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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. fred I completely disagree with scouts that fulfill the requirement many times over...... We have a scout that is held up because he needs service hours for star......He will not do anything other than meetings and camp outs..... No selflessness in the boy.....he is 12 years old.
  2. I am a fellow who like to keep a tote board if you will.. If you are Gay Lesbian Not a United States Citizen Divorced Adulterer Fornicator Anything but Christian Forget about being a member........ and we thought the BSA was tough on Atheist and Gay/Lesbian crowd.....A So where is the outrage on the forum??????
  3. So where do the divorce folks fall in the whole fornicator adultery thing???? Just curious.....
  4. So AZ what does YIKES mean??? Round my parts they don't have any money and the only way to get them to activities is to have a reduced family rate, we have one family with 4 boys and 2 girls and another with 2 boys and 2 girls.....If all of them go to day camp one family would be on the hook for $500...... So we got the CO to help subside the families.... It just might move it out of their budgetary range.
  5. "Describe how an unscrupulous organization might exploit volunteers, and how this harms a community. Discuss ways you might recongize this sort of exploitation and how you can avoid it." Unscrupulous????? Generally we look for projects...Not sure how we could be exploited... Service projects I have been involved with neighborhood clean up, urban tree planting, soup kitchen clean up and food service, Food pantry grunts, Food for scouting, Flower planting, community garden prep, invasive species removal, Park mulching...... We have more than 40 hours a year per scout in our various endeavors. We just finished rehabbing a community sign and a couple of us and scouts have nearly 40 hours in it. Jm I am the biggest cynic in the world. I am always looking for how people are going to screw me over, I have yet to leave a service project feeling that way.
  6. So seattle all rhetoric a side your good with the gay ban in both the BSA and AHG? The flaw in your recruiting latino families is cost....There is no way they can afford 4 kids in scouting programs....I believe reallocating Pack resources and gear to the AHG is bad policy.... So how much is adding the AHG going to add to the cost of your Packs program.
  7. Q if they weren't mandatory then many would not do them. You know it.
  8. Hope he gets better But where was the second adult???? You can follow up with all the associated YPT safe swim questions.
  9. My complaint about the AHG would be fixed if they would remove the Christian only overtones and make it the nondescript god that the BSA uses. The citizenship requirement as well Just that simple (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  10. Being a parent is tough some times.......Many adults just don't have the backbone for it. You are parent first Pal second.....many forget this and end up with the mess they currently in. So 40 years ago where were all of these ADD kids?????
  11. As the title states. Does anyone know??? Used the search function on their website it returned nothing. So does that mean don't ask don't tell???? How about background checks on leaders???? do they do those????(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  12. There is no opportunity when the families we serve are more than Christian in Faith.....
  13. Ahhhh what a colorful canvas we paint...... seattle go do your AHG thing.....Just stop posting about it here. Your ugly desperate to justify what you want to do. Catholic committee on scout.....Laughing here......Three old guys and 6 nerdy boys at a catholic camporee......Lots of fun....NOT....Shook hands spent 2 minutes and ran.... I am catholic, took my son as a cub to see what it was about......
  14. Nobody asked the obvious question Where are they missing at???? in the Troop master print out? Scouts book???? Are they rank, merit badge POR????? Phone call to the other SM should fix it. he should have included his phone number on the report.
  15. Push back from the parents. The program for your scout cost the Pack $80....here is what that includes xyz. Sure it is a lot of money but here is how we are going to help you do it. Scout Accounts..... Then sell the fundraising.... 100% of the fundraisers go to the ISA accounts. Packs cost of doing business is covered by the program fees.
  16. Everyone here is confusing multiple issues.... The first is the cost of the program.... Fauxc how much does your program cost to provide each scout per year????? this should include everything, den crafts, pinewood, blue and gold. The second is do you collect dues???? Who tracks it? how accurate is it???? does it cover the cost of the program?? Third Fundraising Do you sell popcorn, rootbeer floats, light bulbs, Christmas trees? fourth Scout Accounts....work great for us. First year as CM our packs den leaders were running the program out of their pockets. the pack had 4 boys that sold $800 in popcorn.....No other fund raising...All of the other families rode on the backs of these boys and the generosity of the den leaders. Second year we started a Program fee for the Pack. It included all activities, recharter fee, boys life, pinewood, trophies, belt loops and a Pack tshirt for $80. The families could buy out of selling popcorn by simply paying it and not sell popcorn. at the same time we instituted our Scout Accounts...100% of the fundraising profits go to the boys to use in their scouting program. The CC and Treasurer track it....this prevents lost time tracking Dues every week. We have all of the money in place for the year by the end of October. As Pack leadership we set up store front selling of popcorn....We went from less than $1,000 to more than $10,000 that first year. All of the boys paid for their program fees easily. So exactly how it works new scout joins in September we collect a $20 join fee to cover his registration till December, it is put in his scout account....the pack turns in and pays his fees to council.....Popcorn starts shortly after.......Boy signs up for times at the storefront or sells door to door....boy profit is $100 for sales... it is put into his scout account, his current balance is $120 Nov 1st program fee of $80 is with drawn leaving boy a balance of $40 in his account. Christmas wreath sales start....boy makes $40 profit for his efforts.....so Balance is $80.. Year passes March day camp sign up time day camp cost $75....parent signs boy up and pays for it out of his scout account.......boy has a balance of $5 remaining...... We allow shirts and books to be purchased from the account and have created withdrawal/deposit forms. pretty simple works well...
  17. Unless the "Experts" come up with a big scientific name then the bad kid just goes home for some structure and discipline and does not come back for repeat visits for $$$$$Pharmacological$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$Therapeutic$$$$$$$$$ treatment There is no money in prevention or cure......But tons of money in Treatment. My daughter went thru the NO phase.......No I am not going to take a shower, NO I am not going to eat my beans.......Guess what snatching her up and jumping in the shower with her and scrubbing her cured it in two day......No to green beans.......we fixed that in similar fashion.
  18. this could have all been avoided with a little structure for Jr as a two and three year old. Yes including discipline.
  19. I am guessing it is either band, football or crosscountry.....we are losing boys to those activities currently
  20. There is all sorts of homelessness in our country..... We have the folks using the shelters, friends and families homes, living under bridges, in cars.... The group I deal with are the extended friends and family living under a single roof and folks living in cars..... I can imagine the homeless shelter is a bad environment for scout meeting. So removing them from that environment is a good thing. Dean.....our dinner thing was innocent enough...... Had a couple of boys who said they had not eaten that day.....so the next week I brought some pizza....Well they brought some friends the next week....next I was feeding the entire den....then the brothers from the other dens....then mom and/or dad showed up......Well it got out of control in about 3 months and I stopped doing it. Just trying to do the right thing......But when I am spending $50 a week on hot dogs/buns and fixins.....It had to stop.... Had a mom complain because there wasn't any cheese to put on her hot dog.....still shakin my head. Yes the folks on the bottom live by maslows hierarchy of needs.
  21. So should scouts take precedent over family and friends??
  22. this is great news....My nine year old daughter knows the Oath, Law, motto, slogan and the outdoor code already for the boy scouts........ now all they need to do is drop the join age to 11 and we will be all set...
  23. If the families are reluctant.......Feed them......Boil a bunch of hot dogs and get some baked beans and chips......you will have all the boys you can handle. We fed the families before the scout meetings and started to have extended families show up and it got to be too much so we ended it. We were feeding a hundred or more people just before we stopped, 3 gallons of baked beans and 150 hot dogs......
  24. Seattle I wouldn't haul a lot of Cubs from you home Pack......You end up managing the Pack scouts as much as the less fortunate scouts. The entire point is to deliver these boys a HUGE dose of scouting in a very limited period. Now maybe webelos to help with the tiger age fellows might work..... Now Boys from your Troop, absolutely, they are a huge help. The goal is to make them want to join scouting when the family is back on their feet. There is no way we can make a significant impact meeting with the boy in a couple of hours. They have bigger problems after all, like where is dinner coming from and am I going to school.
  25. BSA24 won't stop paying his dues because then he would have one less bobble on his uniform to strut around at roundtable..... Yes it is a simple issue with the OA, don't promote it in your home troop, don't pay your dues and remove your lodge flap.... Many councils and camps rely a tad too much on the OA for free labor in my book as well. There is the cheerful service thing but there is also where is the fun in it..... Hard to convince my youth to attend lodge events when it is simply another work weekend with guys you don't know very well. They would rather car camp or go on a hike.
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