) 3. The Scout meets the units reasonable expectations; or, if not, a lesser level of activity is explained. If, for the time period required, a Scout or qualifying Venturer or Sea Scout meets those aspects of his units pre-established expectations that refer to a level of activity, then he is considered active and the requirement is met. Time counted as active need not be consecutive. A boy may piece together any times he has been active and still qualify.
  17. Tampa look out for the salt in those mountain house meal.... One of them had more than 40% of your daily and it was a two person meal.....
  18. Now it makes sense thx moose...... So no telling what the Pack leadership knew about the fellow that left.....
  19. OP disappeared after telling me to pull the stick out of.....Mod deleted the post.... So who knows what the real deal is....Renax thinks its ok and another member of the Pack says no......
  20. how many neckers and books have you handed boys and parents who verbally committed to the troop and then they simply quit or went else where.
  21. Tea party......White upper middle class....My parents at 70 years old are proud tea party members....why because their friends are....Very anti Obama.... Occupy....bored folks who aren't sure what the issues are.. Beavah...Godwins didn't work in the cake in the face post either.
  22. your a bad boy SP......pushing the button I would rather shave my head and run nekid thru the street than be even remotely involved with that group....Your maybe even live in a card board box under a bridge. The good news is the DE probably has his can in such a jam he will leave us a lone for a while. I cannot imagine him surviving this attack of stupid.
  23. I now understand why so many folks get wound up with crossover.... The process is a recipe for losing scouts....Plumb dumb. I cannot believe folks haven't figured it out...... Troops Trashing each other......shaking my head. Our organization is so seamless that the parents are a bit confused why they need to fill out a new application when the boys crossover.
  24. Something is bothering me..... Snappy......so was the Pack Leadership aware of the violent tendency???? If so why didn't it act or react.... I wonder how in the world he passed the background check......
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