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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. well Beavah Looks like he is gonna ignore your advice........ I wonder if we will hear about the divorce. BB your over committed. You will not do the best job possible in any of your scouting roles. If you want to be SM then drop every one of your other roles and concentrate on that... The Pro's don't have your best interest in mind Beavah gave you some fantastic advice......Take it.
  2. Kinda like Desert here..... Nothing like blowin your own horn here....... I am also in the camp that an Eagle does not need a huge banquet or COH... I am more in the line of the boys reaching first class need to to be more recongized than Eagle.....They can take care of themselves.... More scouts get first class.....so it means the rank has a bigger impact on the boys.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  3. Ya know what Philmont would be a great place to croak..... Just bury me where I land..... Certainly better than one of the dead parking lots or being carted around in an urn. This is great uncle B.....want to hold him......No thanks.
  4. Maybe a harry potter reference or Pokemon......I was amazed at day camp that they are still playing pokemon. Bear, I am not sure my Boy scouts know who he is....
  5. Well why should cubs know who chuck norris is????? His movies are not cub friendly.....Walker Texas ranger was ok, but it is 20 years old now....... My BS's love Norrisisms....They can spend countless hours spewing them.... My favorites..... Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas and The boogie man checks his closet for Chuck Norris before he goes to bed....
  6. sorry to hear that..... At the Summit they did have a 225 pounds limit on the zip line....
  7. We aren't singing and loud the entire meal....It generally just after seconds are called is when it starts....
  8. sounds like you made up your mind already on the new troop. So why solicit advice???? Sounds like a recipe for divorce, seen more than a few marriages end because of scouting.... I digress. Water......We use filters on backpacking trips and plop camping we haul a number of 5 gallon walmart jugs.....
  9. While loyalty is important... Family first.....Let your son's tell you what they want. If they want to stay with the current troop then you have the answer. I would not let anyone pressure me into anything. Cross posted with you..... Your looking for a case of burn out.....The thing about jobs, when you are doing more than one you do neither very well. Trust me.... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  10. Relax, go with the flow. Not that big a deal. Have fun.
  11. We were at Webelos resident camp 2 years ago..... Standing at evening flag saw a young man on his knees hot spark in hand striking it with his pocket knife. Took the knife and hot spark from him and turned to give it too his leader and leader was their right in my face wanting to know what the problem was...... I handed him the knife and hot spark and told him what had happened and my concern about the knife, safety circle and letting a 10 year old have a hot spark. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS is what I was told. Leader handed the knife and hot spark back to the scout. Next morning I was over seeing our waiters when a frantic call for the medical officer went out.....same scout had slit the ankle of a boy standing at flag..... I would have loved to see the leader again and tell him it was completely preventable and entirely his fault. But it was his son and they left the camp after the incident... Intervening in a roadside fight.....No way. In my neighborhood, you will get knifed or shot...If it is gang related and one of their boys gets arrested or killed they will get you and your family in retaliation.
  12. discriminate Your not from our neighborhood, from the wrong class, too old, too young, wrong school, too tall you cannot join our troop. BTW your dad cannot start a troop because, well, he is a man. Best soup nazi voice, NO GIRLSCOUTS FOR YOU
  13. Did any of your scouts partake in the ATV program at Frontier?????
  14. Even for me bein as crotchy and old as I am.......Nothing is more fun than some table pounding singing......... I enjoy watching the first years, faces as it starts and their too cool to join attitude switches to joining in by the end of the week..... Nice to see the boys drop their guard and be themselves..... If singing annoys ya.....maybe you should stay home next year.....
  15. I vote for Woodland Trails.....Much better facilities than Chief Logan, I have been to both.... Let me see.....Things that are better at woodland, Flag quad is really cool Showers are better They have a pool Program Director is much better Food, quality and portions are better Scheduled merit badge times, not an open program, They have horses Better Lake They have Cell coverage is that matters. Camp staff sets up camp site, Nothing worse than trying to piece together tents from a big pile of tents. Woodland trails only negative is they do not supply cots.
  16. The problem with bladder style drinking systems is you have no idea how much the boy is drinking with out taking it out of the backpack. It is much easier to see what they are drinking if they all have water bottles, especially at a resident or day camp setting.
  17. Did it ever dawn on you why the next Jambo is going to have excellent cell coverage....... The hope is that the boys attending will be posting pictures on facebook saying they are having a great time........Word of mouth is the best recruiting tool. National needs to remember that facebook is a double edge sword.....If they screw it up....the world will know instantly..... We went from boys with totes of food on a campout to cellphone bans......Interesting.
  18. That thing is 29 pounds empty....... Of course I have no idea how that compares to a plywood box...
  19. While I think that District level EBOR can become havens for the GOBC, I think it has the potential to be a superior experience for the youth. if it is at the unit level....It is the same old folks doing the same old review....District is new and hopefully the folks are experienced...... Pretty cool stuff.
  20. Take a couple of weeks off....No discussing scouting....have wife take the son to the troop meeting....have one of your ASM's oversee things... After summer camp is a great time for this. Look at the SM's job descriptions....are you doing more than that??? If so delegate the rest off....
  21. scouting is less a waste of time than Little League baseball and cheaper too. Well my scout if he failed to return with tent would have been dealt with in a serious manner from a parent perspective. My scouts job when he returns from camp out is 1. get tent set up to dry 2. sort and wash his clothing 3. get sleeping gear set to air out 4. shower 5. take tent down 6. store gear. Well if son came home with out tent.....He would have had it at the next scout meeting......I wouldnt have let it ride for any number of months. So possible personal responsibility lessons that a parent could have used..... Have scout call SM and ask if he found his tent and/or if he could open up the trailer, patrol gear to look for it. If that fails have son purchase exact replacement from his allowance money or set up a work for gear program. Not scouting failure but parenting. Remember we see the boys for 1 hour a week and one weekend a month, a parent sees them, hopefully, much more than that.
  22. Recruiting latinos is a tough sell. I couldn't tell you how many I have lost webelos age when they go to work in the family business. They are tight knit......Most in area go to family functions out of town every single weekend.....The boys drop simply because they cannot participate. Far as socceer goes....In our area it isn't that big for the latino's...of course youth socceer in our area cost several hundred dollars per session.
  23. No ban on cameras that is all the electronics we turned up..... One of the boys was taking photography merit badge.....Pleased I guess, that the boys didn't try to sneak anything in.
  24. Our District had an EB they met once a month for 3 hours on a thrusday evening. You had better be 15 when you go to make the appointment.. I am told they see three boys a night and were booked out 6-9 months. They do exactly as moose said....Validate each merit badge from blue cards, call your references and discuss in detail the candidate...... Well they were disbanded 2 years ago over several boys aging out and their inflexibility to help them finish their eagle......
  25. accor.....maybe it is where I live and looking at all the vacant factory that have closed in the last 20 years.....Maybe it is the vacant and declining neighborhoods as a result. You understand that with your attitude pretty soon the only choice will be chinese apple juice.....Ya know I would rather you not make that decision for me. Just like auto parts and clothing everything will be made in china. The cheap goods provided by china offer the US resident a much more materialist life. Homes with 5 or 6 lcd tv sets, video games, cheap cell phones. Is having 6 TV's in your home a good thing???? Not in my book. Remember the day when your toaster broke you actually fixed it instead of tossing it in the trash?????
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