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About NationalTrailEagle

  • Birthday 08/01/1971

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  • Location
    Marysville, Ohio
  • Occupation
    Payroll & Billing
  • Interests
    Camping, Cooking & Reading
  • Biography
    Earned the Arrow of Light and Eagle Scout Award, also earned the first Varsity Scout Letter in my council. Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. Experienced the Northern Tier High Adventure Base and the 1985 National Jamboree as a youth.
    Joined Pack 101 as a Tiger Den Leader in the fall of 2011 with his son Noah. Became Cubmaster in 2012. Crossed over with Noah as an Assistant Scoutmaster in January of 2016.

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  1. I am looking for a stencil of the BSA logo to use to paint on our new patrol boxes. I am thinking something in the range of 10" x 10". Any ideas, leads or places that this can be purchased without breaking the budget?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NealOnWheels


      I can probably make these. One or two colors? How many do you need?

    3. NationalTrailEagle


      NealOnWheels I just need one and it does not need any color it is a stencil only. I will be using it paint on patrol boxes.


    4. NealOnWheels


      One or two paint colors? You need a different stencil for each color. The full color BSA logo is red and blue on a white background. Or you could go with a single color in which case you would need a single stencil per box. I can make vinyl stencils. They are a one time use. So you would need one set of stencils for each box. If I know that I can estimate the cost.

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