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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Now in all honesty have you actually ever seen a district or council event that actually covers everything you mentioned Howarthe..... We have done those in the past in the den meetings. So unless you put your foot down now this parent will continue to behave this way. You could also ask them to enjoy their scouting experience elsewhere.
  2. Interesting....... Scout stayed around while 70% of the rest of the troop left..... I wonder what the real story is...... Troop hopping.......
  3. Most Americans can't think past "I" I have $5 in my pocket I can get a big mac and fries...... I can buy american apple juice at walmart for $3 or I can buy Chinese apple Juice for $1.50..... Which are they going to buy???? Of course the American farmer is more regulated in the pesticides he can use.....The american producer is more regulated in the sanitation of his facility and the quality of his packaging......So it cost more and is probably safer... Americans are just consumer sheep......I need more and I need it cheaper....
  4. Unless popcorn sale is mandatory folks would not participate.... First year involved in the Pack......5 boys sold $1200 worth of popcorn...No cost to the program.Pack paid the recharter fee...Pack was broke and the den leaders and CM were running the pack out of Pocket. Second year the sale was mandatory...we had 100% participation and we sold $1400.....the same 5 sold 1200 again. the rest sold $150. third year instituted a pack program fee.....near 100% participation and $10k in popcorn sales.....There was a buy out option. Last year a repeat at $10k. Popcorn is a ton of work for the Kernels......Storing, inventory management, storefront sales, blitzes.... Wife has told me I would be further a head just writing a check to the pack for their % and taking the hours off that I spend....For the hours I put in...the Pack earns $5 per hour.... I have 14 hours in meetings already and setting up storefront sales....
  5. I think trying to steer a scout into being a professional scouter is a disservice to the boy. there are much more rewarding fields for a college educated young man. Honestly I wouldn't want any of my scouts to be caught up in that conflicted world of financial and boy numbers......
  6. Some one needs the stones to put their foot down. Summer camp we shook the troops gear down, starting with mine and the SM....No one was excluded. Dumped my gear on the tarp and had the spl go thru it. We had a few snacks, no cell phones or video games, three digital cameras...... So your summer camp has AC power at the campsites to run fans and video games???????? Suggestions......I bet the Troop has a history of Junk food and video games on campouts..... You can break the cycle......but ya need to say no. The PLC and Adult leader needs to put up a unified front....... The SM and I had talked about him and I being busted with lots of junk food going to summer camp and it being given back to our wives before we left......We didn't do it.
  7. So Frank and Jacket....Your going to give less than truthful answers on your forms????? I maybe an a..hole but I am completely honest. I never lie on apps....Tell them what they want to know....If I am going to lie about it I would never fill it out. So what if you don't fill it out....worst case they give the COR, IH and CC a slap on the wrist.... Embarrassing.....but no biggy. Our council will not approve your fundraising app unless you sell popcorn. their policy. It is my opinion that the troop should never have more than a couple of grand in the bank, above your scout account obligations. here is a couple of thread that fish mentioned...... 60k in this case http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=196328 more than 73k in this case http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=342192 There are more than a few wealthy scouters on this board....I bet they are a shamed at what they have in their troop bank accounts...
  8. Beavah......You have read the forums.... How many times have we read of scouters looking for loop hold to hold the "Unworthy" back???? Spirit, Attendance, POR Performance, Crimes, Drugs National could give us a rule such as "Drug Conviction is an automatic disqualification for Eagle" Or Felony conviction is an automatic disqualification for Eagle Or In the Last year Scout must attend 50% of scheduled meetings...there would be a medical out of course. But the T
  9. SP As unit commissioner it is not your place to invite Webelos on a Troop outing..... It is the SM or his designatees job to do that task.......We I suppose the SM or CC could have designated you as the man.....but I doubt it. Inviting webelos on troop outings is a delicate balance....You don't want to invite them on too many outings the Boy Scouts will begin to raise eyebrows....
  10. So who are these Pro's in Dallas held accountable to????? I know if I set dates at work and keep missing them I will be unemployed fairly quickly. So what are the repercussions of them missing dates.....None. What is the result of the failure of the project......None. So what did that meeting cost the BSA????? If anyone doubts the BSA has lost its way look at that meeting. Something I have been pondering......How many SE's are eagle scouts???
  11. Isn't it interesting that the United States is beginning to view China as a military threat.... Recent addition of aircraft carriers to their naval fleet. Yet we continue to finance their military machine by purchasing goods made in their country. WE THE PEOPLE are so short sighted.......If I can save $2 on that wrench or car part it is worth it. Are the consumers sheep, Why Yes!(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  12. how many times do we have parents, boys and scouters on this forum splitting hairs for their own personal gain or to delay or deny as they see fit. Until you put definite goals or expectations scouters will continue to interpret things like scout spirit and active in ways they see fit. things like double dipping on service hours and requirements.....Again it is up to interpretation.
  13. Bottom line here is A successful webelos leader has High retention rate and High percentage of boys crossing over into the troop.
  14. Sure, You can do about anything for fundraising. Just fill out the fundraising application and submit it to your council office. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34427.pdf
  15. This project is costing us how much????? What worries me is the first line on the Progress report "We have developed a new definition of success" What does that mean???? We are not currently meeting what we view as being successful so we are simply going to revise the definition.
  16. Well SP Approach a local Troop and ask about providing an ASM for the job??????
  17. I am entertained by the thought that Boy Scout camping is family camping.....
  18. Selecting would be nice..... More often than not it is just the bear den leader that moves up with the den. A super poor choice unless that Bear Den leader was a boy scout as a youth. Ideally it should be a duel registered ASM, who is fully trained in both positions, with troop from the same CO.
  19. Boom I have a "Cans for Camp" Drive. The barrels are in a couple of mom and pop hardware stores and local carry out type places, they generate an income of $50-100 a month.....On my barrels I have a flyer that says the cans will be used for camping gear for the A boy scout troop and to help pay for camping for Boy scouts in need. Yes I said I.....The troop leadership did not approve the idea so I did it on my own. I have an envelope the money goes in along with the ticket from the recycler and receipts from the troop. My fundraising has purchased backpacking tents for the troop, with a little help from my friends, wink wink. We used them last trip..... I put action shots of the boys on the barrels. sometimes ya just gotta do what you gotta do....
  20. fish did you bother to read my post Money does directly effect a scout..... Had I been in rich troop the winter camporee would not have been canceled because all of the boys would have had proper winter clothing and camping equipment. Had I been in a rich troop we could drive 400 miles and go white water rafting on a weekend. I know my station and the fact that my boys scouting experience is and will be significantly different than the boys a crossed the belt way..
  21. I disagree that the summit is like philmont..... The summit is going to be a group of X game like activities that can be sampled over a week period in a Resident camp like setting. Mountain biking, rock climbing, rappelling, Zip lines, mountain skate boarding, white water rafting and probably kayaking..... Some one called it McAdventure. But ya know my son is excited by the offerings.
  22. While you make a point Pack.....I think it is kinda of irrelevant to the discussion. Callooh point was poor little rich kids shouldn't we show them pity. And Aren't the poor coddled enough and why should BSA leaders who work with the poor held in perceived higher esteem than leaders who work with the rich. Poor troop money is the problem Rich troop the adults are the problem
  23. If they are going to fund it out of pocket then just do that....... Don't fund it and then try to recover the cost after the fact.
  24. I call BS on the there is no typical project..... How many times have you seen the Paint X room in CO or build shelving for food pantry or kitchen....or build shed....... Our local nature center has a standard eagle project of building and installing 10 duck boxes, includes materials list and cost.
  25. A parent who is a business owner who uses scouting popcorn as christmas gifts for his clients.
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