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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Old Whitepine, seems to think that the BSA would shrink if girls were allowed to join scouting. Locally, My old Pack would double in size.....from just the sibs joining. Not sure how it would impact the Boy Scout program..... Thoughts.
  2. Webelos woods is a regional thing.....Webelos advancement weekends are called all sorts of things. Generally speaking the ones I have attended have been one hour sessions. Saturday AM Flags Readyman.....Local EMT is the instructor Geologist....Staff from local park Naturalist...Boy Scout troop Forester.....Boy Scout Troop Athlete......Troop Citizen......Troop Evening flags Saturday night Campfire, each den with a skit or song.......Keep it to less than an hour. Far as the syllabus for each, they just work the requirements. All of them I have attended has been food on your own or with your Host troop. I liked the food on your own because I really dislike hamburger foil dinners. here is some links to look at. http://oreida-bsa.org/documents/Webelos%20Woods/2012WebelosWoodsLeadersGuide.pdf . http://www.eagledistrictwebeloswoods.org/Websites/eagledistrictwebeloswoods/images/Forms/2011/2011WW-Info4Packs.pdf . http://www.wmascouting.org/activities/docs/2012_Webelos_Woods_Guide_Book.pdf
  3. so from what I am reading.... Just like everything else in the BSA it is a regional kinda thing.... Our local LDS Troops Leadership chose to not come to roundtable, no big deal because less than 40% of the Troops and Packs attend any way. The women leader issue, knew nothing about that..... I did know how they age structured the program, my IOLS course discussed that. Knew about the no activities on Sunday thing... Round here the LDS provide training posted on the council site all the time..... Ok I give up, so beyond the no gays issue, where is the controversy and why are they thought of poorly on the forum????
  4. Eagle Ya get IT, and in my book that is all matters. I noticed our boy is keeping a low profile today.
  5. "a person in the troop made the statment that they were submitting paperwork to be an Assistant Scoutmaster" Sounds like a demand to me.....I would have rather heard.... "hey SM or CC I would like to be an ASM, do you have an application?" Same possible result, one is much better than the other.... alla, you could be correct as well, a socially inexperience person or a person who isn't a people person.
  6. Aww come on I haven't been bustin your chops lately......Just that license plate thing was all.
  7. Aww come on I haven't been bustin your chops lately......Just that license plate thing was all.
  8. Boy old BSA24 is hatin this week....Missed this thread..... So we are up to NO OA NO Smokers NO NEW PEOPLE NO Fat People
  9. Ok Bacchus....... Spin a thread and educate me in the ways of LDS and scouting. I didn't see much hatin going on...... I have next to Zero experience with LDS troops, I know they exist locally, I know they do not attend round table, I know there is a separate week for them at summer camp, I know they attend separate LDS only camporees, I know of the threat to with draw from the BSA if gays are admitted......beyond that I know nothing else. So get off that self righteous attitude and offer some education.......I am interested. If you don't feel you will get a fair deal on the board message me. I want to understand, honestly.
  10. Well I will tell you for a fact that our council ignore that policy. Been to a couple of council level Dinners with youth present that served alcohol.
  11. So am I the only one bother by the "person" demanding to be an ASM????? Just sets my spidey senses off. Kinda like the person demanding to be treasurer......Nobody wants that job. So what are they going to demand next.... Eagles method works......I might add the requirement of IOLS training first.....But that is kind of a moot point because it is mandatory to turn in the app, fully trained for position.
  12. Slide by?????? Ya know, I don't care if they are gay or not.....Good people are good people. Like I said earlier I know several gay scouters.....I know for a fact they are gay....... I would ignore it unless they were acting out and then I would treat them as a hetero couple who was doin the same thing. There was discussion, beavah and eamon posted about the BSA treating the youth as asexual, several years ago.....I thought it was odd at the time......But it makes sense now.
  13. nice..... That the best you got??????? So I am guessing you have done nothing for your boys this summer or are you actually a member of a troop...... So whens the last time ya went camping or hiking with cub, BS or crew???????
  14. Moose....your forgetting that this is not about gay youth, but gay adults. The BSA views youth a asexual.
  15. got an email asking me why I attended a beading ceremony since I hate Woodbadge so much..... Because I was asked to attend..... If you don't understand that I feel sorry for you.
  16. what a nice discussion...... Brought up somethings I had never thought about..... I am catholic, interestingly we have a number of gay couples in our church, a growing number of Hispanics. I forget how intolerant other are outside my world.
  17. Choosing an ASM in my opinion should be up to the SM.... Lets face it, they are going to be spending a lot of time together and they should at least like each other and be able to work well together. Far as someone demanding to be an ASM, I would say no thanks and leave it at that.
  18. Guessing that 24 didn't take any scouts to summer camp this year, didn't participate as staff, help at cub resident camp........ With all that free time to exercise it is no wonder he's skinny. Just sayin....
  19. Well there were 4 michigan troops at our main summer camp and the CD was saying there was 6 more who wanted to come the week we were there but the camp was already over capacity. I had never seen michigan troops at our camp before......
  20. this nonsense explains the influx of Michigan Troops in Ohio camps. Met more michigan troops this year than ever before.
  21. You are familiar with the term Cafeteria Catholic So how many Catholic youth have sex before marriage???? I bet most of them So how many Catholics use Birth Control???? I bet most of them So how many Catholics have gay friends???? Some of them So how many Catholics Do the fish on Friday thing during lent????? some of them While I am sure there are some very devote and strict Catholics, they certainly are not the majority... Of course these are the same folks that would turn in a Lesbian Tiger Cub mom and get her thrown out of scouting
  22. I heard the Crew at Summer camp pitch twice at two different summer camps.... I asked the one CD why was he pitching it to Boy Scouts and not Crews.....He thanked me for my question and moved on....... The only thing a crew can do that my troop doesn't already do is Hunt and shoot handguns......All my boy know that if they want to shoot handguns is to ask me and I will take them outside of scouting.....
  23. I got big money that says national will replace the uniform before the Jambo..... Easy way to guarantee 80,000 sets of pants and shirts. just say 2 per attendee. So that is roughly $90 per set....that is 7.2 million dollars in sales.... Just for the jamboreee attendees.....
  24. Everyone loves the hypothetical situations.... The BSA lets openly gay adults to join.........There is speculation that the LDS church will immediately end their involvement....... So if it happens, How will the BSA look? national numbers would drop by 400K according to a link posted a couple of weeks ago. Local perspective, Not much, they don't attend roundtable, council events or summer camp the same week. thoughts????
  25. acco I get it....... It is easy to whine on the internet........Your safe at home, nearly anonymous, comfortable, the idea is noble enough, seems harmless....... Start this conversation at round table.........Stand up and ask for a discussion about openly gay folks being admitted...... In my best whiney voice "Oh I want change just so long as it doesn't jeopardize my membership, personal comfort, and god forbid don't make it an inconvenience".... On line surveys are worthless.....Make someone put their signature on a piece of paper..... I challenge all you folks who are advocating openly gay folks in the BSA to Call a news crew go to your local council office and turn in your Eagle..... Better yet get a group to go to the national office and do it..... BTW this entire argument is obsolete, there are many gay members in scouting......But of course it just takes one self righteous bible thumper to end it......
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