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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. This is no different than with the youth..... Each time a requirement is short cut, mile not walked or night not camped......It cheapens the rank...
  2. So explain to me what the journey and destination of Youth sports???????
  3. Just curious and was wondering what your thoughts were... Is the Advancement going to become more indoors????
  4. Got kinda of a silly question.....Not questioning what is written. But are POR that tough to keep for 4 months???? It is 4 outings and 16 meetings??? Do the scouts reside long enough at those ranks to need multiple years of POR??? Just asking(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. Scoutfish.....You can walk into any scout shop and buy most any knot available with no paperwork involved. You have never noticed the number of adult eagles we have in scouting far exceeds the number actually produced?????? I will share the tale of an Adult scouter I met at a Cub resident camp, Had the philmont arrowhead, eagle, AOL, youth Religous knots....I had been to Philmont so I struck up a conversation about Philmont and asked if he returned to Base camp a crossed the Tooth.....Blank stare......Then he began regaling the boys with stories of 100 pound backpacks and bears ravaging their campsite and getting their food...... BULLPUCKY. Knots and patches mean nothing other that the wearer had the money to buy them....
  6. Now if our troop rotated camps every year I could see attending......We attend the same camp in the same campsite on the same week year after year. So you send the SPL......how does he get there????? I know for a fact that our Old SPL couldn't have done it.....Single parent too many siblings.......
  7. Unless the Camp Director or course director changes........Not much changes....
  8. Ya know fish..... This is my 5 year of attending summer camp with the troop and I have attended all of the meetings.....The information never really changes. I had attended this year and it will be my last.....
  9. Never required a password for me.... How about when you download it and open it.....you go to file and use "save as" create a different file name and save it.... Worked for me.
  10. Make it impossible to attain eagle at 13..... Structure first class to be attained in two years not one. Eliminate DE's, Never happen....How about requiring the DE to keep a time log and make it public so we know exactly what he is doing...... Reduce SE salaries to around $100k. Require Council finances to be completely open and NOT to allow them to play games with membership numbers or the financial numbers. Require council to publish the cost of operation and revenue from each of its camps.....Include utilization as well. I have a problem supporting an organization that hide or falsifies membership numbers and finance..... My current council published an annual report........I compared the numbers in the report with the numbers listed on the individual districts membership pages and they are significantly different.....Finances.....Who knows.....Looks like all lies to me......
  11. I followed my son thru cubs as his den leader and CM.... I stayed on for a few years after he joined the troop.....Just wasn't anyone interested in doing the webelos den leader and the previous couple had been so poor that zero boys joined the troop.
  12. Ya know BP I am one of those wide bodies...... But we camp 12 months a year....
  13. Nope.....currently ASM will be SM in a couple of months. I will be SM when the Football season is over...
  14. Cito.....I figured you worked at a National owned scout shop.......and were just posting the current deals.
  15. Q..... The parent that complained where the parents that always complain.... After the season I am going to speak with the coach and principle...the COR, CC and SM have no interest. they might know somethings I don't... Gut instinct is telling me to forget about it.....
  16. Good troops are a matter of opinion as well. Adult lead and planned, Webelos 3 Boy Lead and planned Patrol Based Troop Based Indoor Outdoor Camping Non Camping Advancement based, Eagle Mill Social The boy needs to decide the right fit and where his interest lay. There is no right or wrong irregardless what your told here.
  17. Well they are talking about backpacking over thanksgiving weekend as well....Leaving friday and back sunday.
  18. How many of those SM's have been in place decades????? Burnt out and have no successor in sight........
  19. Not sure if I understand your question. It is my opinion that a troop has a tough time existing with out a Pack. It is really tough to recruit 6th graders who have no experience into scouting. I don't care what Kudu says. With that said......If I had to chose it would be the Troop over the Pack..... I really dislike the repeating cub program, the crafts. Honestly how many times can you do the same program over and over again....... Your not going to take a cub canoeing, backpacking, rapelling, philmont, Jambo, caving or anything else really fun for the Man scout in me......
  20. kids aren't allowed to play sandlot sports anymore because the coach tells them they are not allowed......They risk injury and losing all of the technique that was taught in practice.... Fun be damned..... We have a couple of social scouts......They don't care about advancing or tying knots or camp craft......They enjoy being with their friends camping, fishing and hiking.....They both recently became tenderfoot after a year of just hanging out......and amazingly enough they are most of the way finished with second class.....Again it was thru no or minimal effort on their part..... the SM observed them doing the requirements and signed them off as he saw them......then he pulled them a side one night for a SMC and then right into the BOR..... Both were really surprised and reserved proud..... Parents it is the destination......Many boys it is the destination......a few it is the journey....... For me it is and always will be the journey.
  21. So do you allow the PLC to schedule things on holidays or over holiday weekends????? Next year the PLC scheduled a campout on mothers day weekend........ I mentioned that mom wouldn't be that happy with the boys.......I know the wife won't be with me if I go camping that day....... They seem stead fast in their choice........ Suggestions to help guide them from making this choice or do you have a troop policy against holiday camping???
  22. Doesn't matter what you do... Announce at the Pack meeting with a take home flyer with a followup email and then phone calls. YOU will always, always, always have folks that say they didn't know. Summer is a tough nut to crack at the cub level....the families just stop doing anything.
  23. What makes a great Scout Master??? From a Fellow Scouter Perspective? From a Parent Perspective? From the Scouts perspective??
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