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Everything posted by NealOnWheels

  1. From ACC&P - This triggers the appeal: "There are two sets of circumstances in which a Scout or his parent(s) or guardian(s), acting on his behalf, may appeal a decision. The first situation occurs when a unit leader or unit committee does not recommend a Scout for a board of review, or refuses to sign the Eagle Scout application. In such cases, the Scout or his parent(s) or guardian(s) may appeal the decision to the committee responsible for advancement at the next level, as described below." Continuing on... "If the decision leading to the appeal occurred at the unit level, the appeal shall be directed to the district committee responsible for advancement." It does not list a Scoutmaster level or a Unit Committee level. It only says Unit level
  2. From ACP&P: "If the decision leading to the appeal occurred at the unit level, the appeal shall be directed to the district committee responsible for advancement." There are four levels listed: unit, district, council, national. A signature refusal of the Scoutmaster or Committee Chairman would be a "decision leading to the appeal" at the unit level. Therefore an appeal would be made to the district. Unit committees have Board of Reviews. They do not do appeals.
  3. John, You are absolutely right the ACP&P give two scenarios. The first being refusal of the Scoutmaster or Unit Committee to recomend the Scout for a Board of Review. The second is for a Board of Review that does not approve the Scout. Mdsummer, get the application filled out. Ask for the signatures. If you get them great. If you don't contact the District Training Chairman and ask for an appeal. Bring this application to the "Special Committee Meeting" (whatever that is) and ask for the signatures there.(This message has been edited by NealOnWheels)
  4. On the Eagle application there is a line for the Scoutmaster aand the Committee Chairman to sign. According to ACP&P if either refuses to sign the Scout can still have his Board of Review but the Board of Review can consider the lack of signatures in their decision. Time to fill out the application and see what happens. For mdsummers benefit ACP&P="Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures" #33088(This message has been edited by NealOnWheels)
  5. Let's see - a new scout needing a handbook and a new uniform. There are those that insist on a full uniform. Let's go to ScoutStuffl.org and go shopping. Here is the shopping list: 33105 Handbook $8.99 00601 Neckerchief Slide $3.99 64017 Shoulder Loops $2.49 64020 Cap $12.99 65391 Sensura Crew Sock $5.99 64032 Belt $10.99 62991 Cotton Shirt $24.99 50112 Canvas Convertible Pants $34.99 18070 Unit Numerals (3) $3.57 16165 Council Shoulder Patch $2.15 00647 Neckerchief $7.99 ------------------------------------- Product Total: $119.13 And that is for a small scout. Bigger boys (especially some scouters!) would cost more. Does not include any camping gear he may need to get. Every couple years he will outgrow it and need a new shirt and pants.
  6. GernBlansten wrote: "I just can't imagine your son has stayed in this unit for this long. " Well in the other forumn she mentions she has a younger son in this troop as well. Hopefully son #2 finds a differnt unit and does not wait until he is 18.
  7. Careful Beavah - Scoutmaster's conference must be before the scout turns 18. From step 3 on page 31 of "Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures": "It is imperative that all requirements for the Eagle Scout rank except the board of review be completed prior to the candidates 18th birthday." mdsummer45 wrote... "Talk to me Monday(3/30) so Monday nite again my son asks the SM for a conference and the SM says I have not changed my mind, I can not give you a conference,I question your character, you appear to be a loner." To me that was a Scoutmaster Conference whether or not the Scoutmaster says it wasn't. And whether or not it is favorable. You don't pass or fail Scoutmaster Conferences. At this point he cannot be denied a Board of Review. If he is then he should appeal.
  8. See http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parent-cafe/564847-quit-not-quit-boy-scouts-4.html for additional info mdsummer45 posted on another discussion forum
  9. According to "Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures" if a unit leader refuses to recomend a scout for a board of review you have the option of appealing. I would contact your district advancement chairman and discuss the situation.
  10. I just re-read your opening post. It seems clear to me we should be looking at what the scout wants. He clearly would rather be in Boy Scouts with his peers than in Webelos where he is bored and would feel uncomfortable.
  11. I don't have my Cub Scout Leader's Handbook with me but I believe a scout can remain a Webelo until age 11 and 1/2.
  12. This seems to be rather vague. The closest documentation I can find that answers this question is at http://www.scouting.org/media/relationships/trainingthecor/02.aspx . "Chartered Organizations Organizations are granted a charter by the BSA. The organization may be a church, civic group, school, or other such organization that seeks permission and works in conjunction with the BSA to provide an outreach program for youth. The chartered organization is the "franchisee" and as such is the "owner-operator" of the Scouting program."
  13. I had a deaf scout many years ago. Although he could use sign language he could also read lips. He could speak but not very clearly. He was quite the conversationist though. He did everything everyone else did. Did not treat him any differently than anyone else. The only thing I needed to do differently was instead of staying put and speaking to scouts I had to move and get in front in order to get this kid's attention. At first I would forget this often but after a while it became natural.
  14. It seems the worst ones wake you out of sleep. At three in the morning: "Barf"... "Tent"... Half asleep for an afternoon nap: "Don't put that in the fire"... "Run!"... Actual incidents. Fist incident rather dramatic. Second incident harmless.
  15. Maybe this thread will die off in thirteen more posts.
  16. Check with your council office on whether or not it is a show stopper. Also check with your chartered organization to find out what kind of membership standards they have. After all they have to sign the application. Ask yourself what kind of person you would want as a leader in your unit. I commend you for checking references. Many units do not do this. Do you mean petty larceny? The applicant is supposed to describe the circumstances on the application. Without knowing more I would not accept the application.
  17. From the "Pack Overnighter Site Approval Form" amoung the mandatory standards is: "Each family site is within 300 feet of a sanitary toilet facility." It does not say it must have flush toilets.
  18. Ok, lets try your story with another object not discussed in any Scouting literature... KAZOOS. Q: So Mr. Scoutmaster, you had a KAZOO in the scout trailer and you let the scouts use it whenever they like? A: Yes. Q: And on the day in question, Johnny SAT BY THE CAMPFIRE and PLAYED THE KAZOO and CHOKED ON IT WHEN ANOTHER SCOUT RAN INTO HIM. A: Yes. Q: Can you point to a single document, anywhere in scouting, that trained you to train boy scouts to use a KAZOO? A: No. Q: Can you point to a single document, anywhere in scouting, that trained you to train boy scouts to use a KAZOO? A: No. Q: Can you point to a single document, anywhere in scouting, that said that it was policy of the BSA to let boys USE KAZOOS? A: No. Q: But you went ahead and let your scouts play with KAZOOS? A: They weren't playing, they were using them! Q: Ok, so can you point to a single document, anywhere in Scouting that says its ok for boy scouts to use KAZOOS? A: No. Q: So, Mr. Scoutmaster, do you have any explanation at all for the jury about why you let your boys play with KAZOOS? A: Yes, the BSA still sells them (are these in the Scout catalog?). Q: So, Mr. Scoutmaster, your testimony is so long as someone sells a product legally, its suitable for boys to use on campouts? A: Well, yes.
  19. I try to be a really good Scouter (RGS). I know I am not perfect. As a Scout I have had very good memories dealing with some really good Scouters. And a very bad experience with a Problem Scouter (PS). My experiences as a youth define me now as a Scouter. I am very vigilant of looking out for the best interests of Scouts and am not afraid to stand up to other Scouters who may be doing things harmful to Scouts. For better or worse that is who I am - all shaped by my youth.
  20. Wow... Do you have any background about the Pack? What about the Troop or Troops?
  21. Wisconsin will be a little out of the way, sorry Stosh. I, however, live right off the Indiana Tolway. Shouldn't be much of a hassle to pick me up. As far as cameras go I had a new digital camera when I went. Made the mistake to use the memory card that came with it. Ran out of space after a couple days. Bummer. Make sure you have a large memory, especially for Yellowstone. There is a lot to photograph.
  22. I used to live in Wyoming and took may family to Yellowstone once but have never taken scouts there. Where are you from? Living in Wyoming I can tell you that you want everyone to be dressed well in the evenings as at that elevation it will get rather cold at night. You can still get snow in June. Daytimes are usually very pleasant in June. How do you plan to get there? I drove my family across the center of Wyoming where things are rather sparse. Planned to have lunch at restaurant on the way home but had to wait until late afternoon (nearly all the way home) to find a restaurant. What do you plan to do there? If backpacking remember the elevation and take things slow.
  23. As a scout some 30 years ago I was a Senior Patrol Leader of a troop that was run by the Scoutmaster. I got a hold of a book I believe was called the "Junior Leader's Handbook" and had an epiphany. I discovered that there is something called a Patrol Leader's Council that plans and carries out troop meetings and outings. About the same time the Scoutmaster went to Florida on vacation for a few months. The first couple meetings after the Scoutmaster went on vacation the Assistant Scoutmaster did nothing and all we did was sit around and do nothing. I then organized PLC meetings and planned troop meetings and activities and we all had a very good time doing more than what we every had in the past. When the Scoutmaster returned from vacation we had a meeting planned but when we walked in the Scoutmaster announced that he was very unhappy with how the troop was run while he was gone. He then said he was going to "go over" the first x pages of the handbook and explain how a troop was to run. Things then reverted back to the way things were before. In retrospect this put the Scoutmaster and myself at odds and likely cost my chances of being an Eagle Scout. I had a Life board of review go bad because I supposedly did not show "Scout Spirit". Eventually I left this troop for another. Other Scouts left Scouting all together. I am not sure it is a wise idea for youth to mutiny. Rather concerned adults should take on the role if possible to make change. I don't look back at this experience as a negative. As an adult leader I have an intense zeal to not only allow but challenge scouts to lead.
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