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Everything posted by NealOnWheels

  1. The Scoutmaster is accountable to the Chartering Organization. But only to the point they hold the Scoutmaster accountable. They have the ability to choose the Scoutmaster. You could talk to them about the situation but that could very well make things worse. Many Chartering Organizations don't have any knowledge of their units and have no idea how units should be operated. They may not want to deal with it since they would not want to have to look for another Scoutmaster.
  2. Sorry, I did not mean to give you a downer. This is why I am suggesting he move to a different unit. The other option is to wait it out for however long it takes. I would not recomend that since you say the Scoutmaster bullies your son.
  3. It does not say "scoutmaster/coach/eagle advisor". It says "scoutmaster/coach/advisor". That means Scoutmaster, Varsity Scout Coach, Venturing Crew Advisor. Look at page 3 in the Project Workbook. Look at the bottom under approvals. It says "Unit Leader". The Eagle Application says "Scoutmaster" but fails to mention the others. I have not found anywhere in BSA literature where an "Eagle Advisor" is mentioned. Many units create this position. In some larger units this makes sense to me. The Scoutmaster still must approve the project.
  4. Mojo, Keep in mind the project plan needs to be signed by the unit leader before he starts. The unit leader in this case is his Scoutmaster. It is not supposed to be signed by an "Eagle Advisor". Many troops do not have such a thing as an "Eagle Advisor". You do not need an "Eagle Advisor" to do a project. It will also need to be signed by a Unit Committee Member. There is only on line to sign on. It will also need to be signed by someone from the benefitting organization. The last signature is either from the District Advancement Committee or Council Advancement Committee. I guess it does not need to be the chairperson. If he joins a different unit that will solve the unit leader problem. If he goes to the Council Advancement Committee he will not need this person's signature there either. Once he finishes all his requirements then we can deal with the Board of Review which might present more challenges that can be overcome.
  5. You could move to another unit who would be supportive. You still need the approval of the District Advancement Chairman before beginning the project however. Can you join a unit in a neighboring district? Or perhaps see if the Council Advancement Chair will review and approve the project. Then it gets a little messy come Board of Review time but there is an appeals process. You may be able to get commissioner support by skipping your Unit Commissioner and going directly to the District Commissioner.(This message has been edited by NealOnWheels)
  6. If they follow procedures correctly they should either be getting written statements or directly interview you son's Scoutmaster and Committee. Your son may very well need to defend himself. Hopefully with outside observers your son will have a fair hearing. Any update on the timeline?
  7. DenZero, The reason I started the "DE Performance" thread was there seems to be a lot of complaining about District Executives focusing on fundraising and starting new units but not supporting existing units. I wanted to see what unit leaders expected from their District Executive. I got very few specific expecations. You say your Pack is dying. Would your Pack be better off if you had more support from your District Executive? If so exactly what would you like him or her to do?
  8. The 2009 Uniform Guide shows Webelos have green on tan unit numbers: http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/uniformguide.pdf The Webelos Uniform Checklist shows Webelos have white on red unit numbers: http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/WebelosUniform.pdf So what is correct?
  9. Anyone notice that the Boy Scout and Adult Male Leader Checklist mentions the forest green shoulder loops but does not mention blue loops for Cub Leaders? Someone who did not know better might buy green for Cub Leaders. http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/BSUniform.pdf I think they need one of us to do their proofreading.
  10. I was rather interested in Eamonn's "Volunteer Agenda V DE Agenda" thread. I have heard a lot of people say District Executives are forced to focus on fundraising and creating new units and do not support existing units. So for all you unit volunteers - Suppose you have the authority to hire and fire District Executives. What would you base their job performance on? What things would you look at for an annual performance review? Please give specific measurable goals.
  11. If an Eagle mill is what you want then simply get a list of Troops in your area from your cuncil office. Visit each one. Ask them how many Eagles there troop has. Those that brag about their Eagles and not much else will be the ones you want to go with. Those that may or may not brag about their eagles but tell you about their quality program are the ones you want to avoid.
  12. Ms Summer, Talk to your District Advancement Chairman on what wording would be appropriate. After all it is he that you are writing to.
  13. "The award is just a patch" I think there will be a lot of people here that would disagree. If the Scout truly beleives he earned Eagle and is willing to fight for it who cares what others beleive. It shows more character to me than giving up.
  14. >> "And even that wasn't part of his job as DAC, eh?"
  15. Ms Summer, Did your son ask the Scoutmaster and the Committee Chairman for their signatures on his Eagle application? If so you have a clear yes or no from these people. I am guessing niether are signed. To start an appeal follow this from the Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures: "All requests for appeal shall be made in writing, signed by the Scout and/or his parent(s) or guardian(s), and shall set forth in detail the reasons for requesting an appeal."
  16. You have done your job. Since you have no authority over the troop there is nothing more you can do. The ironic thing here is you may have to deal with an appeal from that troop sometime in the future. Now that would make things more interesting.
  17. What about training in neighboring districts? Have they taken any of the on-line training? Roundtables can be useful.
  18. Good luck to your son tonight. Let us know how it goes.
  19. And it is not helpful to send offensive private messages to other forum members.
  20. From the uniform inspection sheet: "Webelos Scouts have the option of wearing the oval-shaped Webelos badge by itself on the tan shirt only; or the diamond-shaped Webelos emblem along with other rank badges on either the tan or navy blue shirt; or if the Tiger Cub emblem was earned, the Webelos diamondshaped emblem may be worn on either the tan or navy blue shirt by itself and centered on the left pocket."
  21. Scorpionace, Please show me your "research" that says BSA uniforms are made in child labor camps. I would really like to know.
  22. Yes, get his Scoutnet records from the council office. Call them Monday. Get them faxed if you can. Or pick them up. You will want to make everything has been recorded and with the right date. Some units do not do a good job gettting advancement recorded. Most units will check everything for the Scout but I would not rely on these people. If there is a discrepency you don't have much time before his 18th birthday if you discover that he is short on something. I am glad he has all his "blue" cards. That will help in a discrepency. Unfortuneately you are having to do a lot of the legwork where most units would do much of this for you.
  23. They may be made in China but how do you know they are made in child labor camps?
  24. When it boils right down to it the application is what is important. Yes there is a difference in the requirements from the handbook and the application. That has always bothered me. You need to do what the application says. Since there is a dispute between your son and the Scoutmaster about Scout Spirit I would leave that date blank for now. You can add the date if and when the Scoutmaster signs the application.
  25. "So the question is....is it permitted to have an outside person attend this committee meeting? is a letter permitted? Any thoughts???" You would have to ask your unit committee. It is their meeting. It is their rules. It is not any part of any formal advancement process. I think it would be great if he were to come. Sounds like he would be a great advocate for your son.
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