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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. What about the parents that don't have internet access????? We have a website, facebook page, email blast.....We have about 6 families that don't have web access..... So we still have paper calendars and flyers.....interestingly most people still take the paper.....
  2. no other programs or facilities used for the weekend just the campsite, lake and trails....
  3. Depends on your council and if you believe what your told or not.... it is 30 pack and 30 council rest trails end......so we are told. Now that $18 box of popcorn 5.4 Pack 5.4 Council than means trails end is charging $7.2 per box of 18...... Lets see I got some Orville for $3.5 for 12 pack......... Just saying if ya believe what yo
  4. Well, the staring and such is inexcusable.... Don't know the situation....Not making excuses for the fellow..... Do you guys use an advancement tracking system of any sort??? I will say that going to the scout shop with a pocket full of loose papers and trying to figure out what you need is tough. Someone could volunteer to become the advancement chair and help him out of a job he isn't doing well..... Someone could volunteer to organize the activities, such as the pinewood and regatta.... Here is the job description http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/AboutCubScouts/ThePack/cmast.aspx While his behavior is poor...... Sounds like he could use some help You could talk with the Committee Chair or the Charter Org rep about it......The COR could replace him, no vote required.
  5. a) no too expensive $150 for two nights at a campsite. a cabin would be $300. b)Yes and they tear them up and if they are held accountable and pay for damages the money does not actually go for repairs.
  6. Dean look at the Soto stove verse the pocket rocket....... Pocket Rocket has issues below freezing....the Soto has a built in pressure regulator and works much better in colder weather and I have found it to be more consistant heat delivery....
  7. Psssst, chris over here..... In the grand scheme of things a couple of weeks at tiger or wolf won't matter a bit.... June 1st is the standard given....... I would do what you want in the may thru july period......But what ever you decide to do you need to be consistent year to year unless you have a good easily justified reason for the exception. Don't get caught up micro analyzing the rules for cub advancement.....Just have fun.
  8. Plus one on the LED head lights........ Now don't go cheap....get a black Diamond or Pezel, this is an area where you get what you pay for.....Steep and cheap is your friend here. Hammocks were a huge improvement... silnylon tarps, under and over quilts........ Backpacks.....how many times are scout leaders doped into buying a 90 liter pack or larger.....I bought into it....bought an osprey aether.....I WAS STUPID, 6 pounds of pack...... Granite Gear Crown VC 2 pounds..... So my hammock, tarp, sleep system and Backpack weigh less than my old backpack empty.... My weekend pack with food and water is 15 pounds.
  9. Print it, say it, repeat both and then put it on face book and the website the parents still don't know..... I will say the video in the merit badge thread got good reviews from the parents...Put it on our facebook page.
  10. Fish...ya need to get your feet outa your boots for them to hopefully dry a bit and let your feet dry as well. I like to carry wally world cheapo crocs.....They are lighter than tennis shoes..
  11. Nope not bashing parents.... Just exploring....... Everyone says that the the transition is very complicated from Webelos to boy scouting....... We conduct a new parents meeting, We talk about merit badges and give them a single page guide on the hows and a FAQ.... We talk about campouts, give them a gear list and a single Page guide...... We talk about advancement...... Boy lead Troop fundraising Summer camp... I think the SM and CC do a really good job....Yet we are still told the parents don't know....
  12. 2 of everything one on and other in pack....wash socks every night and pin them to the pack to dry during the day....
  13. I got big money that says no one will ever get to sell anything out of that store front.... the guy is a dirt bag......Don't care what anyone else says...... What an idiot, King Super gives him a check, then he gets caught lying about the amount...Zero credibility at this point.
  14. No matter how much you train No matter how much you give paper or electronic guides No matter how much you talk Parents will do what they want and say they didn't know.... Everyone if fixated on merit badges.....One mom insists her just crossed over scout needs to earn merit badges even though he hasn't completed second class yet... No matter how much you talk to mom she wants merit badges.......PERIOD. Probably will lose scout to eagle mill crossed the beltway....Ya know that is OK, She needs to find a troop that she likes.... BTW, scout really is enjoying our program is active and a leader in his patrol...When they vote at summer camp he probably will be their PL....TG thinks so as well.
  15. Cito this young man was never a scout........ Now is too late to try to fluff your resume for the job......Remember you could possibly have the lives of your clients in your hands....... But first you need to ask yourself, do you have the skills to guide folks into the backcountry safely and comfortably as possible. LNT trained???? Have you attended NOLS or similar outdoor training....are you an EMT or have any other substantial first aid training????? What other skills or training do you bring to the table???? Not hating just asking......
  16. Thanks Gareth......I was wondering how recent the coed conversion was.....
  17. Heard a couple of different sorrys.....one is that he resigned.
  18. I have received a few invites for visits..... I might take a few of ya up on it..... I don't know anyone personally......I doubt anyone would own up to knowing me......
  19. Wonder how many folks emailing or signing a petition about BSA's letter regarding the AHG to get it revoked..... Of course national doesn't listen to us peons
  20. The Pack is fictional The Troop is fictional The parent prospective is fictional But how many time have we read it in this forum.....
  21. It takes everyone being selfless.... I know that isn't all that popular now a days..... r It is what I experience in our current multi unit organization....
  22. I like it Eamon..... I wonder the history of British boy scouting.......At what point did it become co ed....
  23. In reading all these posts about difficult adult transitions to boy scouting from Cubbing...It is no wonder. As a fresh Tiger parent your required to be with your scout, attending go see its, pack meetings, family campouts.....Many find it a lot of fun.....Most will make and race pinewood cars in the sibs adult race..... The Wolf year Pack may extend an invitation to become more involved, maybe as an Assistant Cub Master, Activities chair.... This point they may participate in the Pack meetings putting on adult skits, dressing in costumes, helping with props and awards... Bear year the parent has it all figured out.....Den meetings, outings, family camping, fundraising.....Some start to become less involved with their scout.....the ones that are in the Pack leadership are just getting wound up......This is the year of the nuclear arms race for advancement, who can earn the most belt loops and arrow points. I am having a blast, dancing around on stage in a pink tights, cow costume or as a monkey....I even got to be Santa Claus....All the boys love me....... Webelos these two years are transition.....I am disappointed that the boys aren't bringing home crafts every week....the field trips are not to the police or fire station any longer, but construction sites, engineering firms, Auto mechanics shops, boy scout troops.....Scouting is becoming less fun and more like work. Second year of webelos.....Camping with the troop, I have to go with my scout, but there are no siblings permitted to attend.....Troops to visit.. Boy scouts running around crazy at the last troop, rude arrogant Boy scout leaders, Loud mouth boys bossing the other boys around. Son Picked a troop and crossed over into it....He is attending and enjoying it.....But I am lost..... I go from planning and accomplishing everything to being a spectator at worst and a driver at best.....I want to participate but the SM says to slow down, let the boys run the show. The first campout was a disaster, my son couldn't get his tent up, I went to help and the SM told me to go sit down.....My son burnt the pancakes and it took 3 hours to make and clean up breakfast.....camping isn't fun any more.... Looking at my sons book, tenderfoot.....wow he has done all this so I sign it off, son is proud he has earned the rank already and he has been a boy scout for a week..... Meeting night come and my son is in tears because he did not earn the rank and an older boy needs to test him on the requirements. Son finally got the tenderfoot requirements done and now he needs to ask the SM for a conference......Scout waits a month and still hasn't asked.....he is afraid of the SM so I ask the SM for him and the SM tells me that my son has to ask.....What should I do???? I am confused and frustrated.....Scouting isn't fun for me any more...... this story is pulled form hundreds of post read on this forum and personal experiences.... Offering it as food for thought.
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