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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Well functioning......They show up to meetings, day events but camping they have avoided it..... I suspect they don't want to cook or just hang out together at meal time. I think the merger would help their camping attendance.
  2. We currently have three patrols.....One has 8, 6 are active. second has 5, 2 who are active and the last has 5 who are active.... So I would like to discuss with the boys about merging the last two patrols together..... Thoughts about how to approach the discussion????
  3. Our old guy moved to st louis or Kansas city......I heard a rumor on what he was makin and looked it up..... I was astonished..... I was figuring we should see some change by now.....anything for cryin out loud.
  4. I don't know what to tell you.... I was told by our Local girl scout council it was ok and was normal for them...
  5. The old Beav....is incorrect on this one.....I have first hand knowledge and experience... Local GS troop folded the leaders daughter had been out a number of years no big deal we will find another..... First troop folded three weeks after daughter joined. Fighting among the ladies. BTW where did all that cookie money go????? Second troop my daughter was too old and they wouldn't let her join Third troop she didn't attend the same school as the other girls. Four she was too young Fifth we were from the inside of the belt way, besides she wouldn't fit in..... Tried to form a troop, I am a man and they would rather a man not be the main leader.... So GS troops have the ability to say no to a girl for any or no reason.
  6. http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/NOVA_Awards Has the list of requirements....I cannot vouch for their accuracy. The cub level....Watch a number of different TV shows and then discuss them????? Kinda weak if ya ask me.
  7. Sure why not.... In my opinion it is an everyone wins kind of proposal.... Our facilities get rented, the state gets taxes on what is going on.......
  8. Our camp commissioner the last two years has been an elderly fellow whose name escapes me.... Super nice, showed up at our campsite every morning after the SM meeting via golf cart, bad hips from the way he wobbles, and does our site inspection...Sits down has some coffee with us and sees how things are going. Addresses our concerns if any.... At lunch he hands the inspection report to the SPL and asks if he has any questions..... Our boys were furious with our SPL not posting the fire chart and not earning their honor camper patch this year.....The boys immediately removed him from the post.... It twas interesting.
  9. So last fall our SE moves on to a much better payin gig...$350k a year kinda better paying, Good riddance btw. We get this new fellow, who touts himself as a huge program guy, Well we are coming up on a year of his tenure....Just not seeing any changes. I met him once and seems a nice enough fellow... Since he said he was a program guy.......I was looking for improvements some where...... Suggestions were to look??? Next time I run into him, I am going to ask him..... Honestly just don't see any change.
  10. how......Your son is a cub right???? Slow down. You don't need to jam everything into his first two years your going to burn him out. Let him enjoy his den mates....every second of every meeting does not need to be planned
  11. hmmmm, scratching my chin........ Who me????? You bet your whimpy, white, suburban, Lexus drivin, latte' drinkin, car campin behind. I am blunt, will say things to shock you, ask questions, try to make you think and move you out of your comfort zone. I will not blindly follow anyone or anything.
  12. Bottom line is the complaint that the BSA views a number of Gods and religious beliefs are ok. Divorce or marital status is not judge at the national level. Locally LDS units only let LDS boys join.....We have troops the same way, only boys from the catholic school can join.....But that is a local decision... While the Anti gay and atheist things line up......The rest does not..... Just that simple.
  13. Rain Just so you know who your getting advice from..... Moose is on a woodbadge staff and a big supporter/believer, Drank the koolaid and liked it. Seattle is some sort of District or council big wig who is working to recruit cub scouting and working on Latino families in his area... Me, I am the local cynic and had a horrible woodbadge experience.....Completed my ticket and have yet to receive my beads....... With that said since you did not take any NYLT or JLOW then you would probably benefit from it.......Just don't go looking for that mountain top experience......
  14. Hal has the idea........ I like it but with some conditions.......Experienced Unit level scouters....with between 4-7 years experience. I would like to add youth as well. Life and Eagle scouts.....
  15. As a recent scout you will be underwhelmed for sure...... Go have fun, But don't have super high expectations..... Did you participate in JLOW or what ever your council called youth leadership training???? A very similar syllabus between the two. I am not a big fan
  16. As a recent scout you will be underwhelmed for sure...... Go have fun, But don't have super high expectations..... Did you participate in JLOW or what ever your council called youth leadership training???? A very similar syllabus between the two.
  17. Just as gays and atheist are local option in the bsa.... Men are the local option for the GSA. That sounds like a great camp idea
  18. My company has the same policy...... If we are contacted by the media we are first to contact legal before talking... we are strongly encouraged to just not due it.
  19. It is a matter of honesty and not money..... Glad your council is honest.
  20. Why not talk to the "particular scout" show him the outline and see if he is interested?????? I you have to sell it then he probably isn't interested.
  21. Ya the boys at school call them gay now when they wear their shirts....can't wait...
  22. This reminds me of a thread about a pregnant girl scout from a few years ago.... By these rules she is out.....
  23. Pere....yes it does. http://www.ahgonline.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=19322 Purity An AHG member is called to live a life of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word and deed, reserving sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage; marriage being a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman.
  24. I didn't expect an answer..... Just tryin to make a point.... It is fine to have high moral standards...... I doubt a single leader in their group actually meets them..... I am still amazed at all the white dresses at weddings......really who is kidding who here
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