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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. hmmmm, that isn't what you were implying "My two scouts that don't backpack or canoe. One is legally blind and deaf, the other can not leave his parents alone overnight because at 14 he is their caretaker, they both have severe medical condition (MS and cancer). Both boys are real scouts. " So you neglect facts to try to support your argument in a deceptive way......
  2. that's a shame.... Now I gotta cancel that membership. I will include a letter as to why.....
  3. I don't use a pillow..... First trip take one just in case.....
  4. Eagle it is an excuse..... There was a blind guy who hiked the AT in the last couple of years...so that excuse isn't valid Far as the 14 year old care giver.......Be a leader for petesake.......look into getting someone to give the kid the weekend off...... Ask the CO or scout Parents who are not going or troop leadership to step up.........This absolutely makes me want to vomit. NO sense of community in that troop...... Far as welfare kids go....Mine get to the woods monthly....and you don't have to travel 4 hours to be in a wilderness area in most places...even LA, Chicago or New York..... You can get there in an hour or two..... Didn't the song say something about the road to hell bein paved with good intentions..... Act like a scout and step up.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. I am under no illusions that if one of the scouts under my guidance or supervision gets hurt I am ALONE. I don't expect district, council or national to help me in any regard..... We have had stitches, broken bones and assorted cuts and bruising.........No lawsuits yet....
  6. Off course as a new SM you have to look at why is the troop failing???? What did the program look like last year????? the year before????? With only two boys are they camping and hiking monthly?????
  7. OK ya lost me there Sooooooo, The boys want to crossover at the Blue and Gold....Great cool and understood. But your going to sign them up with the Troop and work on the tenderfoot before the Crossover ceremony?????????? That makes absolutely no sense. I think you out of line doing it...... Sounds like a nice time for a life lesson..... "Well boys we can cross you over in November and go camp with the troop or you can stay webelos till crossover, whats it gonna be???" I have found that if I think about posting a question to this forum, I already know that what I am doing is wrong and I am looking for someone to support my easy way out decision.... So in my eyes there are two choices here. Crossover prior to December, save the troop and be boy scouts. or Risk recharter failure and cross the boys into boy scouts in February.... This mealy mouse stuff about being boy scouts and pretending to be webelos yet working on the tenderfoot......is lets just say less than scouting......... What is the lesson the boys are taking away from that???
  8. Well that whole ceremony thing is silly...... Why not cross them over in November or December if their have completed the Arrow of light????? Why are you waiting till the blue and gold?????? No reason too. I would have the exact same ceremony in November as I would do in February. We hold Two boy scout crossovers a year spring and fall.....The boy earns his AOL, I am not going to hold him back.....Generally they will cross over in groups of twos or threes.....No big deal.... Far as crossing over the bridge yourself, uhhhh why???? If it makes ya feel better go a head and do it......In my mind, the program is about the boys and I will not detract from that with a ceremony of my own...... I will say that I did an induction ceremony for my replacement from the ceremony book, it was hilarious, handed her the phone, the walking stick the megaphone then told her she couldn't wear the patch upright till she did a good deed.....of course it was the Wolves that MC'd the ceremony.......
  9. 2011.....You can thump the rule book all ya want.....What I see in the real world is Packs own bb guns and air rifles. Packs own archery equipment. They shoot both outside the "Rules". when reported to the DE Nothing gets done.....
  10. Ya show up with one of those merit badge.com work sheets all filled out.......... I am going to take it from you remove it from your view.....then we are going to talk about the requirements...... You either know and understand the material or you don't. After you leave I will make confetti out of that sheet. I am not one of those councilors who will simply take the completed worksheet from Meritbadge.com and view it as fulfilling the requirements of the badge. Scout call me on the phone,not the parent Make the appointment Keep the appointment know the material Mom, Dad or Buddy need to be present....... Mom and dad need to be silent when I am interacting with scout.... Had one mom at the table who actually was doing the merit badge for scout....I suggested they come back when scout knew the material and was able to speak.....Never saw them again. shortridge is right KJ your scout has a long journey ahead of him.......He needs to learn the basics.....Go to Summer camp, earn a few of the easier merit badges and have fun. get to first class......have fun.....camp with his patrol and troop....ya have fun......
  11. guess it is the difference between rich and poor folk..... My families don't have the cars or vans that are reliable enough to drive an hour outside of town let alone 5 or 6......
  12. Ya Eagle....Your the self proclaimed big dog backpacker on this board...... Lucky enough to be able get a bunch of time off of work and financially solid enough to do with out income for that time as well.
  13. OH Eagle.... I don't have trailer envy....I got a nice big one that I use to camp with the Pack.....It is full of stuff to make cub scout family camping possible....I spent probably 5 grand to make it happen. this was done before I joined the current organization because the previous troop would not loan the Pack equipment to camp. Multiple camp chief stoves turkey friers to boil water, Huge griddles, canopys, tentage, ...... We can cook for 100 easily..... I bought it all..................... It is even legally register in my state...It cost me $75 per year.
  14. So chris...... How many miles did you backpack last year again?????
  15. Naw deleted my post Ya don't care for me Barry and thats fine.....(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  16. She said troop not cub scouts. Boy scouts shouldn't really be doing crafts...... How about Wood carving, basketry or wood working merit badge?????
  17. Having dealt with this......In Ohio as well.... Mom tried to get a restraining order.....she did for herself but not the kids..... So what happened was mom dropped the son off and then had to leave the scout events if dad was attending..... This was cub level not boy scout level.
  18. So Peach what is your position and why ya worried about the CM's knots????? First the District and council could careless about adults fighting about knots.... the COR can fire the Cub Master end of problem.....The COR could also ask the CM to remove the patches.......the CC cannot order the CM around....Basically they are equals in the program, they both work for the COR and IH. Far as him getting it illegally...ya can just walk up and buy them at the scout shop, generally no questions asked.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  19. I know what your sayin......Ya figure the manufactures would standardize on sizing..... I can take anywhere from a EE-EEEE and a full size either way
  20. ahhh the divorce... Nothing to be done till the order is finalized and I doubt they will stop him from seeing his boys.....for that to happen he needs to get physical with the boys...... so how do the boys feel about dear old dad????? Do they want dad to be involved????? Again one side of the story...... weblinger is mom or involved with mom????
  21. So you don't worry about burning the boys out camping?????? I would be interested in you cross over and then the Boy Scout retention rates. Do you go to the same 6 locations year after year....
  22. Every scout makes a mistake....You start ejecting boys for this and that then you don't have anyone in the troop. Blakes advice is solid..... We have no idea what happened......Just one side of the story and the OP has disappeared..... Remember we could be the object of a magazine article or research again..... Be wary of posters with no numbers.....
  23. Award them when they advance..... Don't hold it till the B&G......and don't rush to meet it.....
  24. I also have the same problem and foot wear is always a problem. Asolo makes wide boots.....I have a pair of GTX 520's in EEEE I have also had decent luck with Merril they offer a low and mid lightweight GTX boot in wide widths. New balance makes Trail runner available in EEEE.... May I suggest going to an outfitter and get sized properly...they can help you get the proper fit....As important as boots are I think the insoles are just as important..... I find that I need more support than a trail runner can provide especially with a backpack on.....
  25. myscouting.org should be in the left side panel
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