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Everything posted by ms1602

  1. I have been studying the alternate requirements, and trying to put them into user friendly language for the ASM's of my troop. Everything I have read has given vague advice on how to help a boy succeed with the requirements as stated- no more and no less...so they do not have to make the request for an alternative. For instance, give him more time and permit use of special aids. The only specific idea I saw was that he can use a recorder to make a list. Can anyone give me some other specific helps, especially for the learning disabled?
  2. I am looking at a great inspirational message, but am missing the 2nd page...HELP! It is called "He Is An Eagle Scout" by Goodwyn Morgan. It starts... He is an Eagle Scout. One of the few phrases that can fairly and clearly define the quality and character of an individual in just a few words... If you have the whole thing, please share.
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