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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Oh the drama spins now..... Now the parents are calling.... We are glad John was gone he was a bully and took credit for things little jimmy did. My reply was, well did ya tell the SM or the CC, when it was going on?????
  2. Israp..... I already live in the world of mini kingdoms and scouters that will spend 5 minutes introducing themselves during Round Table intros....... My DE is terrible, so a terrible volunteer doing the job would save my district $70K a year. My district has 59 units total.....So that would reduce our $1k FOS expectation to zero. Far as who bob is, is relevant to the conversation...... Bob said he was at a national level meeting.....Good to know who the players are and what the stake in the game is....... I was gonna list forum member name and what their presented roles are, but whats the point.....Senior forum members know roughly who each other senior forum member is and what their scouting role is. Far as miserable.......Naw, just my world isn't as fluffy and neat as yours. I enjoy my boys and young ladies for who they are and what they bring. Their decisions disappoint me at times but they are a product of their environment. I get incredibly frustrated with Scouters who fail to see the bottom line. The kids. I frequently speak of the last awards dinner I attended....The district folks spent an hour awarding themselves.....then 5 minutes with SM, CM and volunteer of the year.......
  3. Fund Our Salaries......I think most of us on this board know where the FOS moneys go....To pay the $200k salary of our SE and the $70k salary of our good for nothing DE. Well BOB since your not gonna tell us who you are............What is your role???? Pro or volunteer and what is your job title. We have a lot of pro's masquerading as volunteers here. The only one that works for national is that RichardB......
  4. Problem is we can't keep boys over 13 because of sports and the NYLT training is first class and 14..... so we are kinda forced into the all the eggs in one basket scenerio.
  5. Summary...... I am no longer paying for individual scouts for anything..... I will attempt to organize a meeting between SM, COR, district rep, Principle, Athletic Director, and Coach after the season. I have written a number of letters to living NFL coaches and athletes asking if they could take a moment and write a letter to the boys about their scouting experiences and thoughts on football and scouting. My commitment to the Pack is over after summer camps so that will end.
  6. Did ya check to see if the kid had his official BSA socks and leather shoes on??? Lighten up Francis.
  7. It is odd Heterosexual people don't get married anymore but live together. Homosexual people want to get married Just sayin
  8. Ya know OGE I am not gonna sink to the sandusky thing with this fellow.
  9. Our country's values are changing. When reference in movies to Boy Scouting are mostly negative..."Oh don't be such a Boy Scout." Boy Scout youth members are made fun of in school by their peers. The organization is being attacked by more and more main stream organizations. The anti religion and homosexual agenda. The disappearance of the middle class. The rise of everyone gets a trophy sports leagues. The rise of video games. Scouting is a tough choice. Expensive in all aspects, Physical, mental and financial. It is easy for a parent to go root for the soccer team for a couple of hours on a saturday morning vs driving the troop camping every month. Soccer lonely last for a couple of months, then it is on to baseball or football or??????... Scouting is cheaper than these sports. I believe the price of admission is worth it......But are the values and beliefs we are teach in line with what is currently the social norm????
  10. Makes it easier for the DE to find the Suckers next year
  11. Well boomer.....the 4 weeks of camp aren't that bad....The cub day camp and webelos resident camp stink....Wife and son are going with me to webelos camp. the family entire family is going backpacking for a week with the Crew, so while not quite a vacation, we still get away as a family.....The crew members are still learning so there will be lots of training going on....There is a plan, tour plan, maps bought, but no firm commitment from the youth. so who knows I might get that vacation. Then summer camp with the Troop is pretty boring......I hope they have some painting or trail repair for the adults to do... I hate sitting around the entire week. Right now my plan is to hike the perimeter trail once in the morning and once after lunch every day.....it is 4.8 miles, so I can get 10 miles a day.....not to bad.
  12. Thanks skeptic.....gonna hand write some letters to these fellows and ask for some assistance with the scout.....See if they would write a letter to him or a phone call..... Maybe a letter to the middle school coach.....who knows all a fellow do is ask.
  13. for the record there was only one eagle scout as an nfl player I could find.....and only a couple of scouts......they even said Dion Sanders was a cub scout which was a huge reach in my book.
  14. Kudu.....Remove the title he was still a great scout..... In speaking with the SM this evening we have lost "a number of scouts" to this football coach over the years.......There have been three since my arrival.....The COR can name 20 boys....which means the numbers are probably many more than that..... I now have a better understanding as to why our troop never has boys over 14 years old........he is the middle school football coach. with the additional information I think the COR, SM, Possibly the DC should pay the principle, athletic director and Coach a visit. Thoughts?????
  15. this is a young man...... I think a lot of him, irregardless of his choices. I find it interesting that everyone is focusing on what the coach said...... Did the coach actually say it???? I don't know. did the scout make it up???? Was it something his peers said to him???? Nothing will come of finger pointing..... But what would be the cost to my spl if I go talk to the coach now???? Bet he never sees a game. I won't do that to him. I will how ever put on my calendar to go speak with the principle, athletic director and coach named after the season is over.
  16. I had pinned my hopes on this young man being our anchor for the future youth leadership of the troop...... It sets us back probably another year or two in getting some older youth leaders......
  17. Doing that with the webelos resident camp.....No parents stepped up and I have 12 boys going..... Son as den chief the wife and I are taking them.....
  18. Pack no insult......A fair an accurate assessment...
  19. Moose..... NO is an acceptable answer. So why do you feel obligated to serve as FOS chairman for your district????? You contribute to the district in you own way.......
  20. tough night at the old troop meeting last night..... SPL quit scouting last night.....Football coach says scouts is for whimps and gay men and he will never get anywhere being a scout..... Really??? Wasn't sure how to reply to that other than.....He could step down and continue to be active in the troop as his football schedule would allow...... He said no thanks and was gone........Just got back from NYLT training which the troop picked up the cost and I had a lot of personal time invested in the young man as well.....A real slap in the face...... I couldn't believe what I was hearing......I couldn't think of anything positive to say to him......He is small and probably will never start......So John, when your 40 years old are you going to be talking about warming the bench or if you remained a scout, the camporees, backpacking, canoeing and fellowship?????? Instead the football team will lock you in the lockers in the locker room, fill your shoes with shaving cream and shave your head....... Tear in the corner of my eye......I am going to miss him. Followed up my the boys who didn't have money to attend summer camp bringing their Disney pictures to share with the troop....They flew to disney and spent a week at the parks....So I spent $500 on your boys summer camp so you could go to disney........ hmmm, SM was there......I went for a walk..... Ya know I am simply done with it....... Parents who couldn't take a week off to help with summer camp are taking motorcycle trips with out the kids...... 4 weeks of summer camp for me.....No family vacation. I have significant $$$$ and effort tied up in getting others folks scouts to camp. Long time scouters....... How do you find balance????? Have you paid for scouts to attend events out of pocket???? How do you deal with the sport coaches and band directors??????
  21. actually I posted it friday afternoon....if you look back ya can see the exact post...
  22. Some pretty poor replies...... Letting the boys do what they want is fine.....But what is the evac or plan be when or if they get sick????? How far are they going to have to walk to a road to get picked up????? How is that going to effect the group with shared equipment and such..... I say man up and put your foot down.....They MUST take some form of water treatment or they don't go.... Failing and learning lessons is fine in a safe environment.....this is not one of those cases.
  23. that is really interesting..... I did not post the previous post..... I wonder if my account has been compromised????
  24. I would call the SE and let him do his job. I don't care what he has done or will do...... It is irrelevant and your inder obligation to report it.
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