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Does anyone know if, besides the Cycling Merit Badge if there is a BSA Cycling Award? Something similar to the 50 miler Afoot or Afloat Award?
hoping they will change things."
baschram645 replied to Alabama Scouter's topic in Council Relations
Didn't know an OA election team was made up of Adult Advisors. -
Skeptic, Thanks for posting. Some really positive press.
To all the Dads out there "Happy Fathers Day"! God bless you all and keep on Scouting.
Be a better husband. Be a better SM. Be a little thinner. Best wishes to everyone for a Happy and Healthy New Year! Bryan
Got a copy of an old handbook? The Seventh Edition and earlier have tracking and stalking techniques. You can download a copy of the Stalking Merit Badge book as well. Make a whifflepoof. I started with a group of my scouts today on this same merit badge. Good luck!
You have to hold the Board of Review because you didn't have one. The scouts had not met the requirements for the next rank therefore they were not eligible for a BOR. If these two scouts get to the point where they are going up for Eagle Scout and dates for Merit Badges and Ranks don't jive they could be told no before that BOR. Need 4 Eagle required Merit Badges for Star and 1 is after the date of Rank guess what boy would not have a leg to stand on and it would be the SM and Committees Fault, period. I think your Adult leader's need training. If they don't know the requirements then read the Handbook. Keep better records and then read them.
A Toby tree is known as a Catalpa. It is also known as the Catawba or Indian Bean. Some call it the Cigartree because of the fruit. Spring also brings out Morel Mushrooms.
Get yourself a copy of the Boy Scout Handbook. On the inside front and back covers are guides for the placement of patches on the scout uniform. If you you follow these you should be good to go. A uniform inspection sheet has the placement as well. Your Ballo patch from the sounds of it is a tempoary patch and would be worn on the right pocket as you said. So to save yourself some time get a "Hook on your button thingy", you can use it for other event patches as well. Wear your patch with pride. You will earn it over and over again.
Eagle92. Great Peeve, its mine too. When I was young,(back in the 70's) I was asked to be a Webelos Den Leader. (There were two webelos dens in the Pack at the time) I thought no problem. I went to the SM, got a Den Chief and went to work. I was 20 and very naive. There were 10 scouts in the den. Each month we worked on 3 Activity Badges, and an Arrow of Light requirement or two. Each month the whole den received some award at the Pack Meeting. When the PWD approached we built the cars at one dad's house as a group. When the racing was done 3 out of 4 positions went to the scouts in my den. 1st, 2nd and 4th. When the B & G Banquet rolled around the boys won best table setting. When the Arrow of Light/Cross over ceremony was held for the two dens in May all 10 of my cubs had earned the Arrow of Light and 4 earned all the Activity Badges, only 5 boys from the other den earned the AOL. Eight of my cubs joined scouts and a few years later 3 made Eagle. The whole time this was going on several other den leaders and a few parents had started complaining about how my den was getting this or doing that and why weren't the other dens winning this or going here, etc... Being the Tactful people that they were they never would or could say anything to my face. So the night our last Pack meeting the CM and CC thanked me for my help. I asked if they want me to take on another den? The CC stated that alot of the parents didn't think I was a good fit for the program. Being naive I asked what he meant. Boy I got an earful. Quite an epiphany in politics. I never realized that I wasn't there to teach scouting just baby sit and stare at the all knowing ADULTS. The biggest shock to most of the Pack Leaders and parents was that I was an ASM in the local troop as well. "Oh I thought you quit scouts", or "I didn't know you are with the troop" was a frequent statement I heard for a couple of years. The SM and other ASM's usually stated that I was a good fit with the kids because of my AGE. This whole experience gave me such a sour taste that when my son joined Tiger cubs I never volunteered for anything. I would go with them places. Be a partner and all but I didn't have a scout background at all! To this day I do not believe that there is a place for politics in scouting. It has no place in dealing with our youth or our younger leaders. To play games leads to bad feelings. They are the future and we need them all. And if I ever become an old fuddy duddy I hope they put me out to pasture.
Confusion about examples of living points of Scout Law
baschram645 replied to kenk's topic in Advancement Resources
Isn't National forgetting the Scout Oath? Shouldn't a scout have to come up 3 or 4 ways of showing that they are Mentally Awake, Morally Straight or helping other people at all times. Do we need to see their report card to judge if he is Mentally awake? Does he have healthy eating habits and exercise daily? They also forgot Leadership. Will these be added to Star, Life and Eagle? Does the scout take charge of a team he is on or in the school band? They must demonstrate leadership on their service project for Eagle, so does he need to to tell me how he did it and what styles of leadership he used? We should be there for most of it anyway, observing and counselling as needed. If a Scoutmaster is doing the job, they will know if the scout is living up to the Scout Oath and Law. On outings is the boy Cheerful or Helpful? At meetings is the Scout Friendly and Courteous to new scouts and visitors? Does he exhibit the traits of Loyalty to his patrol or family? Does he participate in troop service projects? It is our job to ensure that the lessons are taught through example, SM minutes, and at a SM conference. Helping each scout to understand the principles behind the Oath and Law are what we are all about. I think the requirement for showing scout spirit comes to mind. When I hold an SM conference I ask open ended questions on how each scout is doing in school, in the troop and at home. What his plans are for the next rank, Merit Badges he wishes to work on and if he has any ideas for service hours if needed. I want to know what I can do to help him get the most out of the program. I do not need to know how many times he helped an elderly lady across the street, or got Timmy out of the well. These very topics come from the SM handbook. If the powers that be wish to add or change a requirement that is okay, yet they should look at what is in place (Scout Spirit) and tweak or update as needed. This requirement does nothing more than take away the SM's ability to drive or steer the conversation in the direction it needs to go. Helping the boy grow, the program go and making us better leaders is what an SM conference is for. Maybe a new point for the law; A scout is Modest. He seeks no reward or recognition for any Good Deed. Sorry thats already there under "Do a Good Turn Daily". -
2nd Class - Identify or show evidence of animals - How?
baschram645 replied to kenk's topic in Advancement Resources
When we go camping or hiking we have the scouts point out what can be seen ie identify. Sound comes into play with chirps, croaks, and other calls made by animals. Lastly visual evidence; nests, tracks, feathers, fur or shed skin. 10 animals or sign on a 5 mile hike is very easy. With each sign we have the scout to tell us what the animal is or what animal made the sign. We also ask questions such as; Is the animal an omnivore, herbivore or predator? Is the animal one that hibernates? or Is it migratory? As the troop hikes we also do plant identification. Types of oak, pines and other plants in our area. We try to find but stay out of poisonous plants as well. We do these hikes year round. As our scouts get older they start to lead on the hikes and mentor younger scouts (They like showing off the nature knowledge they have) Woirks for us. -
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
baschram645 replied to Pint's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Peace Love and Joy to all my fellow scouters. To the BSA 100 years young, here's to 100 more! -
The reason I posted this question was our council is offering DC training at our upcoming University if Scouting. The flyer I received stated that participants must be a 1st Class scout.
I have not been able to find any reference that requires a Scout to be a certain rank (ie: First Class) to become a Den Chief. Is there such a requirement in place?