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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. ADC lots of assumptions in that and It assumes a one and done mentality for advancement. This is how we get eagle scouts who can't build fires or tie knots. So is it better for the scout be in a troop with a one and done or a troop who requires mastery????
  2. Advice from a Man who fails to understand is his youth scouting journey is over and it is now his turn to support his son's. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  3. really Hal.....that is pretty thin. Fits right in with LNT.....The future will happen irregardless of your clinging to the scouting of your youth...... Plan Ahead and Prepare Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces Dispose of Waste Properly Leave What You Find Minimize Campfire Impacts Respect Wildlife Be Considerate of Other Visitors All of these can be taught on Motorcycles, 4x4 trucks, walking, atv's and anything they come up with in the future.
  4. The red vest probably stem from red wool jacket worn by several important scouters at Phimont in the 1950's. You understand that the jac shirt, is only supposed to have a couple of patches, one in the middle of the back, the philmont bull on the left shoulder and the scout patch on the right pocket . By the end of bear year the boys will be done wearing them....Trust me. the only ones who don't are the boys who are home schooled or autistic. No a put down, just what I have seen over the years.
  5. suizk.....realistically they shouldn't worry about merit badges till they are first class.....which is 12-14 in most cases. The changes in the boys at that age really is amazing. All the parents are about merit badges.....the boys at 11-13 could really careless and the boy 14-18 view them as hurtles to be jumped. now their are exceptions, but they are rare..
  6. First hand knowledge of three. 1. Wife claimed abandonment 2. Wife out clubbing went hubby was out with troop. Met new man 3. Wife hooked up with old flame on facebook and spent the weekends when dad was with the troop to spend it with him.
  7. The way he has been behavin round here lately he might deserve to be pelted with rocks..
  8. Ya BLW you need to turn the type A off and switch to decaff...I hear the blades beating the air.... Cub Scouting is all about the adults....they plan it all execute it all.....The boys merely show up and reap the rewards. So what ya gonna do???? spout off to the MBC???? What exactly is that gonna prove???? Resulting at you being the butt of jokes for a couple of years?????? Those other scouters you were planning on helping you won't I have had the following conversation with a parent. MOM calls "Little Johnny wants to take the Electronics Merit Badge and I would like to make arrangements for him to complete it". Me "That's great when little Johnny wants to make the arrangements have him call me and I will me more than happy to meet with him and help him complete his merit badge." Some times little johnny calls back other times not so much..... For the Record BLW I am not required to see your scout as a MBC....It is voluntary....... So no matter how much whining or pleading from mom or dad, Junior has to call me himself. You, as parent, can come to the meeting, quitely at the table....if that doesn't work and you, parent, can't help but to give Junior hints, I have a great seat in the other room for ya. It is about teaching them to interact with adults they don't know just as much as the subject matter of the merit badge. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  9. If he is offering $$$$ see what strings are attached. What would you do with a huge influx of Cash???? Pinewood derby track??? Timer or pay for everyones summer camp next year. You need to be able to tell him what his $$$ is going to be used for. Under no circumstances tell your DE he will bleed this cash cow till it dies.... If you do get some money from him, I am sure he is going to want your 403b number....just make sure you have your COR let the IH know about the donation. Invite him to your pinewood derby and blue and gold....show him what he is supporting and have the boys make him a thank you gift of some sort...
  10. I would order the more expensive stuff sparingly....especially if your going to get stuck with it if your boys don't sell it. I would load up on the cheaper offerings.....We had a $10 carmel in a bag last year we sold about $1800 . then the next was the micro wave corn.... 4 hour shifts are too much for cub age boys....
  11. Boomer....doesn't your council do a Rootbeer float day?????
  12. So are these Cub scouts or Boy scouts???? Never saw a Boy scout wear a brag vest before...... Most cub age boys out grow the brag vest thing by the time they are bears..... I am guessing they are thinking about using a merit badge sash to put their scouts stuff on..... I would steer them away from that......Just cause confusion down the road... Our boys use Patch blankets.....get some bulk red fleece from the local sewing emporium.... Start sewing.....It is big enough to last a career.
  13. Now that we are all thru the feather fluffing What is a better solution than using the current blue card
  14. this is merely to get the two boys who don't seem to want to camp into a patrol where they are not responsible for 100% of the meal prep and clean up...... I believe this is the biggest reason they don't participate in our outings. My plan is to get the 2 boy patrol together and just simply ask them if it is the case.... these are 12 year olds not 17 year olds....
  15. With the other post..... Everyone should ask why she is butting heads with the SM. NO a SM should not do anything at the district level...... Because he will not do either job to his full ability. Both jobs will suffer.
  16. You have the correct attitude......This is primarily your sons journey.... In a couple of months the new routine will work itself out. You will meet new scouts and scouters, new roundtable......Hopefully hear some fresh ideas..... Traitor, is the wrong term.....When my son and I switched units.....I felt more than a little lost for a couple of weeks.
  17. Our Pack is very successful at store front popcorn sales..... Our Speil goes something long the lines of "Hi I am from Pack 123 and we met at UMC at the corner of Main and elm would you like to support?" In our area there is large local pride, for what ever reason folks are proud of it even if it is a slum. Folks that really shouldn't spend money on popcorn do. I feel bad for asking them..... We make no mention of popcorn, the boys bring them over to the table and sell the product.... We end up with donations and treated as found money.....Our money grubbing DE told us this year that all donations need to be turned into the district........ The started a heated debate... I spoke with the new popcorn kernel for the Pack as said we would donate a $1 to the district.... The money belongs to the boys not the DE's salary fund(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. The CO also owns everything the troop has....bank accounts, gear ....everything. they can chose to disband the troop...... Nothing you can do if they choose to do it other than find another group.
  19. Thanks Neal.... Completely underwhelmed..... I was expecting something earth shattering......
  20. Well post up his script or give us an idea... I always tell the boys we are not selling popcorn, but scouting......In our council 70% of the money stays in our area to support it....
  21. These events are fantastic money makers for your council... Our charges $75 a head. so for the weekend it cost us $90. for what???? Most of the stations were run by volunteers with no consumables. They had a band saturday night, A Tshirt with 20 sponsor logos all over the back of it. The lines for the shooting sports were so long the boys gave up after an hour and a half of standing there. I have done three of these....I will not promote them to my scouts any more.....the return on the money spent is too low.
  22. Depends on who you ask... Several folks I know said that LFL was created when the United Way was going to stop giving money to the BSA over the No athesit gay exclusion.. None of that matters in LFL. There are several LFL units on council books in schools around my home.... Nobody seems to know how to contact them.
  23. 24....If you are who you really say you are then you know that no FOS dollars were spent on the arena. You guys are silly....Not for profit hospitals rent things all the time.....They manage it.... They only thing that happens is they get taxed on the % over what they are allowed to make profit..... Don't begin to tell me that the Jambo doesn't turn a profit.
  24. Well, we have a nice new council office. Guess just depressing, his letter offered hope and I am seeing it is just the same old bureaucracy.
  25. Well no new bb guns or bows, the swimming pool still leaks, the shower house is a disaster still. Water is still turned off to most of the camp because of leaks.... I was at day camp and they had set up tents for resident camp......they were new coleman, the $50 type from walmart... Not sure how the SE could mess with my unit program..... I am hopeful things will change for the better....My boys deserve the experience I remember
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