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    Kansas City, Missouri

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  1. Thanks Bob! In answer to your first question...Yes we are a bonified official 501c3. In fact, that was our main impetus for forming our own CO. We had a few missed fund-raising opportunities due to the lack of our own federal tax ID. It only takes once or twice to miss out on 4 digit checks to get one motivated. We do not have our own facility, but have we do have permanent housing offered to us by a local church. I have never specifically asked them about the liability question, should something happen on site, but I will do so. I know they allow other outside groups to meet there and they also run an independent day care, so I imagine that they are covered for anything that happens on their property. There is no coverage on our equipment, unless there would by chance be a clause related to the church we meet in. But then again, this if for a Dance Team, if there was a fire, items lost are not going to be simply re-purchased. We own no vehicles, nor at this time, do we intend to. We rely on personal vehicles for transportation. Regarding leadership liability, I have been somewhat aware of this. To my knowledge, we aren't skirting any official policies. I know we do not currently have liability for the Board of our Chartered Org, but it is something we have discussed. Esentially, the crew feeds the "membership" of the Chartered Org. The names listed as the BOD of the CO are all long time members of the group. Essentially each member of the CO is also an integral adult member of the crew. Personal liability of the Board of the CO has been my biggest concern. I'm no lawyer, but would some sort of hold harmless agreement signed by members/gaurdians be of any use in this situation? I know that wouldn't provide a complete measure of security as those things can be circumvented, but really the extent of the risk we take with the members is traveling from meeting location to performance. We dont focus on other activities. With few exceptions, the vast majority of our members are active and are required to be primaried in their own units and then they hold a secondary registration with the Crew. Other thoughts?
  2. Its simple! You were donating your one hour a week to the Scouting Program.... In Mic-O-Say we have a similar situation to Ordeal where we spend the night away from our troop and their campsite. However, we are always with a buddy. For my night out, I had a small but rahter infected bug bite on my right calf. I had been to the health lodge earlier in the session and the staff knew about it so my "buddy" and I were brought to the front of the line so we would be the closest to camp. That was 17 years ago....
  3. I know that some groups have formed independent "groups" to become the Chartered Organization for their Scouting Units. I would appreciate everyone's input on the pros and cons of this method of chartering.... I have recently done this for our Crew, and I am curious about other's experiences. Randy
  4. He'll be fine... I went away at 16 to camp staff. My first week was a little tenuous as I learned what I had signed up for. It helped that I had friends that I cabined with and I knew some of the other staff from School, etc. Letters from home were nice the first few years and the food ladden care packages are a good way to make new friends. By my last year on staff, mom kissed me good bye and I didnt see her again until camp was over. (After 10 years of coming down for visitor's days she announced that she didn't plan to go back until there were grandchildren to visit.) When I got married, it wasn't old school friends or childhood friends that were standing next to me. They were all friends I made in my years on staff. He will have a great time and grow in ways that no one can anticipate. I wish him (and you) luck...
  5. 37 total, 5 required... Come on, everyone join the Merit Badge Mill Game!
  6. The one and only H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation in Osceola, Missouri 5 years as a Camper 6 years on Staff And now that I have a mortgage and bills, about 10 days (Once or twice a session) each summer.
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