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Everything posted by NealOnWheels

  1. What state are you located in? We tend not to want to spend too much time traveling and not enough on activities.
  2. Maybe you should first get a feel of what types of activities they are interested in so you can recomend places providing those opportunites.
  3. Previous years: Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail & Gettysburg. Shenandoah National Park Black Hills / Mount Rushmore Washington DC (more of a tour than high adventure) Next year: Smoky Mountains
  4. Did the mother explain what the issue was? I assume a mental health issue. Sounds a lot like one of my sons who has an anxiety dissorder. They typically develop in the teenage years and make big changes in personality. Can be very frustrating for parents. Sounds like mom needs as much support as the son.
  5. As a Scoutmaster I have actually twice talk to parents about their son's who clearly did not want to be Scouts. They were miserable. It was just not for them. In one instance the parents allowed their son to quit. The other parents made their son stay. So no, not every child should be a Scout.
  6. Sounds like your Senior Patrol Leader could use some help from the older scouts. Might need to coach some of the key older scouts to "have the back" of the Senior Patrol Leader.
  7. Troops should set their own minimum requirements. Age 13 and First Class is ours.
  8. Let the schism begin... http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/church-re-evaluating-scouting-program
  9. For those of you who are worried that national will leave chartering organizations on their own to defend lawsuits: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Boy Scouts of America will defend and indemnify to the fullest extent allowed by law any bona fide religious chartered organization against any claim or action contending that the chartered organization’s good faith refusal to select a unit leader based upon the religious principles of the chartered organization is in violation of the law.
  10. Here is a good resource... http://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/pdf/drinking/Backcountry_Water_Treatment.pdf
  11. I found this statement interesting: "AND IF WE WAIT FOR THE COURTS TO ACT, WE COULD END UP WITH A BROAD RULING THAT COULD FORBID ANY KIND OF MEMBERSHIP STANDARD, INCLUDING OUR FOUNDATIONAL BELIEF IN OUR DUTY TO GOD AND OUR FOCUS ON SERVING THE SPECIFIC NEEDS OF BOYS." I interepret that to mean he thinks we better cave in to the gay issue or we will be forced to accept athiests and girls too.
  12. If my patrol leaders council chooses to have a water gun fight I will not stop it. If, as a result, I am placed on the ineligible volunteer files then so be it.
  13. For some reason DEET has gotten an undeserved bad rap. It is actually quite safe. See these articles... http://www2.epa.gov/insect-repellents/deet http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/toolkit/DEET.pdf Do be careful though as it does eat certain plastics (even nylon tents).
  14. Does your troop hold board of reviews for scouts not advancing?
  15. Interesting, while this is not mentioned in the Guide to Safe Scouting it is mentioned in Barriers to Abuse Within Scouting. See the last bullet point. Got to love the inconsistencies. http://www.scouting.org/BSAYouthProtection/Policies_and_Training/Barriers_To_Abuse_Within_Scouting.aspx
  16. Oh I hope not. If so my membership may be revoked and name be put in the ineligible volunteer file.
  17. A parent is one of the required references on the Eagle Application so yes it would be normal. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-728_wb_fillable.pdf
  18. BadenP, I think you are so wrong and Qwase is so right. I cannot find a Venturing Advisors Manual but I did find a Venturing Leader Manual. I also took the online Venturing Youth Protection Training just a few minutes ago. Neither one says coed adult leaders are required for meetings. They are required, however, for "all Venturing trips and outings". The Guide to Safe Scouting also says the same thing.
  19. At last nights troop meeting I was discussing the steps of earning a merit badge. When we talked about meeting with a counselor I mentioned that another person must go along with the scout. One of the scouts asked if he could meet the counselor in a public place without bringing someone else. I immediately said no. After thinking about it a while I decided to look into it. I found two references to it. From "Introduction to Merit Badges", http://www.scouting.org/meritbadges.aspx Use the Scout Buddy System. Yo u must have another person with you at each meeting with the merit badge counselor. This person can be another Scout, your parents or guardian, a brother or sister or other relative, or a friend. From the "Guide to Advancement 2014": http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/...geprogram.aspx The Buddy System and Certifying Completion A youth member must not meet one-on-one with an adult.Sessions with counselors must take place where others can view the interaction, or the Scout must have a buddy:a friend, parent, guardian, brother, sister, or other relativeâ€â€or better yet, another Scout working on the same badgeâ€â€along with him attending the session. The first source supports my initial reaction but the second source sounds like it is open to what the scout suggests. What do you all think?
  20. Pointing water guns at people was never explicitly banned until now. Until now it boiled down to what was considered a "simulated firearm". Some people considered that to include water guns. Others did not. Now there is no doubt.
  21. 6. Get approval from our council shooting sports committee.
  22. So if we want to shoot water guns we need to: 1. Have a "safe range" set up so no one can accidentally walk in front of a water gun. 2. Must have at least 15 feet between the water gun operators and their targets (It better be a powerful water gun). 3. Must have a backstop so we don't pose a safety hazard for the area behind the range. 4. Have a "range master" to supervise. 5. Follow all safety guidelines for archery and bb guns.
  23. Richard Bourlon, I would love to see the risk assessment documents on these activities. Can you share?
  24. And I just saw these: • Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn. • Marshmallow shooters that use a straw or similar device placed in the mouth are not approved. Really???
  25. Maybe in your unit or in your council but according the the Guide to Safe Scouting no. You at the minimum must have one registered leader and anyone registered is required to have YPT. Nowhere does it say non-registered adults need YPT.
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