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Everything posted by MrsG

  1. Thank you all for your thoughtful responses. My son is registered as as adult member of the troop and the Advancement Chair got him a knot to wear. But I've held off sewing anything on until the ECOH is over. I just feel that until we have that milestone, whenever it may be, it should be OK for him to have his youth patches. He's at college and in NROTC (he wants to be a Marine), so he really doesn't even have many opportunities to wear the Scout uniform anyway. I really don't think it would offend anyone in the troop; I just wanted a response in case the matter came up. Thanks again.
  2. I'm sorry. There were six pages of comments, and I might have missed this as I skipped a few.... My son's birthday is in December. His Board of Review wasn't until the following February. Because he was waiting for a couple of other guys in his troop to finish their Eagles (one turns 18 next month, and is still iffy), he hasn't had his Eagle COH. He wanted to have it with these two friends. Is it OK for him to wear his youth uniform to his Eagle COH, even though he'll probably be 19 by then? Some of you might take issue with his waiting so long for his COH, but I'm not going to challenge his desire to celebrate the achievement with two of his closest friends in the troop. The question here is whether it's appropriate for him to wear his youth uniform for the COH when he's long past age 18. Thanks.
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