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Everything posted by mythreesons

  1. As a proud Army wife, I don't discuss politics with anyone but my husband, but I did want to share this: Last year, about mid-deployment to Afghanistan, my Tiger Cub and I had this conversation: "Every day when I come home from school I think about Daddy." "Really, Connor, why is that?" "Because I see his bow." Needless to say, my heart just swelled, as did the tears in my eyes (could've also been the pregnancy hormones!) I was so proud of both son and Daddy. Isn't it funny how something as simple as a yellow bow can mean so much? Uncle Sam definitely keeps our division busy and they are gearing up to head out again. Please keep our troops and their precious families in you prayers. And while you're at it, would you mind asking for some great Cub Scout leadership to take their places!!
  2. Hi all, I just stumbled across Scouter network and have been "lurking" for the past 3 hours (it's getting late!) I'm excited to be here and as soon as I get the nerve, I may even participate in some of the discussions - there are some pretty heated ones going on out there!! Anyway, I am a mom of 3 boys - a Bear, a Tiger, and a barely-one-year-old. I stepped in as Wolf den leader last year when most of our menfolk (and all den leaders) deployed to Afghanistan. I am a Bear DL this year and LOVE it! My husband is a Tiger DL. Instead of moving on to Web 1, he and I are going to co-lead (that should be interesting!) a Wolf den until he deploys again. In a million years, I would have NEVER seen myself involved in Cub Scouting - my boys, yes, but not me. Now, I can't imagine not being involved, as it has become such an important part of our family.
  3. I stuck on a piece of lightweight fabric before sewing and it worked fine. As for my Tiger sewing on the badge - he has sewn before and was excited at the prospect. Unfortunately, after a couple of poked fingers and lots of frustration, I finished it up. The badge was very hard to get the needle through and he couldn't manage a thimble!
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