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  1. Getting the new 2006 Cub Scout Leader Book (CSLB) printing with the yellow cover, my first question was "So, what changed?" Unable to find an answer, I did a page-by-page comparison of the new version with the 2005 printing (blue cover) for major changes. The results are posted on our District web site at: http://www.boyscouts-ncac.org/download/3487_2006_cslb_comparison_1.pdf Please let me know if you find any corrections to the file. Mike Reep Patriot District Cub Scout Training Chair National Capital Area Council
  2. While doing some web research on New Scout Patrols, I came across this great document called "First Class First Year: A Program and Tools" that provides schedules, class outlines, games and ideas for the first year. However, it appears to have been written in 1995 and does not match current rank requirements. I was wondering if anyone has seen an updated version of the document. The version currently out there can be found at: http://www.hightowertrailbsa.com/Documents/Advancement/FirstClassFirstYear%20Program&Tools.pdf
  3. I recently had some discussions with other District Scouters on the effectiveness of recruiting new Tigers in the Spring. I've listed some of the comments made below. On one side was the chance to get boys involved in time for summer day camp, allow them to participate in the Pack summer time program, let the den get started during the summer months, and get the boys started in Scouting before other activities get going. On the other side were concerns about retention since the Pack programs are not as consistent over the summer and the extra demands placed on Pack leadership by having another focused recruitment period and then supporting the start-up of new Den(s) (just as the "wind-down" starts at the end of the primary scout year). I'd like to get some feedback on how effective it has worked for other Packs who have tried it. What are the key requirements for it to work? Any special techniques you used? If it was not successful, what were the problem areas or concerns? Did most/all of the new Tigers return in the fall? Are you planning on doing it again? Thanks. Mike
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