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Nate Pack295

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    Maumelle, Arkansas

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  1. I am hoping to get some help procuring information on the history/legends of the Patrol Emblems., specifically the Indian Patrol. I have searched the internet far and wide and only found uniform wear information and pictures. To save some time below are the sites I have visited to date: http://www.scouting.org/Media/FactSheets.aspx http://www.wildrice.com/Troop339/BSpictures/PatrolEmblems/PatrolEmblems.html http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/web-den-emblem.html http://www.gilwell.com/patrolPatch/ http://www.geocities.com/~Pack215/allpatrols.doc Thanks in advance! Nate
  2. No sooner did I read your information and reply I found this link reference the red jacket and the adding of patches etc.. It is an interesting perspective on what can or cannot go on the red jacket and why. http://www.citilink.com/~blkeagle/jacshirt1.htm
  3. Thanks for the input!
  4. I am also looking for "definitive" uniform guidance on the BSA Red Wool Jackets. I have failed to find any to date. If none exists, I see no problem displaying current council, pack/troop, or temporary patches earned on the jacket, within reason of course.
  5. As others have posted I am looking for definitive uniform guidance of the Red Jackets. If none exists I would see no reason why (within reason) Council, pack/troop numbers and temporary patches could not be displayed on the red jacket. Something in the manner of the red vests the Cubs utilize. I have failed to find anything to date. Anyone else have any definitive info?(This message has been edited by Nate Pack295)
  6. All, Just found this site as I was looking for new reference sites on Scouting (specifically the Red Wool Jacket). Just started with my son in Sept '06 and ended up becoming his Den leader for Bears and now the Webelos 1 Den Leader. I am an active Army officer, really enjoying the Scouting experience thus far.
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