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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I would try to get the units a copy of the 2011-2012 charter early so they can compare it with their roster before the event so the can reconcile the two. They don't need apps and such till it is actually turned in to the registrar. Hot spot.....depends on the hot spot and the quality of the connection....some hot spots are good for 1 device or can have 8 hooked up....3g coverage vs 4g...... You could even hold your recharter help night at a local mcdonalds most of them have free wifi or other restaurant....
  2. This stuff makes my head spin...... The tiger mom's and dad's always show up on charter as scoutparent. I knew they never filled out an application. Been a year since I dealt with it last. Thx for the clarification.
  3. BS that is really horrible advice..... BTW he isn't qualified to be a DC with only a couple years of adult scouting experience..... From the Two threads Blue has more issues than just a recruiting night.......
  4. I was thinking about him last night watching the news.... My guess is the power is out to the network switches so he can't post... My prayers right now are with the folks in New Orleans again.....I pray it misses by hundreds of miles.
  5. 1) What do you do for those units either without internet access, or dialup? They bring a mobile hotspot to roundtable and they have DC's there to help them do it on Laptops.....generally the DC's do it while the folks watch, much faster. a CM from a neighboring pack came over and we did hers in about an hour. Do it early in the process.......Mid december the system slows to a snails pace and super frustrating to deal with. 2) How exactly does the process work? We get a charter packet at our October round table, it has a unit code and password on it. The council gives us access November 1st. 3) How fast does it take to upload the changes onto SCOUTNET? Immediately because we do it directly in scout net.....It depend how often you council syncs it database as to how long it takes for them to get the updates. 4) How easy is it to change people's leadership codes, i.e. a Committee Member to Cubmaster? It is no big deal to actually do it in scoutnet, just requires you to edit the person, Remember they need to submit a new application with the change. 5) Can the council registrar overrule the changes to the online charter? Yes if the adult changes do not have a paper app with them and the paper training cards. Seen that happen...our council tells us that they lock the charters from Nov 1st thru the rest of the year and cannot make changes....This is a complete lie of course. The DE was short on boys for november, I had completed my recharter before thanksgiving, he took my new boys from the charter and added them to the previous years charter, took money from our uda account to pay for it. So when I went to turn it in the boys appeared twice on the charter...... If you are helping another Unit.....Before you met with them 1. Make sure they have a complete and current roster of everyone....address's phone numbers and such..... 2. Have a printer available....we do it electronically but are still forced to turn in signed copies to the council. We generally print two.... 3. Patience....the system doesn't work how you think.....just hang with it....the first time was hard and I made a ton of mistakes.....
  6. I am very sure old Blue is reading these two thread and his blood is boiling, because he thought he was going to come here and find support for what he is doing.....
  7. They show up on your charter registered as scoutparent.
  8. Blue said "There is a slight connection between the Pack and the CO, but the CO recently changed leadership and I'm still rebuilding that relationship. I'll be meeting with them sometime in the next few weeks, though" So Blue why in the world are you going to meet with the IH at the CO???? Your a den leader right???? Going to get the CM fired???? Your way out of line.....
  9. Your right....tiger parents are required to registered....forgot about that.
  10. Eagle....don't think he will have the stones to post on this subject again.
  11. so you need to register the parent for camp....but that shouldn't mean becoming a member of the BSA.
  12. Your wrong scoutnut..... The CO owns all of the units equipment and the bank accounts..... I am required to use the CO's 403 numbers not the councils when opening a bank account or changing the signatory's. I have never used the councils 403 for anything.....
  13. Fish...... Your advice is valid, BUT This situation is completely different.....Old Blue is on some sort of a power trip. In his thread title HE is a District Commissioner and the lowly CM isn't listening to him. I am guessing this is only two of a laundry list of things that are going on. His accusations. Paper only committee, not telling the other leaders about roundtable, not telling the families about council or district events. Now he is going to go to the CO and ask to post a calendar in the CO..... Blue you are so out of line.... You need to resign as a District Chair and become CM, just that simple....But your not gonna do that because there is no glory or good old boys club in bein a CM. Your pretty much on your own. Then you have busy body parents, exactly what your doin now, telling you how to run your program. What kind of screwed up district recruits a DC with only 2 years of Adult scouting experience???? This is clearly a case of an inexperienced district commissioner..(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  14. Interesting....Sitting here watching Sunday morning, CBS, on the old TV.... They just said that If Gay and Lesbian Marriage is voted on by the public it has been voted down 100% of the time. With the follow up that the only states that allow it are the ones where the legislature has mandated it.... They also stated the party positions Republican tradition man and woman marriage. Democratic Anyone can be marriage. Interesting....... So are we dealing with the very vocal minority??? (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. I will be watching this with interest..... So is national going to bring the hammer down on the council?? Is the council going to bring the hammer down on the unit or just the leadership???? So what happens if national sends the council a letter saying follow the policies and they ignore it????? Or can national just eject the entire unit on their own???? Of course National can do nothing.....But that means that entire statement a month ago is nothing but bluster......A toothless, clawless old lion......Lots of roar but nothing to be afraid of. I bet the do nothing....
  16. Well my friend your looking to be tossed out of your current scouting situation based on the last two posts.... Remember it is about your son and not you. Put your ego on the shelf and support his journey.
  17. New CM planned a huge summer calendar.... 1st event $5 per head 2nd event $9 per head 3rd $10 per car Well ya get the idea. I tried to council her and suggested more free events.....Attendance was herself and one other family. Then she whines about attendance, I tried to keep a poker face. Our Pack picks a couple council events and attends, $5 per scout event. We do not promote the rest, generally they are $30 per family kinda of events..... If you want to add more activities to the Pack level. Take it up with the Pack committee or the Pack activity chair..... Right now the CM thinks your going behind her back......You are......You are deserving of the arrows..... Your a Bear den leader, your with in your right to promote the council activities with in your den....but out of line promoting it with in other leaders dens, with out the permission of the den leader. So is the CM buddies with the COR????? If so you could be treading on thin ice. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. So what your saying is the GSUSA council took my daughters money when the troop folded?????/ She sold 500 boxes door to door
  19. spit my coffee all over my laptop....... I have recruited a couple of hundred scouts.....never even dawned on me to wear one???? But why would an adult want too?????
  20. Hey Eagle that Pack in Missouri is Learning for life and it is ok to be coed.....matter of fact gays and atheist are welcomed as well.
  21. Ya know if Buffalo, OGE, eagle732 or eagle92 posted that it was a great store and great no name gear......i would give it the benefit of the doubt...... Interesting turn of events....did just a tad bit of research..... The business address is a residence, not a warehouse or storefront. Makes me more than a little concerned....
  22. staves, spars and poles.....no problem....I have posted on craigs list a few times.... A contractor will email and say he has cleared land at main and elm street and to help myself....I print the email and bring it along.....bring a chain saw..... Got a couple of truck loads that way.
  23. A shame you chose to leave. But it sounds like a bunch of work to fix it. Since you chose to leave...I would have no problem calling the other families and chatting with them about the greener grass you have found. Now be aware there may be some hard feelings. BTW I would have the new advancement chair check his scoutnet advancement record...and did you get the blue cards for his 6 merit badges.....That is a huge number from summer camp for a 1st year scout.....
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