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Everything posted by NewCubbyMomma

  1. The Star Wars one was high on our list too - my 8 year old was laughing so hard ! There was some very risque ones that I was left to explain .... like the one for "Sleepy's" with all the couples in bed ..... might be an area specific commercial.
  2. I am with the Nashua Valley Council - way out in the sticks ! Ever heard of Winchendon ?
  3. Thank You all for the warm welcome - feels good in all the snow. I have taken several of the online courses and I have also been searching and hunting the web just looking at the different indormation that is out there for Scouts - and I am amazed at all the incredible things that are being done through scouting. The first thing that I am incredibly in the dark about - is what is the chain of command ? I know that our Cubmaster is the one to go to - but after her ? Who is it ?
  4. Hello All, I am so new to Scouting - and SO confused on so many levels. I started reading here and thought this would be a great place to get some answers to some questions. I have a little guy who is a Bear - we did Wolves last year - but it went by in a flash. This year has proven to be a challenge.I am an unofficial parent helper from Massachusetts - trying to understand the ways of the Scout.(This message has been edited by NewCubbyMomma)
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