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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. We sell at the store fronts regularly....... Here is what your going to see...... The new parents will turning all of the donations with the sales money......Then they will discover that that money is going into the general Pack Fund for group utilization. those donations will Stop or decrease significantly. I am willing to bet this will be the last time these three parents will turn in donations. Short of having a Pack officer at the fundraising table for the entire event no way to track it. I have seen this and we do not permit store front sales with out a Registered Pack Leader present.
  2. So CC, What is the lesson learned by dad being merit badge councilor????? Sure dad can check the boxes? Is that all the merit badge is???? It is merely a set of 21 mini lists to be checked off while your checking off your Rank Check lists on your way to eagle?????
  3. GSDAD, In my world there are plenty of Ladies around......The problem is they are single parents or grandma raising her grandchildren and have to stay home with the siblings or Boy Scout camping becomes Cub Scout Family camping. I just wonder where all of the sperm donors go????? They hanging out in bars???? War???? Riding motorcycles or just sitting on the couch playing video games????? Just looking for some help is all
  4. Ya folks can say what you want..... Starfish has sent me a number of PM's Ranting......Simply ranting.... She has some mental health issues and needs help. So please get some help before you hurt yourself or someone else....
  5. As a standard ASM or SM you probably won't see the charter anyhow.....So honestly how do you know if you were rechartered????? Membership card is one way... Multiples are tough......make sure you get both membership cards.
  6. Calico.....I will most certainly not apologize. It is my opinion after wading thru those two rants that she needs help. I was being serious not cruel. starfish I believe you need to speak with someone about this outside of your family and scouting to help you sort it out.
  7. Ya know blake.... That would remove the political adult BS out of it. I can be a chauffeur and just go camp.
  8. born 65 same boat as pen....... My father hid from me in Fraternal organizations as a boy.....Monday night was the Pharmacy association, Tuesday was Toast Masters, Wednesday was Kiwanis, Thursday was Lions and friday he worked late and Moose after work for a beer. So I swore I would never do that to my son. Joined the moose Christmas gift from dad.....I just don't drink and party that much.... I joined the shriners for my father.....Again, I just don't drink and party that much. Tried Kiwanis......I was the youngest in the room and quit because I had nothing in common with the other members and they meet at noon on Tuesday. Those groups may have a very lofty goals, but in the couple of years in each I never saw anything come from it. All of the drinking.....I never was comfortable with the folks their. I like direct volunteerism. I participate in several environmental organizations who do direct projects.....I don't want to sit in meetings, I don't want to drink with you, I don't want to go to your conventions or other pointless things......I volunteer as a block watch captain, reading tutor after school, scouting Pack, Crew and Troop.
  9. Ya but there will be folks running their mouths behind your back about you and your son....Is it worth it?????? I would do as Vendi suggested.
  10. For being a 14 year veteran you really have no idea how scouting is structured..... DE's will not give you the best advise.....you speaking with them trying to get the SM, CC and COR in trouble will just piss them off. I have no doubt you will not be welcomed back..... I am pretty sure that if you try to sign up with another unit as a leader and they call and check your references with the previous Pack and Troop you will not be welcomed as a leader...... You really come off just babbling....have you considered getting some medical help??????
  11. AvidSM During the time frame you cite...a number of councils were caught with some very inaccurate membership, I believe a large portion of the cited drop is do to the correction of fraud
  12. AvidSM During the time frame you cite...a number of councils were caught with some very inaccurate membership, I believe a large portion of the cited drop is do to the correction of fraud
  13. Excuses, God forbid you ask or expect a parent to waste their vacation at a scout camp. These clowns that work multiple jobs are the same guys with $300 cell phone bills, brand new cars, vacation, eating out multiple times a week. No, idea how to save or prioritize finances.. Just sayin
  14. Paragraphs are nice too.....Probably posted from an Iphone..... Troll Maybe.... But I gotta ask who was/is paranoid.... Simple fix find another troop and get over it.
  15. while the lesbian thing maybe entertaining... it is zero help....
  16. just back from day three of day camp. So where are the men at???? What are they doing???? How many families have been destroyed by Facebook romances???? Women and men hooking up ending marriages......
  17. Everybody keeps beating the get them outdoor drum..... I think your deluded if you think that is the solution. The BSA has the great white whale of a PR problem.
  18. Your dead wrong Callooh...... Seen helicopter mom use her kids as weapons against dad......The Helicopter or Blanket moms are infinitely worse than the Fathers. Dealing with men is much easier fewer games. Had Cub mom rip me to shreds on facebook after asking her to pay for damage at the CO caused by her son......She may have remembered I was her friend, or did she?????? She pulled her son instead of paying for the damage, which was $20 for picture frames. If my life in scouting were only as easy and fluffy as your.....More than enough adults so you can hover and smother your son and kill his scouting experience. Skeptic.....your situation is identical. the dads we have are leary of the background check and the humiliation of failing it.... My fear is when SM retires I will not be able to take the boys camping and our outdoor program is dead...... I have no doubt the troop will die soon after that happens.....
  19. Da old timers..... I have met two schools of old timers..... 1. the old boys who is as Adam describes the helpful old group of scouters......There are not enough of these folks around. These guys are in their 60's or so typically. These boys are beyond beds and knots....most quietly arrive at roundtable or training class, avoid the spotlight and love sharing their knowledge.... Never enough of these guys around. 2. Then there is the Good Old Boys club.....These are the gentlemen who are typically in their late 40's or 50's.....Ego's and attitudes.....No idea is correct or right unless the collective came up with it. No new blood on the committees.....Create rules, block prevent obstruct new folks or progress. Me I like #1 better, Over my career I have met.....maybe 10 of these folks. Felt enriched and truly enjoyed their company..... I have also attended a couple of their funerals...
  20. As a youth, I remember going camping with my troop and there being a caderie of adult men hauling us too and from camp.....They camped away from us, played cards and had some adult beverages while we boys, did our scout thing.... So where are are the adult men????? My Pack and Troop are single moms and grandparents raising their grand kids....... Where have all the adult men gone?????? I look at the next 3 or 4 years of boys crossing into the troop and there are ZERO Dad's available to be recruited as and ASM to help the Troop. So where have this generation of fathers gone????? Video games or too self absorbed???
  21. Lets see... Most youth do not view scouting as cool. Most youth do not think camping and being out doors are fun any more. Youth sports has dramatically increased since the 60's....Soccer, Baseball, Football, lacross, hockey, tennis, Most young men will choose a weekend of Xbox over a weekend of camp. Most young people cannot go 12 hours with out a shower. Boy Scouts are called fags and gay at school and made fun of. Boy scouts are no longer the football captains and valedictorians.... Cub Scouting has become a haven for the ADD/ADHD and Autistic Crowd. Have folks walk in and walk out seeing the behaviors of some of these boys.... They simply don't want to deal with Autistic Bobby melting because he didn't get a bowling belt loop too.......Or the ADD boys running crazy because their daily med doses run out during the scout meeting. Program is very inconsistent unit to unit and district to district. And you wonder why we are losing our market share. Fixing it...... Make scouting cool.... Get a Chief Scout.....Super Cool Someone go will attract the youth like Bear did in England. Get scouting into the headlines in a positive manner. Make the program more consistent unit to unit and district to district. Make Cub Scouting True Family scouting by making it coed.
  22. I wonder about about saving units. Individuals go to extreme lengths to save a unit. I wonder if it is worth it, as one of those individuals. Mostly in my opinion it is about adult egos..... Rarely it is about a CO with a true interest in scouting. A troop losing boys, dysfunctional self serving adults. Single unit history????? Whats the point and why bother when the youth don't care any more..... Existing unit should fold, new units created..... History.....pssssst, Kinda like a house hit by a tornado.......Sometimes it is just needs bulldozed and start from scratch.... Some Troops and Pack just need leveled by a bulldozer and start over.....
  23. Nice feed back..... Did a little research on the First Need XL does remove cysts and viruses.....down side is the 150 gallon filter life... 200 liters is right at 50 gallons.... If you had a couple of these it wouldn't have been a problem.....
  24. alancar......I can understand why the platypus didn't work for you....you had 15 people in your group right?????? When you filter water.....you would need to filter 30 liters or more at a time.
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