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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Gotta a few years as a cub leader. Just sayin what I have seen. Brew sorry your insulted by it...... We have a couple of boys with autistic spectrum disorders.....They wear their red vest absolutely everywhere.....Even in 100 weather at summer camp.......When you try to get them out of it to help them cool down they absolutely fall apart. The home school boys we have.....it is all about vanity.....The one races over and measures the other boys vest verses his own.....I got that one that one and that one look you don't have this one this one or this one. We make them as a wolf project as Brew describes. they cut and sew them first meeting. Our program is very active and the boys will fill the vest up in a single year of cub scouting.
  2. Suzi not sayin that the boys don't earn merit badges before first class.....My son earned probably 10 from two years of summer camp and doin somethings he was invited to by his friends before he was first class. But his own initiative.....I doubt he would have earned one.....but heck thats dad talkin. Maintaining the merit badge councilor list....That sounds like a job I could probably do on the district level....Might just give the advancement chair a call. I could call 10 folks a night and in less than a month get it straightened out.
  3. Ya nice thomas......I like to think of my role as to ask questions.....I like to make folks think. Far as my stance on Scouting and utilization or over utilization of parks and trails.....I stand by my beliefs. Read any of the AT trail books written for entertainment, Skywalkers, 300 zeros.....many of them have negative reference to Boy scouting. Most are because of the ignorance of the adult leaders. Just sayin.....I know Eagle 732 doesn't agree. Round hear the equestrian crowd love sharing their trails with ATV's.....A horse print holds a lot of water causing the trails to become quagmires. The ATV's flatten out the foot prints and spread the water making the trail dry faster......
  4. In a decent council or district it would make sense....
  5. Awwww come on now...... for a mere $655 with award plaque you could be a member too.
  6. The troop list of actual valid merit badge councilors is a good idea..... I know my son was frustrated when the SM would give him two names to call an either they didn't do it any more or it was only for their home troop. So did you call the fellows 732 or met them at RT. Parent or responsible adult should NEVER call for an able bodied scout.....Yes special needs, makes sense....
  7. Ya know you can order these from scoutstuff right?????
  8. Ya know you can order these from scoutstuff right?????
  9. Never heard of the Society...... http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/Natl_Youth_Leadership_Society_512-354.pdf Good bunch of required training. Lets see NYLT $150 NAYLT $355 Kodiak $150 SEAL $50 Order of the Arrow National Leadership Seminar $150 Actual leadership of peers is really weak....PL and SPL gets ya qualified. Looks like a political hot potato
  10. Irregardless of folks on this forum and in scouting round the country think of themselves as scouters.... They are just people and a reflection of society..... They lie, cheat, Steal. Just like the rest of society.
  11. The other side of that is you will lose all of the $1 and $2 donations.
  12. Your under the illusion that council cares about Cub advancement......Boy scout advancement, the district advancement chair will get involved.... Mom will call make a big deal she will get some lip service, The DE if he is smart will not get involved. they are really truly irrelevant except to the boys and their parents....
  13. I would..... But I would go to the scout shop now and buy it......December your going to be lucky to find one.
  14. BLW did you not write the following???? "I would be furious and you as a leader would stand to be in a heap of trouble. These are minors we are talking about, and there should be no indication of anything being witheld from a parent. Now I understand that it's about growing the boy with increased responsibility, but give the parent some info, talk it through with them. Tell them what will be said or done when the boy calls, etc.... Refuse to deal with a parent, and I'll promise if that parent is worth his or her salt, you WILL be dealing with them. " My response to you is proportional and appropriate. I think you should probably let your scout have his own journey. I hope for his sake your not his den leader.
  15. gotta laugh There is 9 wood badge courses that start this weekend in the central region alone....
  16. Looked at the program and the leader guide for the washjam 2012 Looks like a fantastic program......and at $45 looks like an affordable weekend......The activities and stations look great. I like that the cubs and Boy scouts are separate. You guys are lucky......count your blessings.
  17. irregardless of your beliefs..... You all understand that we need some sort of sensible gun control. I live in the hood and watch our young men and women get blown away day after day by legally purchased hand guns... It makes me sick.. The NRA is way out of control..... Sure guns don't kill people, people kill people. But lets slow things down. You never hear about drive by stabbings or arrowings. I own firearms... And think it is out of hand. Seattle you haven't lived till you have to have your tiger den hit the floor during a meeting because you can see the muzzle flashes on the ceiling from the gun fight going on in the alley behind the church..... Bet ya sing a different story.....
  18. Well Matt your tired of it...... But what do the boys want??????
  19. Seattle..............Your full of it...... How many times have we read of Commissioners Who are also registered troop leaders Doing some very unethical things????? Way to often. Hurting the program of the units they are supposed to be helping. I think/know it is impossible to do both jobs adequately.....
  20. If your changing scout masters every two years you have a problem...... I have never met a troop that does that.......Most of the SM's I know have tenures of 10-15 years. Hopefully I will be one of them. Now you have an adversarial relationship with the IH...which there is no winning. When he gets tired of the drama your gone as is all the troops assets and there is not a thing you can do about it.
  21. I like the "dog food" Bags better.....More product and they reseal. Your not spending money on that stupid tin your gonna throw away anyhow. The tins are a hard sell for me......
  22. I have yet to met an eleven year old who, away from resident camp, will work on merit badges on his own free will.......Not sayin they don't exist, but the unicorn in my world...
  23. Ya know Pappa I think I know one of those fellows.
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