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Everything posted by netscouter

  1. I have a few new ideas. 1. Cool BSA Jacket. Have you seen the one Scouts Canada has? It is like a fleece pullover, we would be in uiform in cold weather! 2. Change the rank logos for Tenderfoot - First Class, and place the rank on collar pins. The logos for the first 3 ranks should be simple, like bars (1 brass, 1 silver, 2 silver) the higher ranks are fine. 3. Make use of the shoulder loops. Great for troop jobs. Make these mandatory. Then you can pick out patrol leaders fast! 4. Maybe a dream, but bring back the beret, and put the rank on it. What do you think
  2. Really, If you plan on using Creative Style Sheets then you should probably look into better hosting!
  3. We are going camping at the ruitan club. Some one said that it was like camporee. Can anyone tell me what it is like?
  4. Hello, I have a few extra megs of free web space on my personal server and if any one needs some let me know.
  5. ASM7, is there a link you can give to that artical. I went to the magazines site but was unable to find any thing. I would really like to read that artical!!
  6. I have many scouts who are embarrassed to be seen in uniform. Do you all have any tips to improve this?
  7. Do you have any photos of your color guard? I would like to present this idea to our scoutmaster.
  8. Also, Please give comments as to why you like or dislike this belt. Thanks
  9. I need to know which Graphics card to get. Nvidia GeForce 4 of Matrox? Help Please!!!
  10. How do the CALs Work? We are a soon to be new ISP and are looking for e-mail server software. I would like to use exchange but I would need several hundred accounts and to purchase CALs would be VERY expencive. Would I need a CAL for every account, or is there an unlimited version for ISPs. We may just have to go with Merak Mail Server of Imail 7 or even sendmail.
  11. So, should I wear my uniform even if no one else wears theirs? Would you?
  12. Shoes and Berets!! Yes, may be not the green stuff though.
  13. Does your troop wear uniforms to PLCs? How can I encourage my troop to start?
  14. If the people at national came to you and said, design our uniform, what would it be? Maybe a Class C? New Hat?
  15. I realize the imperfection of our troops uniforms. I am only the web manager, however I am one of the loudest voices for uniforms.
  16. I misunderstood you, you are correct, Uniformity is the most important, it is better for everyone to not have hats than some have campaign hats, philmont hats, or troop hats. Netscouter. Please review my web site, there is a thred under Open Discussion. http://www.troop5bsa.cjb.net Thanks!
  17. I do not agree with bob white. A FULL uniform SHOULD ALWAYS be REQUIRED. Keep it up!!
  18. I have redone my troops website and would like some feedback. Please keep in mind that the Calendar/News page is non-functional as I will add to it when I get this info. Thanks http://www.troop5bsa.cjb.net
  19. netscouter

    Name tags

    I agree that some sort of name tags should be worn, I have even seen them used by some troops as a black rectangular tag worn just above the Boy Scouts of America bar. But the question is, what should be displayed on the tag? Name, Rank, Troop Number, Office, or any one of many paramaters that could be helpful. How about a small red cross for a scout(or scouter) that has compleated first aid training. Netscouter
  20. What changes, if any, would you like to see in the uniform or insignia? I would like to see the shoulder area used more often for rank or office ID. Maybe a larger strip with 1 bar for tenderfoot, 2 for 2 class and 3 for first class and a star for star, but I don't know what should be there for the other ranks. I would also like to see a revival of the beret. Any other ideas? Please no comments about strength or cost, as they have been beaten to death. Thanks(This message has been edited by netscouter)
  21. Not is you have a firewall!! All DSL cable ISPs reccomend a firewall. And how is hacking someones computer part of a disscussion about chat room stalking? If you ask me, misery loves company, and you can't afford DSL so you would rather be miserable on AOL netscouter
  22. IP addresses have nothing to do with this discussion!
  23. I have a new website I would like you to test for me. I also have some extra space on my in-house Webserver If any of you want some free webspace. Thanks The URL is http://troop5bsa.cjb.net
  24. Which is the BETTER AMP?
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