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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Today the difference is communication. Face book CNN fox new......The media eye is constantly scanning for news stories......When I was a kid none of this existed..... No cable TV no Internet, No cellphones......... 20 years ago when a kid got molested in podunk Iowa no body heard about it.......Now with all of the BSA haters out there it is front page news if it involves the BSA. Sexual abuse during the 40's and 50's was completely covered up......Family shame......Yep they victims were told to shut up.... Heck when I was in high school one of the young ladies disappeared turns out she was pregnant and from the pre-eminent catholic family in the area.......Mom and dad shipped her off to a place to carry to term and deliver...... she returned Senior year much worse for wear.......I remember wondering what happened too her.... My cousins best friend was molested by his crew adviser while treking at Philmont in the early 70's. The boy was super homesick cried all the time and his crew mates made fun of him, well he wasnt homesick after all...He stayed in the leaders tent so the Leader could help him thru his homesickness......I didn't know it at the time....this came out at Thanksgiving after I signed my son up as a tiger scout.....Cousin tells me the story. Well years later turned out this guy had done this to about 15 boys....... The fellow was removed as a leader....It never made the news, It simply never happened..........this was in small town Ohio. Prior to all of the councils merging....I searched and could not find a news article or link....... There was no personal safety training.....You were taught to trust all adults, you were told to keep secrets..... I barely evaded a pedophile priest as a young man, I don't know if my mother knew something, but when I asked her about being an alter boy I was told no.....The Priest was transfer out quickly after I graduated high school and there were whispers from the parishioners..... I believe that the incidents are lower now than in the past because of the news coverage........In these parts child molesters don't last that long in jail, most of those inmates have kids......The last one they caught showed up at his arraignment beat up.......really beat up......It happened in a jail house scuffle is what the news said...
  2. I should have said the camp that we attend....Yes I understand that it isn't like that everywhere..... But ever camp I have been to forbids fixed blade knives.....
  3. Current SM and I had a loud disagreement about taking the citizenships at camp..... I contend they should take merit badges that they cannot complete at home....waterfront, shooting, Swimming and the crafts.....
  4. It is blue..... I bet that it was not intended for the boy scout uniform but the american legion uniform. You could always put in on the right breast pocket as a temporary patch....but I think it would look really bad.
  5. While not required...... Don't show up to resident camp...with out it.....Camp director will confiscate your knife unless you have the card on you...... It is noted in the guide book....
  6. NEPA While the scouts should be aware of the program......I wouldn't promote it real heavy until they are one merit badge short.... The journey not the patch please. In my opinion this is a more significant award than Eagle.....Especially if you earn all the rockers, I could care less about the devices. In my opinion it means the scout was part of a well rounded program and sampled everything the program has to offer.
  7. Venturing is part of the BSA family and your scout is a registered member of the troop.....I would have no problem counting that toward the award. The under auspices keeps the Type A's from going and throwing a bunch of money at it to complete it or a parent from pencil whipping it. As mentioned my son could have earned all but aquatic with family outings, sans merit badges, as we have been active in the outdoors since he was born..... With the troop he is working thru the requirements....
  8. Been discussed a number of times on this board http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=341873 http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=270574
  9. I am guessing the OP is not following the Under Auspices portion of the requirements.... I don't know of any boy scout troop that would ride 500 miles in a couple of years....
  10. So I have a question about this award and the OP. It says Complete 200 miles of riding activities, either on a non-motorized bike or a stock animal, under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including the miles in requirement 2. So Auspices.....Does this mean troop, district or council event???? I was under the impression that you could not count hiking, canoeing, kayaking, biking or rock climbing with the family toward this award...... My son has enough time in and outings to have earned each of these awards.... He has been active in the outdoors since birth and his first backpacking trip was at 4 years old. The problem is he did not do it with in scouting...... So OP did your sons patrol do the bike rides or was it a council event?????
  11. hooker..... Tour plan requirements vary council to council. So your Blanket statement is incorrect..... The tour plan may or may not be required based on you councils requirements..... Some councils require one when you leave the CO....Some require it for outdoor activities, some require it for any activity that leave the council boundary.....Some require only for high adventure. My council only requires one for High Adventure and if we leave the council boundaries for any activity.
  12. At least Richard didn't tell you that the boys weren't allowed with in 5 feet of the bucket..... You must be 14 and first class to handle a charged water hose no greater than 3/4 in diameter and no greater than 75psi.
  13. Nice A link to a useless form....... So is national gonna pay for the broken wind shield????
  14. All the way thru to the end..... No people populate in the training windows......Then I get this error Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace: [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.] BSA.TP.Web.UserControls.TP_Footer.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +12795 System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +24 System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +41 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +131 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +65 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +190 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +190 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +190 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +190 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +190 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +2427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3623; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3618
  15. Just checked mine.....I have all three of the units I am involved with listed..... The registered adult list is accurate for each group and does auto populate.. Much easier than the last version.
  16. When ever I hear of weak Eagle scouts people generally refer too.... 1. no outdoor skills 2. Poor manners 3. Lack of respect 4. No leadership skills 5. Self Promoting 6. Selfish
  17. Dashboard Why how IT trendy of you.........It is what all the cube rats want.......Chai......I know what my achievements are, I don't want national to spend one red cent on leaders vanity.... I would simply settle for a usable recharter system and decent advancement system.
  18. too scheduled........ What about some free time....... The boys don't want or need every second scheduled. Most of them have never had time to kick over a log and see whats underneath or play in a stream flipping rocks, chasing crayfish and throwing rocks at skaters...... Foil dinners, no thanks......why not do hot dogs on a stick one night.....simple
  19. We just use Google docs spreadsheet....Free no muss no fuss and accessible to everyone who has a business need. Nobody accidentally deletes the file.... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. BadenP suggests that a poor or low quality Eagle is not the fault of the Boy, Parents or Program.....But the Scoutmaster... So what traits make a Scoutmaster weak? What makes him strong? Remember this is supposed to be boy led right????
  21. Wii and now the kinect I can see an entire very profitable line of games....... Fishing Canoeing pioneering Camping sailing Hiking Rifle Shotgun Or you could sell the games based on rank.....Tenderfoot in an afternoon....... The scout would have a scouter score card, just like the xbox gamer cards.......Nice An entire line of virtual scouting.......
  22. Nice SP..... RoboSM....No deviation from program, no personal feelings, no politics......Superior knowledge always accessible... Never sleeps......Fires are a laser shot away.
  23. I think twocubs has it...... First class in a year irregardless of effort on anyones part. I am sure that it is too late for any changes the new handbook is in it's final drafts.
  24. We see lots of folks bemoaning that the Eagle is to easy... We see a few whining it is too hard..... Is that some Eagles are earned so easily that it cheapens the rank???? Poor attendance, No real leadership roll in the troop, So what would it take to return it to what many Remember or think it should be????
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