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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Shoes off in the car????? when did this become a social norm? Never heard of it till now...
  2. 61 you will find many folks on this forum and in scouting in general will ignore the rules that don't suit what the currently need. In our district there is a couple of troops that have very sponsored trailers. Having one wealthy family sponsor your troop is easy, but also is a political mine field.
  3. Easier on the leaders????? Too funny. So summer camp is a tough experience? Really????? So exactly what are the adults doing at summer camp that is so hard???? Most of the adults I have seen at camp are sitting around the campsite most of the day. If your following the boys around all day, well lets just leave that lay...... Boy, are americans soft. We can't hike to a provided shower house to take a shower. Soft that's all I gotta say. So what is the lesson or example for the boys?????
  4. stosh ya didn't make a big deal about it either.
  5. SP.... I understand that scouting better elsewhere......A grass is greener case maybe???? A fine groups of adults at camp who were great to be around and work with. I believe this group is the group that gets scouting....The guys that will take a week off work to get the boys to camp....Their joy is based on boy accomplishments and not knots on their own shirt. I wonder what it will take to fix my home district ...... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. Not my councils camp...... The Rock heads at home would just pitch the evals in the trash because us worthless volunteers don't know what we are talking about. So we vote with our feet and money and go out of council to camp. BTW it is significantly less expensive and a much better program, decent facilities..... There were 10 other troops from our council in camp the same week as us....... Just sayin, it just isn't my opinion.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  7. Last year had a horrible summer camp experience.....Troops riding around on gators and golf carts, rude, racist leaders and troops. Very poor first year scout program, not enough food at meal time. Well the camp took our evaluations and fixed every single one of our concerns. No gators or golf carts for the troops, Had a scout in a wheel chair zipping around camp, his patrol had a rope and as a group would haul him up the hill to the dining hall. No rude comments about my boys acting as waiters or bus boys for the other scouts. I heard one of my boys had a problem with another scout, the other scout was sent home, but the CD wouldn't discuss it, so I have no idea if it was true or not. Spent my time doing projects the ranger had lined up, rebuilding bridges and hand rails painting shower houses, tent platforms..... A very fulfilling week. Big smile reflecting on the week.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. SM and I take turns hiking to the shower after the boys are bedded down. Yep it is midnight. The days are long and hot, the nights are steamy and filled with homesick boys. I don't go to summer camp expecting to be comfortable or rested... I am not going to whine about cold showers and boy food for a week........ I understand summer camp is not about me.
  9. So a shower in the troop trailer is a good idea?????
  10. suzy your under some illusion that district is there to help you. They are not. The DE is interested in financial and boy numbers which directly impact his pocket book and chances for advancement. Attend a roundtable and find an older scouter and speak with them to mentor your troop. Send your boys to camp with a provisional troop. Hold their merit badge cards till ya get the other three boys to create your troop with.
  11. Ya get what ya pay for..... The better hammocks have foot boxes so you lay flat..... you don't lay straight in it ya lay crosswise.... It does take some experience to get it hung properly.
  12. who needs a beading ceremony?????? Don't steal you son's day........
  13. Still here.... We were at camp....Sitting in the dining hall, every adults cell phone simultaneously screeched with a Tornado Warning, looking at each other, then outside at the down pour, the tree limbs blowing by.......Well,Camp got tore up, no power no idea as to when it will be restored. when we left this morning they were trying to get a refr truck for the food. and a Generator for the well. Some of the buildings were damaged, we were not allowed in those areas. Rangers were working hard clearing all the downed trees, our boys did well, cleaning our campsite and the nearby program areas of downed limbs. It will be months before it is back together. Newark which is east of Columbus has no power and estimates of three days to a week.
  14. I think it is great for a skill and experienced leader to put this program on for their scouts. The problem is a cube dweller will try to do this and we will end up will lost or dead scouts...... I wonder if a tour plan was filed and if it was approved
  15. go back and read Calico's post on page 1 Then Google the question..... A name pops up........
  16. What a fantastic commencement address My favorite part None of this day-seizing, though, this YLOOing, should be interpreted as license for self-indulgence. Like accolades ought to be, the fulfilled life is a consequence, a gratifying byproduct. Its what happens when youre thinking about more important things. Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. Go to Paris to be in Paris, not to cross it off your list and congratulate yourself for being worldly. Exercise free will and creative, independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you, but for the good they will do others, the rest of the 6.8 billionand those who will follow them. And then you too will discover the great and curious truth of the human experience is that selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself. The sweetest joys of life, then, come only with the recognition that youre not special.
  17. Scoutnut........Was it a request for permission or an invitation to come along??????
  18. Scoutnut........Was it a request for permission or an invitation to come along??????
  19. So basically the Den went camping together as friends. Ya know that is ok. They may be neighbors, friends or relatives out side of the BSA.... They can do what ever they like. But you did the correct thing by not attending. The CM needs to stay out of potential hard feelings and political nonsense.
  20. Why would Mike want to do it???? We have already questioned his sexuality.....Ya know I never even considered his sexuality till now..... Rules being rules, from a quick google search he is probably disqualified.
  21. Let me see Backpacks on the buses.....Ya we can do that.... Closest campsite is 9 miles from the end of the bus line.....Doable during the summer.
  22. Yep, never ever discuss money at a fundraising table.....EVER. Committee decides the fate of the donations. Far as dues or program fees, always collect them up front....Have an application for assistance available, but never ever give a free 100% program. parents must come up with 1/2 of the fee. Here is a suggestion on dealing with greedy parents......Make sure they understand that if there son receives individual benefit from donated or fund raised money it is taxable as income and it may jeopardize the tax exempt status of your Charter organization. It is a bit of a bluff, mind you.....I really doubt the IRS would pursue someone or an organization for $100. Please see this thread http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=326602
  23. Retaining Latinos is difficult. The Family unit and all activities associated with the extended family are the most important. Every weekend a birthday, anniversary, baptism, or other celebration..... We have a number of families that drive 300 miles round trip to grandma's house every single weekend. It is really difficult to be involved in the program when you miss all the cool stuff. We have lost a number of boys to the family business. They work in mom and dads restaurant every single night, because it is their responsibility. At times I envy how tight knit the family units are, but, going to grandmas every weekend make it tough for sports or scouting.
  24. I still bet probably at least 20% of the falling membership numbers are from the SE's trying to correct membership number that are shall we say less than truthful. http://www.wheremostneeded.org/2006/06/alabama_boy_sco.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6988233/ns/nbcnightlynews/t/fbi-investigates-boy-scouts-fraud/#.T-YHZpHqjbg http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/01/07/176830/-BSA-Inc-Boy-Scouts-a-Corporate-Fraud http://www.readersupportednews.org/pm-section/78-78/619-as-the-boy-scouts-of-america-goesso-goes-the-usa
  25. Hey could you post or link to a picture of that scout plaque????? Sounds like a great idea.
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