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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. "My only guess is that they get the assurance that the AHG will not start an alternative scouting organization for boys." Wanta bet it happens if the BSA changes its stance on gays.... American Heritage Boys Just sayin.....Bet they will regret supporting them. Far as their membership growth to 19,000 it just shows how exclusionary and ignorant most folks are......Of course it is easy to forget about the other folks in your rich white suburban wasp neighborhood...... Gotta ask AHG mom.....are you divorced or have you been???? and do you meet all the requirementst to be a member
  2. The girls scouts can discriminate based on age, color, religious affiliation, height, weight, neighborhood you live in...... So at the local level if I don't like the way ya look, I am going to offer you a list of neighboring troops and Packs suggesting they might be a better fit.... BTW I have never done that to a new scout or family.....but the SM has done that to a scout....
  3. Sons spiral bound is doing well after three years..... I made a book cover for it.... I purchase one to teach IOLS out of it is in good shape... Eagle return them and see what happens......
  4. So seattle are you going to permit divorcee's to be leaders > An AHG member is called to live a life of holiness, > being pure of heart, mind, word and deed, reserving > sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage; > marriage being a lifelong commitment before God > between a man and a woman. If not your leadership pool has shrank by, is it 60% now??????? Every single one of my cub leaders has been divorced at least one. None of the troop leadership.... Wait a minute, is that a trend???? (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. Best of all this will have zero impact on my scouting.....
  6. What is a unit commissioner??? My best Joker accent "I think I seen one on T.....V....." My only experience was an ugly one, the grand....Uniform inspection. He was told to leave and not come back..... Like Abel our DE rules with an Iron fist and fires the district committee at will. Right now we have one surviving member from the great spring 2012 inquisition.
  7. Never seen anyone puke on a non video forum... So where does it say the book is required??? The current generation will see paper disappear as we use it...... I use an electronic signature at work so the BSA should use this
  8. I read all this nonsense and thank god that we are active enough and do enough community service and service projects that this isn't an issue for us. If it is an issue get off your butt and get the PLC going on some service, if they won't help them out with a couple. I am going to say your program is sad if you need to worry about this.
  9. So where are all these kids coming from?????? again most of the Cub pack has been diagnosed with ADD or are autistic in some measure..... Growing up there was none of this....There were always a few special needs kids....In my school of 500 there were about 25 in the class. So about 5%.
  10. Ya know if you go do everything as cubs then the Troop will have retention problems..... I think that a couple times a year with family camp is ok. Now keep in mind that of the Cubs entering our Pack ZERO have camping gear. Your group maybe an exception..........So a typical den of wolves are not equipt or experienced enough to go camping and make it successful. Belt loops are a parent scout thing......so why can't you go camping as friends and then have the boys earn the fishing belt loop as a family they could shoot bb guns too. My point is.....Why does everything have to happen under the umbrella of Scouting???????
  11. I played with it for an hour or so...... I just isn't all that obvious how it is recorded..... Just seems very cumbersome....Reports seemed lacking as well...I was look for a single sheet summary for a scout....we have boys transfer in and out all the time.
  12. We have a scout they call Chips, cause he always seems to have a bag of chips in his hands.... We have M&M who successfully ate a party sized bag in one sitting and kept them down. We have Slushie who while dehydrated got a lemon lime slushie and puked the best combo of doritos and green I have ever seen. We have Bigfoot a 12 year old with a size 12 foot. We have Jon whose real name is Evan because he never can seem to pass one up with out going it. Rock sank like one during the swim test.. We had booger and crack.....but suggested something else...
  13. In preperation of becoming SM....Been looking at various software packages to help manage the troop.....Current SM has a note book, that I can't make heads nor tails of. Down loaded a copy of troop master to play with....Have some questions for those who are experienced. Nights of camping.......so how does TM record these or does it? Service hours or projects???? For it's reputation as the defacto software package I am completely underwhelmed. Is there something else that anyone would like to recommend taking a look at??? (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  14. Our council touts camperships, says they give camperships, But yet to know of anyone to get one first hand. We have families apply....never hear anything then end up passing the hat to get them to go.... But your point is valid about logging Advancement at the national level..... Why??? Which means logged at the unit level?(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. I know my son and daughter love me... My wife is the most beautiful women in the world. My dinner is coming out of the oven in a couple of minutes. everything else is up for debate
  16. My course director said they had a 95% completion rate which means 1 person out of their course did not finish.
  17. So far nothing is sounding any better..... So now my boys have to go buy merit badge books to get them signed off.... Or Print the worksheet off merit badge.com or Something electronic All paperwork stinks, I hate doing it at work..... So what if the MBC doe not have internet or a computer???????
  18. Here is the Rub Lisa We have folks like Seattle who are going to utilize their BSA connections to bring the AHG to the Public Schools. I have said it before.....the BSA has no business with the AHG especially if we are going to admit openly gay leaders in the next few years..... I is going to happen, there simply is too much pressure and when the corporate money dries up over it gays will be allowed to be members.
  19. Pere......catholic schools are typically the best educational oppurunities in most communities....It is a case of people of means doing the best for their kids. I don't think scouting of any kind falls in that class. I know of a family who became catholics to get their school tuition reduced, also shopped around for which parish would pay the highest amount for their kids.
  20. So what would make the merit badge system more efficent and meaningful to the scouts and scouters????/ All I know is the blue card.
  21. Beavah.... The only system I know is the blue cards..... Please educate me on something better????
  22. Oh I take what BSA24 says with a grain of salt He hates fat people, people who smoke, the Order of the Arrow, New People at roundtable, the BSA for not letting gay folk in, People who don't wear their uniform right, People who where OA strips, on and on and on..... I like to know who is posting and how they have stood on the issue previously.
  23. So what was a single ASM doing Swimming in the river with 4 boy scouts????? Where was the other adults????
  24. That is mighty unscout like Polaris 2 or 3 locations per weekend?????? So your pack or Troop dominates and area and prevents anyone else from having an opportunity to sell at the store fronts....
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