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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Ah so this is just whining on the internet with no action or substance plan..... Ya want to make a statement. Peel that old Eagle patch off the uniform......Fly to dallas.....Call the local Fox news agency and tell them since the BSA doesn't let gays in your going to Resign as an Eagle and you will met them in front of National Scout headquarters with the purpose of personally turning in your Award and a personal letter...... Ya get a number of adult scouters to do it and it makes the national news.....Ya might see some change.... Till then it is just a bunch of scouters whining around the virtual campfire.
  2. So 24 ya never did answer What did ya do for the youth you serve this summer?
  3. So kids are born from birth with the knowledge that smoking and being fat is bad for ya????/ No adults tell them it is bad for them.... Went rounds with a new teacher at my daughters school who was teaching the kids that Meat is murder and they should not eat animals or anything with a face.....
  4. Why would the DE have anything to do with Adult knots???? I believe it falls to the responsibility of the the District Training Chair??? I attended a wood badge beading ceremony for a Patrol mate that took an hour and a half at a Troop COH, complete with a wood badge cake and punch. The recipient was very embarrassed and had no idea what the presenter was doing until it happened.
  5. As abel said Learning for Life is where DE's or SE's who need to exaggerate numbers go... Supposedly there is/was a Learning for life unit at my childrens elementary. The principle doesn't know anything about it, The PTO president doesn't know anything about it......My calls to Miss C at Council office to ask for contact info went unreturned. My thought was to get them to join our Pack or to take them camping with us and invite them to our Pinewood derby......Really hard to do when they don't exists....
  6. We finally get to the point of the two threads... So BSA which are ya gay or an atheist????? did ya get your membership revoked??? Bottom line here......The BSA is a club. If you don't believe in it any more than quit.....I am pretty sure they excluded gays and atheists when I was a boy.....But both types generally got there can's kicked if they were found out.... The Baden Powell Scout association is an acceptable alternative. So take your Good Old Boys club from roundtable and go create a BPSA group.....Problem solved.
  7. I am friends with both types of folks you mention in the ban thru scouting...... They are better folks than most of the bible thumpers I have met and in scouting for the right reasons.... It is a local option....
  8. Had a troop get banned from the swimming pool last week........ The troop plugged to pool filter up during a scheduled troop swim.....The word was that the pool staff had just cleaned it before the swim....... Pretty funny if ya ask me.....The Camp Director obviously wasn't amused.....
  9. Old BSA 24 is a hatin individual???? I know for a fact I will recognize BSA24 on sight because he will look like the Western rendition of Jesus Christ minus the extra holes..... It is tough bein perfect. I don't regularly use tobacco. I do enjoy a nice cigar from time to time with a bourbon on the patio(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  10. I am fat, Take a 2xl shirt......Do I give a rats behind what ya think......NO. The best part about this if ya throw me out because I am fat, I will have the free time to go to the gym....... Just because I am large does not mean I am not fit.... Took a week off work and took the cubs to day camp, because If I didn't they would not have gone Took another week off and took the Troop to Resident camp, again because if I didn't they would not have gone. Just got back from a week with the webelos at resident camp, you guessed it. Got an extended weekend in August to take the Crew backpacking....... So remove me from scouting.....46 boys and girls would not have had access to the program that they were sold when they joined. Sure I looked around at the other scouters, lot of wide bodies like me.....But ya know they care enough about their boys to take them to camp...... So 24......how did you spend your summer?????? how many boys did you take to camp????? How many days did you spend???? Miles did ya Drive??????? In researching BSA24's previous posts.....he views himself as a hard core scouter, who thumps the BSA rules/guidebooks when it suits his needs.....Goes to roundtable and does not welcome or make new scouters feel welcome. Awards knots to his Pack leadership despite not fulfilling the requirements........ He considers himself a fine shining example of scouting...... He is one of the POISON elements that kills scouting on the district and unit level....The Good Old Boys club at roundtable.......Sits back and complains that the round table program is horrible instead of trying to make it better........ Believe it or not, I am doing cub roundtable program, Kind of an accident, cub roundtable commissioner quit with out notice, stepped in and winged it.... No I have no desire to do it in an on going basis, He is one of the good old boys who makes up rules that prevent my boys from attending the Webelos Weekend.... He is the one that blocks cub day camp, district family camp or multiple pack events. He is the one that makes puts up roadblocks to new district level volunteers.... While I have not offered my hand specifically to 24.....I have made the offer to many just like him in the past 7 years.....and if I did not believe so deeply in scouting and the need of my boys I would have walked away....... I understand the weight restricts at the High Adventure bases, common sense. I accept them with no issue. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. Ya know Q My world is not as neat and tidy as 99% of the posters here.....you sound like your in the same or similar boat to me. Someone posted a figure of 4% of folks are gay and lesbian........So why is this such an issue???? Harsh...yes...... My point is if the gay thing is that big a deal.....Quit, vote with your feet...start a BPSA troop or Spiral scout troop.....the entire athesist and gay thing goes away...... If the BSA starts losing membership directly because of this they will be forced to address it.
  12. Fricken adults Adding requirements....... 6 hours of community service in 4 months........Call the local park system if it is like most they run projects every weekend.....Local food pantrys always need help, stocking shelves or hauling bags to the car.....Couple saturdays your done...... Easy proposition...... So why the focus on the boys running projects.....
  13. Spiral scouts or Baden Powell service Association is always an option for those who want scouting and have an objection to the no atheist or gay policies. No wait, That's right you want your son to earn the Eagle. That is the only reason to be a member of the BSA, Recognition . Spiral or BPSA to advancement is recognized by no one, College or business recruiters...... Well the other reason is Spiral or BPSA are pretty much DIY scouting programs.....No resident, day, High Adventure Bases, Jambo's, Roundtables or easy help...... So in a nutshell, Stop whining about it and do something if you object to it that much........ We are starting a BPSA group for the sisters in the troop and Pack. Now just to get the parents off the sideline.
  14. Well we know for a fact that the hawk was at least Bisexual.... Don't think the hawks have mastered invetro fertilization or the old turkey baster method.
  15. Saw some video of Boy Scouts training and fighting with Staffs.....Probably their hiking sticks.... Adding fighting skills back would certainly add the cool factor back in....... But some dumb testosterone laden SOB volunteer would take it to far and get some scout killed or hospitalized doing it.....
  16. Only 2 got turned away at the Summit last weekend????? from the pictures I saw it should have been a few more........OA staff advisor was grossly over weight and havin problems...... Just sayin.... There is a neighboring troop leaving for Philmont next week one of the moms is going along.....I know she is 40 pounds over the weight for her height.......I will be interested if she is permitted on the trail......The crew has worked very hard to get down to weight, she has not, missed all of the shakedowns and is not exercising..... Interested to see what happens when she gets there....
  17. while practice makes perfect....... If I was on the eagle board, I wouldn't want perfect practiced answers.... I want the eagle candidate to give spontaneous heart felt answers.....Not what some ASM, SM or CC thinks the right answer is.....
  18. Beavah, less than 3% of available youth are in scouting in my neighborhood While it is better than zero.....Tough to make a difference with only 3% After dark nothing good goes on in my neighborhood......if your out at 1AM your asking for it or up to no good...... I tell my son and scouts......Nothing good goes on after midnight.......I take mr glock with me if I am out to the grocery after dark have had occasion to draw once.... Strange town...walking the streets at 1am......Naw, I am too street smart for that.
  19. So what is council or district doing appointing a SM????? They cannot do it, Up to the Chartered Organization....
  20. Ya know fun... If shooting pistols is that big a deal for the boys......YOU could do it with them outside of scouting, most indoor ranges offer hand guns for rent.....Taking your son and another scout or two is no big deal. One handgun at a time, rent one lane, one boy at a time....Do it a couple of times a year. I have one scout that got a partial on rifle shooting at summer camp and needs to finish his shooting....he has asked me to take him to the range to finish......I will..... I take boys outside of scouting to shoot....To play paintball and laser tag..... Because they don't have Uncles, Dads or Grandfathers to do it.....
  21. Suzi.....family high adventure????? Boy scouting is not family scouting, Your confusing it with cub scouting. Send your son to Philmont, take a vacation and relax while he has his adventure.
  22. Been watching this thread with interest.... My son and I manage the troop tents....We set them up after each camp out and dry them then store them.... Why, we lost one to a boy moving, no idea where he went, Lost another to younger sibs playing in it and damaging, boy quit scouts over it. Several were just ignored and ended up mildewy.... Since son and I took them over we have not had a single problem.....Now what we do is before pick up time we swing by my house and have all the boys set them up...... Works keeps our investment safe.
  23. BSA has a point it is The new Eagles celebration and he could even leave you off the invitation list SMT
  24. with all the offerings out there pistol shooting is that big a deal?????? Pretty silly if ya ask me. I take the son to the range to shoot.....I take a number of his friends who are in his patrol on occasion. We shoot more than 22's..... Not everything has to happen under the control of the BSA
  25. I know first hand of 2 scouter marriages that ended because of scouting.... Witnessed a staff scouter in tears at an IOLS training weekend missing his daughters Y tribe campout. Scouters missing daughters proms on and on..... Anniversary's spent on campouts......Yep.....seen that too Heard the term Scouting Widow??? I have. I was that guy, well except for the divorce and cryin... Wife set me straight.... Everything in moderation
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