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MVScouter's Achievements

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For all you skeptics, check out the Cascade Pacific's Silver Beaver Association newsletter. You will read exactly what they do, when they do it, and who are the recipients of their efforts. You will also read their mission statement, which is a segment of the Silver Beaver Assoc. creed. There are many other councils putting forth the effort. How successful are they? I can't answer that question. All that can be done is to try. How can anyone pass judgement without reviewing and analyzing how it would function and act once such an assoc. is created. As to the opinion of "another way for the Council to raise funds", just think of all of the ways Councils are doing this already. I've always felt that everything about Scouting is overpriced, but we all know why. Dues paid by the members would go back into the assoc. completely, unless the council wants its cut. To address the "scouting club" issue, I could make a somewhat valid arguement that District or Council committees are clubs from a certain perspective. Members are generally seasoned scouters who can possibly think of themselves as elevated beyond "the unit." They wear a special patch. They make decisions that effect the units. They stand in front of crowds and make announcements and speaches. They use their knowledge to benefit of other scouters. Do these attributes make them stand out? Are they special? Or are they just a part of the "team," doing specific jobs and activities for the good of all. What is the difference? What is the definition of a "club", as it pertains to scouting. Someone enlighten me. MV Scouter
Wow! It looks like another can of worms as been opened. Such negativity and scepticism. It looks like some of you guys went out of your way to view my previous posts from many years past, comments I have forgotten long ago. I don't have to defend what I wear on my uniform to anyone, and if anyone takes issue with it, that's your problem. Enough of that! Did any of you take a few minutes to stop and think what kind of positive influence a group of experienced scouters could have on scouting's youth? This would not be some "scout good ole boys and girls club". If that where you are coming from, don't give this idea a second thought. Why is there an Alumni Association, the NESA, Council Eagle Scout Associations? Do Scouts just pay their dues and brag about being a member? Maybe some do, but that is not the basis of my motivation. Those types of BSA organizations serve a specific purpose and so would a Silver Beaver Assoc. Let me give one example of how a SB Assoc. can serve the scouting youth. Why not create a Silver Beaver scholarship that can provide a scholarship to a few outstanding college bound scouters. Another example would be assist in helping inner city youth. Our council has BSA's first urban base camp. The SB Assoc. can encourage inner ciy youth to attend this base camp and partake of its programs. Perhaps you can think of other areas where such an organization can use it's talents and experience. I found at 5 other councils that already have Silver Beaver Associations, and there are probably more. Are they frivolous or unconsequencial? I can safely assume that any of those members would beg to differ with the opinions from desertrat77 or SeattlePioneer on the merits of such an organization. Let me state the obvious: Silver Beaver scouters were nominated by their peers, just like OA Vigils. They were evaluated by their actions and how they served scouting, whether it is through a unit, a district, a council, or any combination. That should answer the question distinctly. And basementdweller, if that is where you live, if I am misguided, perhaps I should give back my Silver Beaver award because I guess I just don't understand what it signifies. Ya know.
I wasn't sure if this is the correct forum for this post, but here goes. I am currently spearheading a movement to establish a Silver Beaver organization in our council (Northern Star). I have made inquiries and have contacted our council scout executive and scout professional for advancement. They are in favor of the idea. I would estimate that if we can go forward, I would anticipate upwards of 75-100 Silver Beaver scouts joining the association. Our council typically awards 20-26 Silver Beaver awards every year. I am asking anyone reading this post if they have a Silver Beaver Association in your council and if you are a member. How many members do you have? Do you have officers, such as a president, secretary, etc? How do you help your council and its youth, in what areas and in what ways? How often do you meet? Any information that could shed some light on what you do would be most appreciated. I am making a presentation to our council advancement committee this month, and I am attempting to gather information form other councils that have Silver Beaver Associations. MV Scouter
Don't the people who design the scouts shirts ever ask the scouters who wear them for their opinions? If that was remotely true, I doubt we would have seen that new Venturing shirt, which I will not buy, and the new Boy Scout shirt that a large majority of scouters did not like. The theory behind the design had its valid points, and may have been practical, but it was not appealing visually. I have an idea. Many adult scouters have multiple positions, like me. I have 3 shirts (one is Venturing). Could they design an area on the left sleeve, some kind of velcro deal, whereby you could interswitch positions patches easily? Hummmm. That may not work since you would have to velcro the patch also. Any ideas? MVScouter
What is an Alumni? If I understand the term correctly, without looking the definition up in the dictionary, an Alumni individual is a person who has belonged to an organization, such as a University, a civic group, or it could be an association with the military, but is no longer an active member of that organization or group. However, they may still lend support to that organization, whether it be financial or otherwise. So, what is a BSA Alumni? Is he or she still a registered scouter? That would undermine the definition, it its truest sense. If this is the case, why was the award created? It would be assumed that it is only meant for former BSA registered members--Alumni. Unless, the requirements are based on some other criteria that would support it being aquired by an active BSA member, why create a knot for a former BSA active member? I'm just speculating. of course. I'm just waiting on another big storm that's supposed to jump 8" more inches of snow on us. Winter is harder to stomach each year I age. (59 next month) MVScouter
Your right. The requirements will not be posted anywhere for several months. If you were to go to your local scout shop, I would bet anyone $100.00 that they would not have a clue as to what the Alumni Award is. MVScouter
I was glancing through the Scoutstuff website and I found a new BSA knot, the Alumni Award. Does anyone know anything about it. I could not find any information on it anywhere, including the National website. MVScouter
Okay, here is my post, for what it's worth. I read many of the posts on various topics and I think many readers are far too analytical and "over opionioniated" (if that is a word). I have 3 scout shirts (1 for Venturing) and I wear all 14 of my knots on all 3. Does that make me an egotist in some manner? If you want to view an "egotist" in the truest sense of its definition, just listen to any of the politicians in Washington DC. They do nothing to improve our country and only worry about their positions of power and their Swiss Bank Accounts. I have been an adult scouter leader for 10 years. I just received the Silver Beaver Award last March, so someone must think I'm an asset to my District and Council. I am in Scouting for a multitude of reasons, but primarily, beacuse of the enjoyment I get working with the youth. Unfortunately, I am not afforded that opportunity as in years past, because I have a District and Council position, but I am seriously thinking about becoming an Assistant Scoutmast again. That would mean giving up being a Unit Commissioner, but that would not be easy because I would need to find my replacement, and we are short on commissioners as it is, but I degress. So, am I a walking billboard? A Mexican General? If you knew me, then you could judge me, if that was your desire. I wear what I've earned and been nominated for. I am proud that I am a part of the best "World" organization for youth on this planet. Yes, my pride extends to my uniform, and I am not alone in that regard. Just about every other adult scouter at District and Council meetings wears all of their knots, jamboree patches, etc. also, and I see and talk to quite a few. Several times, an adult or youth will come up to me and ask, "what is that knot? How did you get it?" I politely answer them, but I also take the opportunity to ask them about what they are doing in scouting. I've recruited a few people when striking up a conversation about my uniform. Personally, I don't care what others think. I will just go about my business, that of Scouting. Lastly, this could be my last post on this forum, not by choice, but by design. Enjoy your scouting activites and events while you can. Many of us have created happy memories we will keep with us for the rest of our natural lives. All things change. Some evolve, some die away, perhaps to never return. Change is a universal constant, and drastic changes are occuring now. Will Scouting continue? I will leave you something to contemplate. Adios my scouting friends. Wes
Many in my district wear our district patch, most below the American Flag on the right sleeve. Our district patch was created by our former District Commissioner. I wear it on my UC uniform and District Committee one as well. Several other districts in our council also have district patches. I have never heard of any flack over its use. It's my opinion that our council tolerates its display since the professionals have done nothing to stop the practice. Every council differs in their policies, even when it may differ from National. I wear the patch as a matter of pride because I am very proud of my district and its volunteers who serve it. Is a District an entity unto itself? Any thoughts?
I called National Supply and spoke to a guy who had no idea what it was. Then he did a little digging (while I was still on the line) and said it was a custom badge from my council. I told him that I had read on this forum that is was available from other scout shops across the country. He put me on hold again and finally found it somewhere on his computer. He still had no idea what it was, why it was, or where it went on the uniform. I am the founder of my Venture Crew, in 2006. If this is a Centennial patch, then it must be connected to the 100 Centennial somehow. Otherwise, if not, I would speculate that any Scout that has folunded a unit can wear it. Where? Got me? Pick a spot.
Eagle: For the reasons others have stated eliquently. #2--My 2005 Chief Scout Executive Patch from the National Jamboree. I was told they only distributed 200 of them. I was one of the lucky ones. I wear it as a temporary patch on my District Committee Uniform. #3--Distinquished Commissioner/District Award of Merit. (A tie)
I was awarded the Venturing Leadership Award from my Council. What device would distinquish this?
I am not a Woodbadger yet, but as a way to raise a few dollars for my OA Chapter, I sold a bunch of those World Crest Wood Badge patches and I always sold all of them at various scouting events, usually dinners. No one complains, and there are some instances when the beads are not prudent to wear, so the patch is the identity. Yes, it's not legal, but no one has ever chastized me for selling them. As for the dark green Venturing knots, I ordered 3 for my shirt before Craig Murray was ordered to stop selling them by National. I've had several positive comments on them, as they match my shirt so much better than if they were kahki. Com'on National! Get with the program. Bring back the matching background knots.
I was just in our local scout shop yesterday and the guy I talked to said there is a new Venturing shirt coming out soon, although he didn't know when. I hope it doesn't have those stupid bellowed pockets. He did say the fabric will be the light weight blend like the new scout shirts, which I have refused to buy. I'll just keep my 2 old style ones--thank-you.
It's interesting to see how different many of the responses are. My post will be similar to many others, but I may differ in my reasons. I value the District Award of Merit as #1. I was nominated by my fellow district scouts (friends) and that has great meaning for me. #2--The Boyce New Unit Award. I was the first scouter in our District to recieve it and I was in the first Council group to be recognized. Our WD Boyce dinner will be in one month #3--Eagle Scout. That says it all #4--Distinquished Commissior #5--Vigil Award #6--American Legion Community Service Square Knot Award. I was the first in our district to receive this also. (Still the only one, as far as I know)